Trees Needing Deer Protection

From early fall into winter, deer tend to rub and scrape their antlers against trees in order to remove the velvet from their antlers. Bucks may also rub trees during the mating season to attract females or to mark their territory. This activity can cause significant damage to the tree's vascular system.

The young trees mapped below are vulnerable to deer rubbing due to their location in areas where deer are likely to visit. Other young trees have not been included since they are located in areas where deer are not likely venture, for example inside the court quadrangles.

Summer 2018

These trees have been identified by arborist Ken Hutz as needing protection from deer rubbing. Some already have protective netting around them and some do not.

Editing the Maps

The maps can only be edited by the owner ( or those given an invitation to edit. Contact the email below if you want to edit or need more information.

Data has been updated on July 18, 2018 by jdb.

Google My Maps - Trees needing deer protection

Medford Trees needing deer protection in Google My Maps

The purpose of the My Map is to enable work in the field by:

  1. Enabling use on a device like an iPhone with a GPS where it can show the user's location on a map in relation to the recorded trees.
  2. Enable editing in the field. Data fields (Height, DBH, etc.) as well as photographs can be added to the My Map.

Note that the Google My Map includes a layer for the Grids. This layer can be toggled on and off from the map Legend.

Google Maps - Trees needing deer protection

Medford Trees needing deer protection in Google Maps

Google Sheets (Spreadsheet) - Trees needing deer protection

Medford Trees needing deer protection Spreadsheet

Google Earth - Medford Trees needing deer protection

Google KML file for Medford Trees needing deer protection.

Click here for instructions on how to vew Google KML files in Google Earth on smartphones and tablets, in Chrome browser, or on desktop version of Google Earth Pro

Photos of the trees needing deer protection

Google Photo album of trees needing deer protection