Empowered Students

Empowered Students are enabled to participate in meaningful ways in the life of their school. Their unique perspectives are valued for the knowledge and insight that they bring, and they are supported to take action for real change.

Milford School has an Enviro Group for children in Year 3-6. Every Year these children run projects at school and take ownership in creating new initiatives/spaces for everyone to enjoy. Below are some of the projects that the Enviro Group has organised in recent years.

Urban Ark

Students attended a workshop about how to create an urban ark. They then presented this at a staff meeting

Small pieces of rubbish are being washed down our drains. What can we do to stop this?

What to do about small pieces of rubbish around the school. Real Life Problem Solving

Water Sensitivity

The Enviro Group had visitors from the Auckland Council teach them about water sensitivity, this lead on to Milford School being donated water collection barrels

How to look after our school environment

What small changes can we make to improve our school environment?

New Signs

Enviro group ran a competition to design new signs for around the school

Fair Trade Awareness

In 2019, Enviro Group learnt about Fair Trade, this lead to a Whole School Fair Trade event

Enviro Project 2020

Our caretaker was having trouble mowing the steep slope down to the lake, Enviro group came up with a solution


Enviro Group investigated different ways to produce power. This lead to the school getting Solar Panels

There are often children at Milford School who independently lead initiatives or take action - either by approaching the principal or leading change in the community.

Here we share some of our empowered students.

Children running an initiative encouraging our community to bring in blankets and pyjamas for those in greater need than ourselves.