As a missionary institution, the Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society envisions to create a roadmap that would form missionary priests who are first of all missionary disciples patterned from Jesus Christ as the Good Shepherd who has the "smell of the sheep" because of His unconditional love for every man and woman through an initial formation that is realized and deepened in the Lorenzo Mission Institute. It is the Holy Spirit who forms missionary priests for God's people since He "promises His people that he will never leave them without shepherds to gather them and guide them." (PDV 1). Thus, to realize this, the initial formation of candidates for the ministerial priesthood is crucial in its entirety for fostering a continuing formation of missionary disciples. The priestly formation itinerary guides the formation process of seminarians in path towards the priesthood. The Lorenzo Mission Institute creates this sequence of programs and activities to enter into sequela Christi.
The term "propaedeutic" means "to teach beforehand." This stage of formation are for those "who are fresh from the world" and "without experience of seminary" (RFSN 112) This would refer to Grades 11-12 and late vocation seminarians, and those new to LMI
The Propaedeutic Stage is a period of time dedicated to prepare candidates for seminary life. It serves as a transition from secular orientation to the initial priestly formation. (RFSN 112)
1) initiation to spiritual life: to be acquainted to the personal prayers, the love of the Holy Eucharist, the Liturgy of the Hours, and devotions; 2) providing knowledge of the self for the first time; 3) acquaintance with seminary schedule, 4) group dynamics
Fundamental Activities
1) conference on prayer; 2) introduction to the vision, history, and purpose of the Lorenzo Mission Institute; 3) introduction to Optatam Totius; 4) acquaintance with the Chinese-Filipino culture and the Filipino-Chinese Apostolate
Area of Exposure
Grades 11-12: Family Exposure during seminary breaks
Late Vocations: Seminary Exposure during seminary breaks
Trajectory of Evaluation
The focus of evaluation of propaedeutic seminarian may be the following: 1) How is his adjustment or transition from family to seminary formation? 2) How is his initial formation in the seminary? 3) what are his impressions of having entered the seminary for the first time?
The formators have to focus on accompaniment and assistance to acquaint the seminarians toward initial formation
Length of Formation
The length of formation of the Propaedeutic Stage in LMI is one-two years.
Weekends- Prayer Warriors/Chinese Language 1
Semestral Break-Family
Christmas Break- Family/Home Parish
Summer Break- Family/Home Parish
Major Areas of Formation in the Propaedeutic Stage
Human Formation
Spiritual Formation
Intellectual Formation
Pastoral Formation
greater self-awareness for personal growth and eventual decision to consider the rigors of formation for the priesthood
to provide a solid foundation for one's spiritual life and do some interior work (RFSN 133)
to be exposed to the discipline of intellectual life by engaging in various academic exercises and developing good study habits and skills (RFSN 145)
to develop self-giving dynamics within the formand in relation to others in the community, in the parish and with the local church. to be able to know the history of the Archdiocese of Manila and the Filipino-Chinese Apostolate (RFSN 145)
Expected Values
1) openness, 2) sincerity, 3) obedience, 4) joy, 5) adaptability, 6) maturity in relation with digital gadgets
Expected Values
1) habit of prayer life, 2) desire for the Holy Eucharist, 3) love for the Liturgy of the Hours, 4) growth in spiritual life, 5) orientation and fidelity to spiritual direction
Expected Values
1) diligence in study such us observance of study period, love for reading and writing and critical thinking 2) the capacity to balance human-spiritual and educational components; 3) the love and desire to learn
Expected Values
1) to be aware that the priestly ministry is a life of mission 2) the religious life is a life of service to others especially to those who are poor, 3) to be aware that LMI is geared towards missionary activity ad intra and ad extra
Areas of Concern
Basic knowledge of self and family origin
Adaptibility, tolerance, flexibility
Acceptance of others
Basic Understanding and Application of Personal and Interpersonal Etiquette
Initial formation of trust and values
Education in the proper use of mass media (RFSN 122-127)
Areas of Concern
Self-awareness of one's stage in the spiritual life
Motivational clarity
Introduction about vocation
Formation of the "sense of the sacred"
Initiation towards an understanding of sin and grace (RFSN 134-138)
Areas of Concern
Basic knowledge about the teachings of the Church
Open disposition towards intellectual formation
Effective Communication
(RFSN 147-150)
Areas of Concern
Growth in terms of personal generosity
Discovery and Development of Skills and Talents for Pastoral Ministry
Initial Exposure to Pastoral Setting
(RFSN 159-161)
This stage is all about educating the man and the disciple in a rigorous and systematic way. It is the Philosophy stage where a seminarian seriously prepares himself to study theology in configuring himself to Christ as the Good Shepherd. It is a stage of growth and search for self-identity.
