Training handouts and information

*2024-25 Training calendars*

2023-24 Training calendars

MNCoE Virtual Training Tips

MNCoE continues offer live, virtual training options for practitioners.

We are planning a variety of opportunities to listen, share, reflect, and collaborate during each of our live, virtual training events. 

Check out the short video and zoom tip sheet below to learn more about what to expect.

MNCoE Virtual Training Tips

MNCoE Virtual Training Tips CC.mp4

MNCoE Virtual Training Tips

Zoom Tip Sheet.pdf


A HUGE thank you to all of the teams who shared experiences, resources, and reflections during the retreat!!

EQIP STATEWIDE 24 Retreat Save-the-date (1).pdf

EQIP Guide 1 Handouts

EQIP Guide 2 Handouts

EQIP Guide 3 Handouts

EQIP Guide 4 Handouts