New to Milford - what should you know?

At Milford we have spent many staff meeting gathering resources and proof that we are able to meet the reflection level of Green Gold - here are a few of the documents that we have gathered our ideas on.

Enviroschools Key Areas Milford School Evidence

The 4 P's

Programmes, Place, People & Practices - in this staff meeting we found areas in our school that met with each of these criteria

Milford School Enviroschools Journal


In the Year 2018-2019 we collated evidence in an online journal to show what we had been learning in classes - prior to this we recorded all of our learning in 'hard-copy' journals.

Milford School Care Code 2018

Milford School Care Code

We have developed a care code with staff and students. This should be displayed in all classrooms. This is updated every couple of years so that it stays accurate for Milford School.

Trifold brochure Milford School - Final

New Families Brochure

In 2019 as part of a teacher inquiry, this brochure was developed to give to new families. It is to inform them of our sustainable practices at Milford as well as the guiding principles of Enviroschools and what they can do to help us continue to progress along our pathway to even greater sustainability.

If you are unsure about waste processes at Milford School - please visit this page on the website or have a chat with one of the friendly teachers in the staff room. They all know what to do!