Lorenzo Mission Institute

The Home of Missionary Formation of the Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society

The Lorenzo Mission Institute is one of the concrete signs of the vibrancy and dynamism of the church in the Philippines. It fulfills the expectations of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines which dreams to be a church that is constantly in mission. When John Paul II visited the Philippines, he spoke to the Bishops saying: "there is no doubt about it: the Philippines has a special missionary vocation to proclaim the Good News, to carry the light of Christ to the nations." The Second Plenary Council of the Philippines reminded us that "while it is true that the Church has a mission towards Philippine society, it has also a very definite mission to the other peoples of Asia" (PCP 107). Thus, the vast field of mission related to the Filipino-Chinese Apostolate where less than 20% of the Chinese in the Philippines have had some effective evangelization (cf PCP II 109), the Lorenzo Mission Institute is a response to the presence of Filipino-Chinese and Chinese-Filipinos in the country, to the thirst of authentic evangelization, to the expectations of a missionary Church, to the continuing legacy of the fathers and founders of this apostolate, and to the dream of a missionary path that would lead towards a local church pursuing missio ad gentes.

Ratio Nationalis 425

"PCP-II (Second Plenary Council of the Philippines II) higlights the role of teh Philippine Church be the foremost missionary in Asia. NPInside LMI CCR (National Pastoral Council on Church Renewal) echoes the same urgent call by including Missio ad Gentes among its pastoral priorities. Rolled into one, it is a call for the Philippine Church to become a Church-in-Mission. But for this to happen, missionary formation of future priests is indispensable. This requires that Missiology should be an integral component of the theological formation of future priests. As such, all major seminaries and school of theologies should offer courses on Missiology."

For More Information and Discernment,

Make a call and write:
Msgr. Noly A. Que, LRMS
Fr. Mark Lemuel Tibay, LRMS
Vocation Director
Lorenzo Mission Institute
EDSA, Barangay Guadalupe Viejo, Makati City, 1211 Philippines
Tel. +63 (02) 88958855 local 450

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lorenzomissioninstitute/