Using the Grids to Collect Data

Grids on the Medford Campus

Sometime in the 1990s, Gordon Clift a Medford Leas resident who was active in Arboretum record keeping, developed a system of grids based on the spacing and layout of the Court Apartments. The centerline of each courtyard determines the lines which are then extended to cover the whole of the Medford campus. The result is sixty-two grids measuring 220' x 220'.

The Medford Leas tree database includes the grid location of each tree. Knowing the grid the tree is located in makes it easier to find the tree given a map of the grids. Surveying the trees in the arboretum is easier to do by surveying a grid at a time rather than doing it randomly. Volunteers can each be assigned a grid to check and update information about the trees located in that grid.

Click here to see screenshots of each of the grids.