March 9th TIGER TALK
March 9, 2025
Hello and Happy Sunday,
We hope that you have adjusted to losing an hour of sleep this weekend! But on the bright side, it means Spring is right around the corner.
Here are a few updates of what has been going at CES in the past week:
Our Math Counts team competed in their state competition at KVCC this weekend and placed 3rd in the state! Amazing! And Poppy placed second in the individual competition so she will be heading down to the national competition in Washington DC in May (we'll be cheering you on!!!). Great job to all of our competitors (Poppy, Harrison, Anthony, and Shreya) and also to Coach Joel.
Incoming Freshman and their parents visited the high school last Thursday to hear all about what they should expect as they move along to the high school. Exciting!!!
Congrats to our Jazz band that had a performance at the high school last week.
Officer Elias has been helping the "un-plugged" class with pre chair construction techniques by testing out the sturdiness of cardboard. (I helped with one group and standing on the cardboard is not as easy as it looks!!!)
Congrats to our 5th and 6th grader Great Maine Book Tournament Teams. The book club was open to all interested 5th and 6th graders at a weekly lunch group. These students planned out how to ready 15 books and quiz each other on characters, settings, and the book authors. The 6th grade team has moved on from the district level of Kahoot competition and will shortly compete in the Downeast division. The 5th grade team was less than one question behind. Updates on the next round will come out shortly. Read more about the Great Maine Book Tournament here: https://gmbt.my.canva.site/#past-kahoots
This week in grade 7, students engaged in a hands-on mapping activity to explore major human migration patterns throughout history. Working in groups, they analyzed different migration periods and added movement patterns to a large floor map, using colors and symbols to represent key trends. Through this interactive experience, students deepened their understanding of the reasons people move—both voluntary and forced—and how migration has shaped societies over time. This activity encouraged critical thinking, collaboration, and meaningful discussions about the push and pull factors that drive human movement across the globe.
Last week in seventh grade social studies students engaged in hexagonal thinking, a strategy that helps them visualize complex systems and make connections between different components. Using chocolate and agricultural systems as a model, we identified aspects of chocolate production that might cause harm—such as deforestation, unfair labor practices, or pollution. Each group received hexagonal whiteboards and markers to map out the various elements of a product that their group identified. They then used hexagonal thinking to brainstorm alternatives—such as sustainable farming practices or ethical sourcing—and analyzed the positive and negative consequences of these changes. This hands-on activity helped students understand how different systems interact and how small changes can have wide-reaching effects. It encouraged them to think critically about real-world problems and explore innovative solutions!
MC's class learned about energy and created their own chain reaction machines using found objects.
In Mrs. Pottle's second grade we are studying Properties of Matter. This week we talked about the properties of solids by examining different types of crackers. Then we had a taste test to see which was the favorite cracker. Cheez its won!
PE Ropes and Mats was super fun. We hoped all the students enjoyed this PE unit. One of my favorite things about this week are the students who give it their all, climb the big rope, and ring the bell to the cheers of their classmates. Thank you Mr. Dionne and Ms. Jolley!!!
We have a volleyball team! Well, technically we are part of the district team, but how awesome is this! Thank you Ms. Hanna for all your hardwork in getting this program off and running.
We also want to give a big CES welcome to Naomi McIssac who will be the long-term sub for Mrs. Keene while she is out on maternity leave.
Thank You: A huge shout out to our kitchen crew that treated staff to a "Taco 'Bout a Great Staff" taco bar on Friday before our professional development work. We seriously have the best cafeteria crew!!! And thank you to the businesses that donated prizes and auction items to the Bingo Night.
School Building Update: It was an exciting week here with steel beams being erected by a giant crane. Foundation for a few of zones are being finished soon so we can expect to see more of the "skeleton" being put up in the next few weeks.
PTSA Update: We had a great time last Thursday night at our Bingo and Mac & Cheese Cook Off! Thank you to everyone who attended, played Bingo, brought food, and bid on the Silent Auction items. (Also a big thank-you to the school custodians, and to our fabulous Bingo MC - Mrs. Nicholson!) The Silent Auction raised $720 for our CES Cares program! We would like to thank these generous businesses who donated items to the Auction: The CAT Ferry, Santa's Village, Jefferson NH, The Acadia Shops, Jordan's Restaurant, Jack Russell's Steakhouse & Brewery, FishMaine Restaurant Group (Bar Harbor Beer Works, The Fish House Grill, CherrySTONESRestaurant, One Off Pub), and Bingo prizes donated by: Mount Dessert Bakery.
