Level 1 - Learn from Success - Collaboration

Learn from Success

5th (not grade specific but age could go from 4 to 6 age range)


Focus on working in groups learning how to pick complementary skills and set roles.

These names can change following typical workflow for a business.

Project Leader, Safety Protocol Officer, Team Lead, etc…

The focus is helping students understand how to work with others with group members rotating (groups only change for next activity if functioning if not working stay until successful with kids)

They must change roles, work with different skill sets, and different characteristics.

Teacher assigns groups and rotations in a random order.  The project does not matter, the focus is working on roles.   A teacher can use this format from building paper airplanes to CO2 cars.

For example,  my students test pulling forces using a basic car building set with a spring balance.  They learn the flow of the work space, how to read basic manuals, and to record evidence.   They learn how inventory control gets material, master builders get manual and builds, and academic assistants fill out paperwork while acting as an observer taking pictures of work.

Once they do pulling force, friction and gear ratio tests (from simple machines from Science Curriculum)  they then compete to build the car that can pull the most weight, compete in a demolition derby and be the fastest or slowest car.   They compete against other groups in class as well as try to be top score against all other classes.   They rotate for each competition to the group they worked with to do the testing.   Assignment #1 is Pulling Forces, #2 Building Car, #3 Testing/Timing Gear Ratios.  Once done with cars move on to boat building repeating the same process to build sail, paddle, and propellor boats.   They build, test, and compete.

Fifth grade students work on TEAMWORK, by learning simple machines with each class divided into groups of three.  Students test different Simple Machines and Scientific principles to compete in a variety of competitions.   Each member assumes a role either Master Builder, Inventory Control or Academic Assistant.  For example, while learning about Newton’s Pulling Forces students decide what gear ratio will make their car go the fastest, slowest or pull the most weight.   They finish the year by building Sail, Paddle and Propeller boats.  


Advancement -

Later in older grades can add Asynchronous Groups where they are in groups but not in the same class room.   Each student builds on their own using online tools (Google Drive, Docs, and Hangouts, Chat, Email) to communicate about projects without being in the same place or time from.


Learn from Successfully working together to complete and compete.



Students will learn transferable skills of Collaboration by doing group based activities.   These process based projects will allow students to play different roles in a group dynamic.  Roles would be a 

Students will apply their knowledge gained through experimentation to apply it to competitions.