A Boot for Work, a Slipper for Play 


A Boot for Work, a Slipper for Play.

The philosophy of picking the best tool for the job, not just using the ones at hand or sold to you by the best sales person.   It tries to be platform or brand agnostic with loyalty to the projects needs not to any one source. 

 Rules of tool choice!


Over the years the State’s MLTI program has provided computers, software and training. Last year the state provided funding for Computer Sciences allowing schools to chose between different options. You could pick between Robotics (Sphero and Lego) or Virtual World Building (Co-Spaces and Merge Cubes) with other support materials provided.  If you missed out on one of these items you can get a second chance with the next round!

MLTI Launches Teaching and Learning Technology Grant – #TeachWithTech

The Maine Learning through Technology Initiative (MLTI) is pleased to announce the launch of the #TeachWithTech grant. The grant is available to all MLTI school districts to provide supplemental technology to support teaching and learning with technology. This program aims to provide funding opportunities to MLTI educators who want to bring technology into their MLTI schools in a way that is innovative, impactful, and intriguing. From 3D Printing Laser cutters Video production equipment Audio / Podcasting equipment Robotics & Coding Kits Drones Digital microscopes & doc cameras Specialized cameras (GoPro, 360, etc.) the options are amazing!

Ag in the Classroom has a grant for schools to apply Agriculture to their instructions. Most are due August 31, but they repeat. 

Harbor Freight has a $200 grant for schools. Once you apply and show your education credentials you will receive a store gift card! 


National STEM Challenge

Wade Institute's Design Challenge

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest

NASA Tech Rise Student Challenge

A total of 60 winning teams will be selected to build their proposed experiment. Each winning team will be awarded:

Funding for Training

My school participated last year in the Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s Workforce Grant.   It allowed 20 of my fellow teachers the chance to take a course on 3D Printing from KVCC.  In it the teachers learned the basics of 3D printing and received a printer in the process.

The Workforce Grant has access to $60 million in grant funding. With business partners, they are poised to serve 24,000 Mainers with short-term training by 2025. Your school may be a Compact Members with access to The Center’s services, which include:

Video - Youtube Channels - Books

Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools is a web site which recommends the best/cheapest tools available. Tools are defined broadly as anything that can be useful. This includes hand tools, machines, books, software, gadgets, websites, maps, and even ideas. All reviews are positive raves written by real users. We don’t bother with negative reviews because our intent is to only offer the best.


Adam Savage's 

Every Tool's a Hammer: Life Is What You Make It