Pinetum Trees

Project to map and identify trees in the Pinetum (This project is ongoing)

In the Pinetum, many trees are unidentified, do not have signs and most do not have numbers for the database. Beginning in the Summer of 2018, we began the project to identify and document these trees. Once all the trees are identified we will incorporate them into the main Tree Database.

Data has been updated on July 18, 2018 by jdb.

Google My Maps - Pinetum

Pinetum Trees - Google My Maps

The purpose of the Pinetum My Map is to enable work in the field by:

  1. Enabling use on a device like an iPhone with a GPS where it can show the user's location on a map in relation to the recorded trees.
  2. Enable editing in the field. Data fields (Height, DBH, etc.) as well as photographs can be added to the My Map.
  3. When completed, the My Map can be used for residents and visitors to enjoy the Pinetum.

Note that the Google My Map for the Pinetum includes a layer for the Grids. This layer can be toggled on and off from the map Legend.

Google Maps - Pinetum

Pinetum Trees - Google Maps

Google Sheets (Spreadsheet) - Pinetum Trees

Pinetum Trees Spreadsheet

Google Earth - Pinetum Trees

Google KML file for the Pinetum Trees.

Click here for instructions on how to vew Google KML files in Google Earth on smartphones and tablets, in Chrome browser, or on desktop version of Google Earth Pro

Google Photo Album of the Pinetum Trees

Photos of the Pinetum Trees