1) the formation of the seminarian towards being a disciple of Jesus Christ. (cf RFSN 166) 2) to have an inner freedom and maturity (RFSN 168) 3) a solid preparation for the seminarian for the Configuration Stage or Theology (cf. RFSN 168)
Accompaniment, solid foundation of Philosophy, and motivational maturity have to be executed. On the one hand, the goal of discipleship stage is to accompany a seminarian in the conscious and free affirmation of his choice to follow Jesus in a life of discipleship. On the other hand, this stage gives special attention to human formation so that in harmony with spiritual development, a seminarian is guided to mature in his decision to follow the Lord in ministerial priesthood. (RFSN 166)
Fundamental Activities
1) Academic Conferences, 2) Awareness of the signs of the times through symposiums and talks; 3) Community interaction and leadership; 4) focus on Philosophy and the human sciences
Area of Exposure
Urban Community, Rural Community, FCCY or Filipino Youth (Filipino-Chinese Catholic Youth), Job Experience, and the Parish
Trajectory of Evaluation
The focus of evaluation of a seminarian in the Discipleship Stage may be the following: 1) How did the seminarian grow in his exposure in urban communities? 2) How did he mature in his social encounters and exposure to the environment? 3) How is relationship with formators and seminary staff? 4) How did he notice the signs of the times and how did he see his mission?
The formators have to focus on accompaniment in order to assist them in embracing a life of a disciple
Length of Formation
The length of formation of the Discipleship stage in LMI is 4 years and it does not go below 2 years.
1st Year Discipleship:
Weekends- Chinese Language 2
Semestral break- Home for the Aged
Christmas break- Home Parish
Summer break- Urban Poor Exposure
2nd Year Discipleship:
Weekends- Orphanage
Semestral break- Parish Youth
Christmas break- LRMS Parishes
Summer break- Rural Poor Exposure
3rd Year Discipleship:
Weekends- Parish Vocation Campaign
Semestral break- Human Formation
Christmas break- LRMS Parishes
Summer break- LRMS Parish (Provinces)
4th Year Discipleship:
Weekends- Parish Catechism
Semestral break- Human Formation
Christmas break- LRMS Parishes
Summer break- CPE
Major Areas of Formation in the Discipleship Stage
Human Formation
Spiritual Formation
Intellectual Formation
Pastoral Formation
growth in self-identity, to facilitate a transition from adolescence to young adulthood, from dependence on family and peers to personal independence and freedom. (RFSN 169-170)
to awaken and develop in him a sense of the sacred in life through spiritual exercises and spiritual direction, so that he could be good Christian and be able to crystallize his decision to follow Jesus Christ in the ordained ministry (RFSN 133)
to help the seminarian acquire a critical and yet, a believer's vision of reality
to appreciate that learning is an integral part of his human and vocational life
(RFSN 145)
to help the seminarian face the questions arising from his stage in life as he comes face to face with the demands of service. Pastoral exposure strengthens his self-identity and to clarify and cystallize his mission.
