MHS Capstone Requirements: Graduation
Meeker School District Graduation CApstone Requirement
Students qualifying for Capstone Project will be identified at the conclusion of their Junior Year
Each qualifying student will be assigned to work with a Career & Technical Education Teacher to meet the following requirements.
Students are not limited to the information identified below, however, these are the minimum requirements.
Student will present their completed Portfolio by May 1st, with all final changes requested by the graduation advisory board re-presented no later than 10 days prior to graduation.
Student must receive an 80% or better on the Capstone Project in order to pass / graduate.
If any part of the Capstone Project is plagiarized, a student will not graduate.
A student may Choose to Create either a
Hardcopy or Electronic Portfolio
Hardcopy Portfolio
The portfolio is a collection of materials used to document and illustrate the work of the project.
A decorative and/or informative cover may be included.
All materials, include the content divider pages and tabs, must fit within the cover, be one-sided, and may not contain more than 46 pages.
Portfolio must be neat, legible, and professional.
Correct grammar and spelling must be used.
Electronic Portfolio
An electronic portfolio may be either in PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi or other electronic format that can be viewed by the evaluators prior to the oral presentation.
Participants assume the responsibility of providing the technology used to show the evaluators the project.
Portfolio may not exceed 47 slides as described above.
Portfolio must be neat, legible, and professional.
Correct grammar and spelling must be used.