Data Formats

Originally the arboretum records were kept using formal database software (Microsoft Access) but we now use a standard spreadsheet (Google Sheets - although it could be any spreadsheet), the concept of a database table still apply. A database table is composed of records and fields that hold data.

Data is stored in records. A record is composed of fields and contains all the data about one particular item in a database. In this database, a record contains the data for one particular tree. Records appear as rows in the database table.

A field is part of a record and contains a single piece of data for the subject of the record. Fields appear as columns in a database table. Data in a field for the trees database will include things like Common Name, Latin Name and most importantly location data.

Ideally every tree (or other items in different databases) should have its own record with its own unique ID number.

This section describes the various formats that are used to store and access Arboretum data.

Access Database

The original electronic database for arboretum trees from 2005 was kept in a Microsoft Access database. Real database software like Access (as opposed to a spreadsheet, like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets - which is what we are using) would be ideal for record keeping in the arboretum. Database software has more functionality than a spreadsheet, however Medford Leas decided not to continue using Access for two main reasons. First, most people who do have Microsof Office products, usually do not have Access, it is only part of the Pro version which costs more. Second, while spreadsheets are relatively intuitive and easy to learn how to use, databases are not so easy to learn and use.

GIS Software

In 2009, when we started trying to do more with the database, we wanted a way to not only keep track of the data (in a database or spreadsheet), but also a way to show it on a map. GIS Software is a very good way to do this. At that time, we started using a relatively low cost comercial product called Manifold. This worked well, but again had two main problems. First, the only ones who could use it were peole who had a license, which although relatively inexpensive was over $200. Second, as with database software, there was a steep learning curve.

The premier GIS Software vendor is ESRI and their products are used in governments, colleges and universities and in industry. Many large arboreta use ESRI GIS software, and it would certainly work well for Medford Leas, but would take a committment of money and expertise which does not exist at present. ESRI has a free version of its ArcGIS, which we have tried, but are not currently using.

A free and open source version of GIS software is now available called QGIS. Perhaps Medford Leas will pursue this in the future.

Google My Maps

Google My Maps is online software and an Android App that allows the user to create and share custom maps. The user can add points, shapes and routes. These additions can be done manually or by importing a spreadsheet.

Because the resolution of the underlying satellite map is so good and up to-date, it is easy to identify an individual tree and place a marker on it from anywhere - at your desktop computer or in the field with a mobile device. The significant thing is that you don’t have to rely on the built in GPS in your phone for accuracy. The end results are as good as that obtained with commercial grade GPS equipment.

Google My Maps is a form of GIS (Geographic Information System) software in that it contains location information (latitude and longitude) as well as what’s called attribute data about each item. In fact the Google My Map includes a data table with records and fields as described above.

Google My Maps can be embedded in a web page and/or shared with a link to the map. They can be viewed in a web browser or through the Your Places menu in Google Maps.

Google Maps

Google Maps is online software as well as Apple iOS and Android Mobil Apps that are primarily used for finding business and locations and then navigating to them.

Unlike Google My Maps, Maps does not lend itself to creating maps or collecting data about items such as trees in the arboretum.

The primary use of Google Maps for the arboretum is to display Maps that have already been created using Google My Maps.

CSV, Google Sheets and other spreadsheets

As mentioned above, either a formal database or GIS software would be the ideal product to use for record keeping in the arboretum, spreadsheets are the next best choice. They are ubiquitous, easy to learn and provide most of the functions that are needed. Spreadsheets by Mircrosoft (Excel), Apple (Pages) and Google (Sheets) are similar and it is easy to convert a spreadsheet created in one to another. For now (2019), we are using Google Sheets because Google accounts are available to all Medford Leas residents and staff and because they are ideal for use on virtually any platform and they are easy to share.

A CSV file is a universal bare bones spreadsheet with the values (columns) of each row separated by commas. A CSV file can be opened in any spreadsheet and any spreadsheet can be exported to a CSV format.


Keyhole Markup Launguage (KML) is a markup langage ( both human-readable and Machine-readable) which is used to record data about geographical locations, lines and shapes. KML was developed for use with Google Earth and has become an international standard. KML files are used for both inputs and outputs of Google's My Maps, Maps and Google Earth, as well as other GIS software.

The arboretum is using MyGeodata Converter in order to convert KML files to CSV files which can then be used to create a spreadsheet.


GPS Exchange Format (GPX) files are very similar to KML files. The information that is contained in a GPX file can include waypoints, tracks and routes. GPX is also a standard format and is used by many commercial and consumer GPS devices.


Shapefiles are similar to KML and GPX files in that they represent location and other information about points, lines and polygons. However, shapefiles use a digital vector storage format, that is not human-readable like KML and GPX files are. One can look at a KML or GPX file in a text editor and understand what they are describing, however a shapefile would appear as gobbledygook.

Shapefiles were developed by ESRI in the early 1990s as a mostly open specification for data interoperability among ESRI and other GIS software. Since ESRI software is the defacto standard, many files that you might want to use in another product (for example Wetlands or Land Use information) are only available in a shapefile format.

For just keeping track of trees in the Barton Arboretum, shapefiles would be unnecessary, however if we wanted to show the trees superimposed over Land Use information (like "CONIFEROUS WOODED WETLANDS," or "MIXED DECIDUOUS/CONIFEROUS BRUSH/SHRUBLAND"), they would be required.