T Pyx


We used iTelescope Network of Telescopes to observe T Pyx from Siding Spring Observatory ( Australia ) on 6/16/23, 6/18/23 and 6/26/23. The data we gathered gave us a strong belief that what we were looking at was an IP.  We collected a total of 88 images. We used V filter and a 180 sec exposure time.

38 images

30 images

20 images

Light Curves 

Below are the light curves of each set of images taken on different days. Each set used a 180s Exposure time and are  using V filter.

38 images

30 images

20 images

Period Analysis (Power vs Frequency)

Below is the period analysis ( Power vs Frequency) of each set of images. Each image set has an exposure time of 180s, they all used the V filter and had a Frequency Range of 48-300.

38 images

30 images

20 images

Period Analysis (Power vs Period)

Below is the Period analysis (Power vs Period) of each set of images. Each set used a period Range of 0.005d (High) and 0.02d (Low).

38 images

30 images

20 images

Phase Plots 

38 images

30 images

20 images

Combined Data

Below is the light curve, Both period analysis (Frequency and Period), and the phase plot of all 88 images after averaging out there magnitudes (Brightness) to make them match on the graph vertically.

Light Curve

Period Analysis (Power vs Frequency)

Period Analysis (Power vs Period)

Phase Plot

Period Data

The spin period according to Catalog an Atlas of Cataclysmic Variables the period of T Pyx is 0.0762229d. We found a period of  0.076844d.

Above is the significance analysis that is made using the chart to the left. We found that we have a False probability of about 31.8% and a 10.9% that our observations contain different period than the one we found.

The images above use all of our Data collected.We used lomb-scargle GLS on Peranso and found a period of 0.009092d. our significance analysis had a false period probability of 70.1%, and a 0% chance to find a different period in our observations.

Above we have the period analysis after deleting the periods and preforming a cleanest. This Period analysis is using all of the images combined.

Period Vs Time analysis

The Graph above includes AAVSO data on T Pyx and it includes our data we took. We tried to find 5 periods but when using the data from AAVSO, we were not able to find any obvious periods past the date 01/01/2015. We decided on choosing 5 periods, we thought it would be enough data to see if the period is changing over time. We ended up only finding 3 periods that were obvious to our eyes. In the graph above shows the change in period of T Pyx from 08/21/2013 to 06/26/2023. On AAVSO we did a period analysis of each date to find the periods and error range. We found that the error range was at a high 0.00001d and the lowest was 0.000006d. To determine the date that the period would be at on the graph we found the amount of days per observation group, divided it by 2 and added it to the starting date of the observation set. On the graph above the error bars are there but they are too small to see.

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