School Waste Systems

Everyone in the school is aware of our waste practices.

One of the first changes we made when we became a Wastewise school was to remove all external rubbish bins. This ensured that all waste was properly separated in he classrooms and staff room.

Our classrooms all have the following waste systems in place.


All classes have a large green or grey container for recycling. This is kerbside collection exactly like we have at our residential address.

Up to date recycling guide

Soft Plastics

All classes should have a plastic bag for collection of soft plastics. A child or the teacher should take this to a local supermarket for recycling.

The rule is "if it can be scrunched into a ball easily it is soft plastic recyclable'

Find out more here


Each class has a yellow container for class bokashi. Bokashi can take ALL food scraps including cooked food and meat. Do not add liquids or oils to bokashi.

Each group of 3 or 4 classes add their class bokashi into a larger bin each day.

Please ask if you are unsure where your class bokashi should get emptied.

Landfill Jar

The class landfill jar can be a glass or plastic jar. It should be clear so that items can be easily seen.

Most class waste can be recycled. However mixed medium items, elastic bands or items too small for recycling should be added to your jar.

Bin signs

Signs for bins around the school


Information about waste