Last but not least - CONGRATULATIONS to the Mac & Cheese Cook Off winners: a tie between the team of Sophia & Addie, and the team of Ellery & Bella! Great job!
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
No School on 3/14 (District PD for teachers/staff)
Early Release Day on 3/21 @ 12:30pm
School Spirit Day on 3/21: Dress as a Rock Star
Parent-Teacher Conference Week March 24-28 (info coming out soon)

Emerson Cheerleaders will be hosting more cheer clinic fundraisers. Not only are we looking to help raise money towards the cost of cheer camp, but we are hoping to provide an activity that can help keep kids busy in the afternoon of early release days.
On March 7th we are inviting CES students in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade to join us in a "CHEER BASICS" clinic. This would be an introduction to basic moves and cheers, ideal for students with limited to no experience but excited to try.
The clinic will begin at early release dismissal where students can head up to the gym and end at 3pm. Students should bring a water bottle, sneakers and wear comfy clothes they move around in. This is a donation-based fundraiser.
If you are interested in signing up your student or have questions please reach out to Coach Becca 207.266.5140
Please help support our 8th grade fundraising efforts to go to Adventure Bound rafting this spring. Tickets are $15 each (you could win a prize a day!!!) and can purchased from a current 8th grader, email Ms. McConomy at keely.mcconomy@mdirss.org, or call Taylor to put you in touch with one of our 8th graders. We appreciate your support and of all the community businesses that donated to our raffle. Thank you!!!
Camp Beech Cliff’s Early "No-Hassle" Registration Process Has begun! Now thru MARCH 10, 2025.
There is no need to rush to submit your registration when the process begins in March. The registration website will open for ten days of early registration. During this initial registration period, the registration site will require families to indicate their level of preference for each camp selected. A registration fee will be applied and required to submit your registration requests. This fee will be returned if your camper does not receive a space at camp.
After those 10 days, the early registration period will close and the registration site will be taken offline for several days as we process all the registration requests. For any programs/weeks that receive more requests than space will allow, placements will be made using the following criteria:
Has the family indicated that the week is a high priority?
Has the camper already secured other weeks at CBC this summer?
For very full programs, CBC wants as many children as possible to have the opportunity to experience camp.
Does the camper have a sibling already enrolled in the same week?
Whenever possible, CBC wants to make it possible for families to send their campers to CBC on concurrent weeks.
Are the camps balanced?
When all criteria are accounted for, spaces in oversubscribed camp programs will be assigned by lottery.
After early registration closes, enrollment will be confirmed with families within a week. Statements reflecting the weeks secured and deposits due will be included with the registration confirmation. The registration website will re-open as normal once early registration confirmations are sent out. Any registrations received after March 10th will be on a first-come basis and all waitlists will be in place.
The Starburst program and select specialty camps will most likely be in high demand. If your camper is applying for only high demand programs, weeks may be limited.
Camp families requested a less manic registration process and we have done our best to serve you within the parameters of our systems. Please do not hesitate to call (207) 244-0365 if you have any questions.
We invite you to help shape the future of education at AOS 91 by participating in our Vision of a Graduate session. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and community members to share their vision for what skills and attributes our students should have when they graduate. Your input will directly influence how we prepare our students to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Come share your thoughts on the workforce of tomorrow, the pace of change, social intelligence, and more. Let’s work together to ensure that MDIHS students are ready for success! We hope to see you there! Your voice matters.
Monday, March 3rd -Conners Emerson School Library - 5:30 pm
The BH School Committee monthlyh meeting is at 4:30 pm in the library as well.
March 2nd TIGER TALK
March 2, 2025
Hello and Happy Sunday,
We have lots to share with you this week. One thing I have been thinking about is how lucky we are to live in an area with so many educational partnerships. From the rangers of Acadia to Billy Helprin at Somes-Meynell this week, our students have the opportunity to have engaging place-based learning experiences.
Here are a few updates of what has been going at CES in the past week:
On Feb. 12th, we held the school speech contest and it did not disappoint! A shout out to all the 7th and 8th graders this year who produced wonderful pieces that they shared with their classrooms. A congrats to those that made it through the classroom rounds to the school contest: Marguerite, Otto, Finn, Blue, Caroline, Ellen, Miranda, Nayelli, Bri, Poppy, Kaya, and Lilou. Drumroll please.... congrats to Blue who won and will represent CES at the district competition along with the runner up.
8th grade went to Somes Pond for Frozen Classroom where students took dissolved oxygen at different levels of the pond, ice fishing, campfire with smores, and shelter building.
Grade 1 had a visit from an ANP park ranger that talked about animal and habitat adaptions that ties in with their current ELA unit.
