GPA & Weighted Classes

Use the information below to understand GPA Calculation for MHS Weighted & Unweighted Courses

Un-weighted gpa

Percent grades submitted by the teaching staff shall be converted to a letter grade. Letter grades shall have the following percent and numerical equivalents based on the 4.0 grading scale.

weighted gpa

Grade point average calculations shall use the following 5.0 scale for specified Meeker High School courses.  The 5.0 scale shall only be applied to letter grades earned in AP classes and certain concurrent enrollment classes.  The specific list of classes for which the 5.0 scale applies is listed below.  The 4.0 scale shall be used for all other classes.

Table of Weighted Classes (Proposed) at Meeker High School

Valedictorian / Salutatorian

1.  For a student to be considered for valedictorian or salutatorian, that student must be enrolled in seven Meeker High School classes during both semesters of his or her senior year.

2.  The student(s) with the highest class rank, based on GPA, will be valedictorian. When more than one student holds the numerical "one rank," all students holding the rank will be declared co-valedictorians.

3.  The student(s) with the second highest class rank, based on GPA, will be salutatorian.  When more than one student holds the numerical "two rank," all students holding the rank will be declared co-salutatorian.