(RFSN 259)
Expected Values
1) the attainment of a balance between self-identity and socialization, 2) personal values develop with social virtues, 3) avoiding individualistic isolationism and enslaving social dependence, 4) integration of physical, psychological, moral, aesthetic, and ecological senses (RFSN 171-172)
Expected Values
1) dynamic discipleship like the interest in listening to the Word of God, keeping it in his heart and putting it into practice, 2) to be inspired with the spirituality of the Chinese-Filipinos, and the appreciation of the devotions included in Chinese Popular Piety, 3) openness to inculturation and dialogue, 4) the love of prayer, solitude, and traditional religious expressions (RFSN 206-207)
Expected Values
1) capacity to face intelligently whatever life he might pursue, 2) develop necessary skills, knowledge and competence required for theological studies, 3) humble and mature in understanding people's customs and cultures, 4) disciplined habits of study and reflection, facility in self-expression and communication, and the confident use of one's talents and creativity are to be developed, 5) open to events transpiring in the world (RFSN 230-238)
Expected Values
1) the seminarian gets in touch with a wide range of human experiences and get in touch with his humanness, 2) ability to nurture affective relationship with people with particular attention to family, youth, women, and the poor, 3) ability to understand the ills of society, 4) motivation to do service or work for service, 5) ability to understand and critically understand world affairs and contribute for the betterment of the world. (cf RFSN 259-265)
Areas of Concern
Self-Acceptance and Self-Esteem
Motivational Clarity
Psychological Maturity
Responsible Freedom
Social Skills
Obedience and Discipline
Physical-Emotional-Sexual-Relational Integrity
A lifestyle of Simplicity
Sensitivity to the Signs of the Times
Conscience Formation
Character Training
Critical Use of the Media and Digital Highway
Affective Maturity
Mature Capacity for Relations with Women of Various Ages and Social Conditions
(RFSN 174-189)
Areas of Concern
Individual Personal Prayer and Spiritual Development
Sacramental and Communal Prayer
Discipline and the Value of Spiritual Direction
Search for one's self-identity and purpose in life, and clarity of one's own vocation
Special devotion to the Blessed Mother, the patron saints of the LMI and the missions
(RFSN 208-213)
Areas of Concern
Intellectual growth that is manifested by a deeper understanding of people, of human experience, of the world, and of history
Ability to express oneself
Discipline in the use of Mass Media
Aware of the signs of the times
(RFSN 234-236)
Areas of Concern
Contextualized growth and critical analysis of life
Relationship with the value of the heart
Attentiveness to Chinese, Chinese-Filipino culture and popular beliefs and to see them from a mature point of view
Avail the guidance of Spiritual and pastoral Directors
(cf. RFSN 260-268 )
This stage is also known as the stage of theological studies. It is the period where the seminarian occupies all his energy and focus to configure is life to Christ who is the Good Shepherd
1) The configuration of the seminarian into the life and ministry of Christ so that he may be a true pastor after the model of Jesus Christ who is the Good Shepherd, 2) The seminarian has to become a servant-leader for Christ and the Church, 3) the development of a true missionary for missio ad gentes and missio inter gentes (cf. RFSN 280)
In the configuration stage, the seminarian has to pattern his life to Christ who is the missionary of the Father. He is to dedicate his life to the develop missionary spirituality which will create a burning desire for mission. His study of theology and missiology should instill in himself a spiritual and pastoral orientation to serve Christ and the Church. Being part of the vision of the LRMS, the seminarian should be imbued with a sense of missionary desire and perspective that is capable of serving and looking beyond the shores of the Philippines especially the Catholic communities in China and Taiwan (RFSN 166)
Fundamental Activities
1) exposure to missionary activities, 2) to be oriented with current mission work of the members of the LRMS by being exposed in their areas of mission, 3) to study missiology as an imperative to the formation of priests in the Philippines (cf RFSN 425), 4) to be exposed to the BECs and other missionary movements in the Philippines and abroad
Area of Exposure
Parishes, local communities in the Philippines which are mission stations, indigenous peoples, migrant workers, and missionary institutes and societies.
Trajectory of Evaluation
The focus of evaluation of a seminarian in the Configuration Stage may be the following: 1) How does the seminarian view the missionary activity in the Church? 2) Has the seminarian imbued the sense of missionary spirituality and missionary fervor in formation in view of his future ministry? 3) Is the seminarian oriented towards a universal mission which is cross cultural and having a missionary spirit missio cum gentibus.
In the configuration stage, the formators have to develop in the seminarians a commitment to Christ, the Church, and to mission. The seminarians have to be mentored well to be good pastors and missionary disciples.
Length of Formation
The length of formation of the Configuration stage in LMI is 4 years and it does not go below 2 years.
