
Manufacture Application Knowledge Effort Reiteration - Grades 5 through 14

We build through our EFFORT to show we gained KNOWLEDGE that we then MANUFACTURE through APPLICATION and REITERATION.

For example,  my students build a car after they have tested gear ratios, pulling forces (Newtons), traction, and friction.  They apply that knowledge by competing in races to see who can build the fastest and slowest car.  As they progress to older grades they revisit previous projects to redesign or reverse engineer the products they did previously.   They add value to existing products and add consequences where tolerances and outcomes matter.  It is a continuum of Essential Skills and Growth.

STEAM fits these areas, focusing on processes not on the product created.

Each area will teach a mixture of Liquid Skills, also called Transferable Skills as well as Concrete Skills specific to the subject/trade.   While participating students will gain Career Awareness, be given a chance for Career Exploration, finally being their own personal Career Experimentation.

These sections will always look for how these skills / content are connected to other subject areas (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, PE, Art, Health) MAKER is not a separate subject, but one that uses all disciplines to produce and create.