Potential Source List

The table below shows all of the IP candidates with two star or lower on the Nasa IP Catalog. We used Peranso to pull data from AAVSO on each IP candidate. The green color represents the periods we found that match one or more of the periods listed on the Nasa IP Catalog. The yellow represents Stars validated by AAVSO but no data has been collected yet. Orange represents IP candidates that have some data collected but not enough or were taken at very different dates. The IP candidates that have white as the background on the right side have a period that doesn't match or is not obvious at all. We used a low period analysis ranging from 1/60 hours and 10/60 hours and a high period analysis ranging from 2 hours to 10 hours. All of the measurements have been converted to days as it is convenient when using Peranso to check the periods. Some of our IP candidates don't have a low period or a high period due to the period analysis not having an obvious period.

Nasa IP Catalog Periods