The Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society and Mission in Asia

Creative Missions

Asia is the birthplace of Jesus Christ. It is where Christianity was born; it is where the Church began to emerge and to shape. But the Church grew and spread from Rome to the world. As we turn a new gaze on Asia, we would recognize a new springtime of Christian life and mission in this part of the world. God continues his eternal plan of salvation in Asia and this continue to unfold through the various ecclesial realities transpiring in Asia today. The missionary fervor in Asia is undeniably evident among the local churches which contributed to new forms of missionary endeavor as well as new missionary movements among the clergy and the laity. The inspiration of the Popes provided impact on the evangelization of Asia and they continue to inspire the peoples of Asia.

1. Paul VI- Paul VI was the first pope to step on Philippine soil on November 27, 1970. His pastoral visit marked the planting of a new seed of missionary path and endeavor. In his homily at the Manila Cathedral, he desired a new zeal for mission and for the Church should happen in Asia. He expressed this to the bishops of Asia in order that the initiative for evangelization should come from the episcopal conferences. He said: “It is in order that the Church may pursue with renewed zeal her work of salvation that We have desired to take part in the deliberations of this first general Conference of the bishops of Asia.” Thus, the creativity of the bishops is important for a renewed evangelization in Asia. During his visit to the Philippines, Paul VI reminded of the duty the local church in the Philippines has for Asia and the world. The Philippines will have its share of mission in the world. He said: “Here it is Our duty to say a word about the presence and action of the Catholic Church in your midst. We do so all the more willingly from this land of the Philippines, in which the Catholic Church has for centuries been fully at home. The Church feels at home not only here but in all your nations. What she has to bring to you also, that is the message of Christ, is not imposed upon its hearers but rather proclaimed in open and friendly words.”


2. John Paul II- John Paul II said in his Apostolic Exhortation: “With the Church throughout the world, the Church in Asia will cross the threshold of the Third Christian Millennium marvelling at all that God has worked from those beginnings until now, and strong in the knowledge that "just as in the first millennium the Cross was planted on the soil of Europe, and in the second on that of the Americas and Africa, we can pray that in the Third Christian Millennium a great harvest of faith will be reaped in this vast and vital continent.” In his Apostolic Exhortation entitled Ecclesia in Asia, John Paul II acknowledged that there is a growing phenomenon about the growth of mission in Asia today through the emergence of missionary institutes and the advent of new missionary institutes in Asia is a sign of vitality of mission in Asia. The Pope wanted us to see the urgency of mission in Asia and to desire to work for Christ outside our shores. Though there may be an exigency of priests and lay Church workers, we still have to see the urgency and go to mission. He said: “In the context of the communion of the universal Church, I cannot fail to urge the Church in Asia to send forth missionaries, even though she herself needs labourers in the vineyard” (Ecclesia in Asia 44).


Asia has been a wonderful continent providing missionaries through the missionary institutes that emerged in 20th century and today. John Paul II was delighted with such exuberance for mission coming from Asia. He said: “I am glad to see that in several Asian countries missionary institutes of apostolic life have recently been founded in recognition of the Church’s missionary character and of the responsibility of the particular Churches in Asia to preach the Gospel to the whole world” (Ecclesia in Asia 44). The Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society finds its importance and rationale if one speaks of missionary vocation of the church in Asia. The Philippines has much to contribute after receiving the Christian faith for more than 500 years. John Paul II desired that countries in Asia that do not have yet missionary societies of apostolic life, should have one. He said: “The Synod Fathers recommended “the establishment within each local Church of Asia, where such do not exist, of missionary societies of apostolic life, characterized by their special commitment to the mission ad gentes, ad exteros and ad vitam” (Ecclesia in Asia 44). Sending missionaries outside the Philippines should not worry us for lack of personnel at home. The Pope continued to exhort: “Such an initiative is sure to bear abundant fruit not only in the Churches which receive the missionaries but also in the Churches which send them (Ecclesia in Asia 44).


3. Second Plenary Council of the Philippines- The Second Plenary Council in the Philippines which was convened in 1990 has an enormous inspiration for the existence of the Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society. The Council envisions a local church that forms missionary disciples not only for the dioceses in the Philippines but for Asia and the world. In its acts and decrees no. 109, the Council expressed its hopes to develop and support the missionary efforts related to the evangelization among the Chinese communities. It mentioned three important elements: first, the Second Plenary Council calls for effective evangelization among the Filipino-Chinese communities. It describes a “vast field of mission related to the Filipino-Chinese Apostolate.” In its review and statistics, they said that 20% percent of the Chinese in the Philippines have had effective evangelization. Second, the Second Plenary Council urges us to consider missions outside the Philippine shores especially to East Asian Chinese Communities which includes the People’s Republic of China. With the wider intention of missio ad gentes, the Philippines has a specific missionary vocation to these communities which the Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society has generously been part of the task. Third, the Second Plenary Council urges the local church in the Philippines “to provide encouragement, support, and personnel to this important mission.” The Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society welcomes priests and seminarians to join in its thrust of missionary work both in the Philippines and abroad.


4. Pope Francis’ Missionary Hope- On the occasion of the celebration of the 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines, Pope Francis expects that the Philippines will be more responsive to the spiritual needs of Asia and the World. He calls on the local church in the Philippines to be bearing more fruit by bringing the Gospel to peoples beyond its shores. He desired that the Philippines would persevere in its mission of proclamation. He said: “On this very important anniversary for God’s holy people in the Philippines, I also want to urge you to persevere in the work of evangelization — not proselytism, which is something else. The Christian proclamation that you have received needs constantly to be brought to others. The Gospel message of God’s closeness cries out to be expressed in love for our brothers and sisters.


Part of the missionary vision of Pope Francis for Asia is the preservation and affirmation of local cultures. Cultures are sources of missionary fervor for without local cultures there will be no local churches. Thus, part of mission is the service of the Church to acknowledge and appreciate local cultures. The Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society is product of the local cultures in the Philippines both Filipino-Chinese and the wider mainstream of Philippine society- the Filipinos. The handing on of local customs and traditions also belong to the young. As young men take their seminary formation, their youthfulness is a treasure that provide much impetus for missionary adaptation and inculturation. Pope Francis remind the Asian youth: “The Asian continent, imbued with rich philosophical and religious traditions, remains a great frontier for your testimony to Christ, “the way, and the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6). As young people not only in Asia, but also as sons and daughters of this great continent, you have a right and a duty to take full part in the life of your societies. Do not be afraid to bring the wisdom of faith to every aspect of social life!” The existence of the Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society is already a concrete sign of the task and desire of the local church in the Philippines as well as the vision of Pope Francis for the local churches in Asia. Therefore, missionary vocations have to promoted in order for the local cultures to be evangelized and purified by the Gospel. Pope Francis continued to say: “As Asians too, you see and love, from within, all that is beautiful, noble and true in your cultures and traditions. Yet as Christians, you also know that the Gospel has the power to purify, elevate and perfect this heritage.”