Level 2 - Learn from Challenge - Communication

Learn from Challenges

7th (not grade specific but age could go from 7 to 9 age range)

Communication (ESSENTIAL SKILL)  

Focus on understanding how we communicate in digital world.


For instance, my students build computer games.   They are expected to learn using self paced tutorials.  They have to search for knowledge rather than only being given it.   This is a skill set they learn while gaming which they need to use in Educational/Work field.  If they don’t know how to play they will ask, search internet for tutorials, or keep trying.  Need to help them bring this skill into their school work.  Creating lifelong learners that go find answers for themselves.

Use CS-First to create games in Scratch.  They learn the basics in Game Module then they have to make their own game that levels up, has a goal, gives instruction on game play, and change graphics.  We try not to tell them WHAT to create,  but HOW to try and  get them to create it own on.   Have to get teachers to not allow the “I don’t get it excuse” because its technology.   If give a student a game they will play it without instruction and when stumped will keep trying, look to peers for help or internet.   Yet, when given educational programs teachers will accept “I don’t get it”   We also learn computer language and how technology works.  

Asynchronously Group Robotic building.   I have the build and program robots for a robot competition (Sumo where have to stay inside ring)   They must communicate through online sources with each kid working alone in their class.   I give them a pile of parts (unlike 5th which get more detailed instruction)  with each group getting same basic robot brick (controller), motors, and wheel package.   After that they are only limited by must be a Lego (no glues, elastics, etc..)  So give them a challenge with open ended construction possibilities. 

Advancement -

Later in older grades can add higher level coding languages.   I have some coding a Minecraft module, and others coding Robotic challenges.   Website and database design are all higher level projects.   We try to add a customer so the coding has to match requirements.

Learn from Challenges gives them chance to create from their own quest to find answers.  They learn how to complete the objective by finding tutorials and training.