Research Notes

Countless hours went into observing and analyzing which allowed us to use softwares such as itelescope, Peranso, AstroImageJ, Stellarium to create our light curves and period analysis's. Excel was extremely helpful to store AstroImageJ sequence analysis and was capable of running the calculations needed to determine relative magnitudes, statistical magnitudes and then average magnitudes for hundreds of pictures. By increasing our knowledge of these programs and the algorithisms that go into them and the analysis process, we are far more prepared for future research in the field of Astronomy. Discovering new insights into the cosmos and the unknown. Many late nights allowed us to really appreciate the effort that goes into Astronomy and the countless generations of sacrifice which have brought us to where we are today. From overlapping two hands and making a "hand made" telescope, too seeing the comsic microwave background. We wouldn't be here today if it were not for those before us, and it is our repsonibility to continue the journey. Exploring beyond our own planet is one of the the unique abilities of humanity that seperates from our ancestors. Attemping to understand our origins and predicting our future is the most philisophical endering trait we as humans have. Without asking why, we are nothing more then concentrated carbon here one day and gone the next.

1. Choose object of interest (magnitude is key to know if you can see it). Choose one if minimum info to potentially gain new insights.

2. Learn when its obervarble (stellarium but isnt perfect)

3. Do flats then test different binnings and exposure times to get ideal pcitures. Get several hours of sequences of images.

4. Have those images autosaved then next day upload them and view them using AstroImageJ. Flip through them all, after having them all opened by series. Delete the poor pictures before creating your excel table and collecting data.