1st Year Configuration:
Weekends- Catechesis (option in RCAM Parishes)
Semestral break- Human Formation
Christmas break- LRMS Parishes
Summer break- BECs (option in RCAM Parishes)
2nd Year Configuration:
Weekends- Lay Movements in Parish
Semestral break- Human Formation
Christmas break- LRMS Parishes
Summer break- Exposure in Little Baguio
(First Temporal Commitment)
3rd Year Configuration:
Weekends- RCAM Parishes
Semestral break- Human Formation
Christmas break- LRMS Parishes
Summer break- 30-day Retreat
4th Year Configuration:
Weekends- Overnight Parish Exposure
Semestral break- LRMS Parishes
Christmas break- LRMS Parishes
Summer break- Preparations for OTP
Major Areas of Formation in the Configuration Stage
Human Formation
Spiritual Formation
Intellectual Formation
Pastoral Formation
the goal of the Configuration stage is thr formation of true pastors after the model of Jesus Christ. In LMI it is to develop in the seminarian the heart and mind of a missionary disciple. (RFSN 280) It is to orient and develop in the seminarian the sense of mission through inculturation, dialogue, and spirituality. It is to imbue the seminarian a glance, a taste, an experience, and a life of Chinese-Filipino and to be aware of the many cultures in the world to prepare for a wholistic missio Dei perspective
As a missionary, the seminarian has to develop the sense of universality of mission. He has to develop sense of generosity, willingness to develop a spirituality of mission; the willingness to leave home and go to proclaim the Gospel to all men and women beyond the shores of the Philippines. The willingness to die to oneself and offer one's life for the mission
to be imbued with theological and missiological preparations for future missionary assignments (cf RFSN 425) To widen the horizons of theological preparations through orientation of the Theology of Culture, Theology of Dialogue, Ecumenism, Pastoral Theology, and Inculturation.
To prepare and develop seminarians who manifest expertise in their fields
to develop in the seminarian the missionary and pastoral character. Both missio ad intra and missio ad extra the seminarian has to be a "shepherd of souls" afte the example of our Lord Jesus Christ (RFSN 447) the seminarian is also able to view the richness of the Tradition of the Church and the richness of the many cultures of the world especially the Chinese Culture.
Expected Values
1) the sense of mission and wider missionary vision of the Church, 2) ability to dialogue and approach culture with appreciation, 3) capacity to dialogue and integrate Gospel values with cultural values, 4) being able to view the richness of Church's tradition and the cultural values of people, 5) the ability to have a heart for the poor, 6) the capacity for ongoing formation after finishing initial formation
Expected Values
1) commitment to prayer and to the Holy Eucharist as the source of mission, 2) the sense of communion most especially culturally, pastorally with the poor and those in need of transformation of the Gospel, 3) commitment to celibacy and chastity for the sake of the Kingdom of God, 4) self-giving and the heart to obey superiors and those in authority, 5) a life of simplicity and detachment
Expected Values
1) the love for learning and updating, 2) the desire to take a post-graduate degree for the service of the Church, 3) the willingness to study Education, Theology, and Missiology and other areas in the Human Sciences
Expected Values
1) to develop and exercise their ministries as lectors and acolytes, 2) to exercise the leadership of a shepherd as he nears ordination, 3) develop a wider capacity of relationship with the lay movements, ministries, NGOs, people in the government and the various sectors of the society, 4) to be missionary in approach by having a broadened mind and heart. To be able to exercise inclusivity and magnanimity.
Areas of Concern
Self-giving and Self-Esteem
Wider perspective of Pastoral and Missionary activity of the Church
A life of servant Leadership
Healthy Attitude towards Authority
Love for Culture and Mission
Sense of detachment, celibacy, and Obedience
Simple Lifestyle
Areas of Concern
Expected an deeper encounter with Jesus in Formation
Expected from the seminarian a sufficient knowledge of the Sacred Scriptures and Ecclesiology to develop a profound missionary spirituality
Deepened a life of prayer and love for the Holy Eucharist as the fountain of love for mission and priestly ministry
Devotion to the Saints and love for the Liturgy of the Hours
Experience of giving recollections and retreats
Areas of Concern
Seminarians have to be prepared for the difficult task of the mission. They have to study courses on Education, Pastoral Theology, Ecumenism, Missiology, Anthropology, Psychology and other human sciences. They have to study practical studies that would be useful for missionary activity. Seminarians should instill in their minds that to graduate in Theology is not sufficient for comprehensive missionary work.
Areas of Concern
The life of servant-leader and a pastor. Seminarians should develop a life-giving and self-emptying lifestyle to develop genuine missionary spirituality.
An experience of pastoral work in many areas in the Philippines
A sufficient preparation for Overseas Training Program
Capacity for Kenosis or self-emptying
Accustomed to live in communion with people and the faithful