V1460 Her


CRTS J162117.3+441254 is a CV star that is identified as "confirmed IP".  With the use of iTelescope, a service allowing the the public to use telescope from the internet. Two software programs called V star and Perason were used to determine the light curve, period, and frequency of V1460Her. NASA found that the period for this CV was 149.4mins, while we calculated 155.52mins (second harmonic). 

Light Curve and iTelescope Plan

All 50 images were obtained from iTelescope (T21).

Period Analysis 

Peranso on the left and Vstar on the right.

Settings for Period Analysis

Peranso setting on the left and V star settings on the right

Period vs. Time

The graph below includes AAVSO and our data on V1460Her. We tried to find three periods, but when using the data we were able to find two periods past the date 06/17/2023. We decided on choosing two periods we thought would be enough data to see if the period is changing over time. We ended up only finding two periods that were obvious to our eyes. In the graph below shows the change in period of V1460Her from 2016/06/13-2016/06/19. On AAVSO and our data, we did a period analysis of each date to find the periods and error range. 

Phase Plot


V star setting were 48 (min), 300 (max), and a resolution of 1. Peranso setting were 48 (start), 300 (end), and 2000 (steps). 

Our Data