Ropes and Mats continue to be everyone's favorite PE unit.
Ms. Ryan's "un-plugged" class has been tasked with engineering cardboard chairs that will hold Mr. Fournier! Nice work!
Second grade scientists: Before vacation, second grade scientists mixed solids and liquids and then attempted to separate them. When we mixed salt and water and then filtered the water, we thought we had been able to separate the two but our scientists soon realized that since some of the salt had dissolved into the water, they were not able to completely separate the two. We poured some of the salt water into the petri dishes. We covered one and left the other uncovered. After we returned from break we saw that some of the water had evaporated, leaving salt crystals behind! The water that was covered did not evaporate but you can still see some salt crystals around the edges.
First graders also had fun with some new sleds and second graders made "snow icecream" with some new outdoor recess toys.
Show Choir has a successful show (albeit a few minutes late...) at the high school on Friday. Their production of Labrynth is nothing short of amazing. A huge thank you to Miss Sonia and Courtney for all of their hardwork and dedication to make this show top-notch.
Mrs. Mountford's class has been doing a lot of building from trying to stabilize wet sand to constructing stable tall towers and 3-story buildings.
Grade 6 spend some quality reading-buddy time with grade 1.
8th graders are still selling raffle tickets for their white water rafting class trip in May. We appreciate your support!
Thank You: A huge shout out to Mr. Dionne and Ms. Jolley (and their middle school helpers) for staying late 2 weeks in a row so that our students could have some super fun extra Ropes and Mats time.
School Building Update: A giant crane will be arriving in the next few days along with our first shipment of steel. Beams should be going up shortly. Students on the construction side of Conners have had a blast watching the concrete being poured and leveled. Interesting stuff!
Chess Club: Grades 2-6 can sign up for Chess Club on Thursday afternoons 3-4pm. More info and sign up here. (Space is limited.)
PTSA Update:
Bingo Night & Mac&Cheese Cook Off: On Thursday March 6, 5:30-7:30pm, please join us at CES for "Bingo Night & Mac&cheese Cook Off." There will be bingo prizes, a Silent Auction to support our CES Cares Program, and Tiger Gear for sale. Silent auction items to include: Round trip for 2 people plus a vehicle on The Cat, tickets to Santa's Village, and local restaurant gift cards. Bring a pan or crock pot of Mac & Cheese to participate in the Cook Off. Salad & Dessert donations also appreciated! (See flier below for more info.)
CLYNK for Classrooms! Introducing our "CLYNK for Classrooms!" PTSA program! An easy way to support our school while recycling for our planet! Here's how it works: Sign up on this CLYNK for Classrooms! order form to receive pre-tagged CLYNK bags. Pre-tagged CLYNK bags will be delivered to your student at school (via their homeroom teacher's school mailbox). Fill the CLYNK bags with returnable cans & bottles and return them to your closest CLYNK receptacle at Hannaford. The funds raised will be used for various CES PTSA events to support teachers, staff, students, and community! For more information & instructions for CLYNK recycling, visit www.clynk.com. Thank you for your support, and thank you to homeroom teachers for their help with this program! CLYNK for Classrooms! order form
ISO Sneakers & Mittens/Gloves!
ISO Sneakers! (little kids size 13-4) We are collecting donations of little kids size 13-4 sneakers (new, or clean & gently-used) for our nurses to provide to CES students. Donated sneakers can be placed in the bin labeled "Mitten & Glove Donation" by the main office. AND we are still accepting mittens/gloves (new, or clean & gently-used).
Next PTSA Meeting: March 4, 3:15-4:15pm (more info here)
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
Ropes and Mats afterschool 2/25-3/6 in the gym. Sign up here and space is limited.
Vision of a Graduate discussion in the CES Library on Monday, March 3rd 5:30-6:30 (I'll bring snacks!)
Step-up night for incoming freshman on March 6th from 6:00-7:30 (for parents and students)
Bingo/Mac 'n Cheese Night on Thursday, March 6th 5:30-7:30
Rangeley overnight ski trip has been moved to mid-March. Sign up here and space is limited.
Early Release Day on 3/7 @ 12:30pm
No School on 3/14 (District PD for teachers/staff)
Early Release Day on 3/21 @ 12:30pm
Parent-Teacher Conference Week March 24-28 (info coming out soon)
Mixing solids and liquids in grade 2.
4th graders writing in their nature journals for Oceans class with Miss Karlee.
Please help support our 8th grade fundraising efforts to go to Adventure Bound rafting this spring. Tickets are $15 each (you could win a prize a day!!!) and can purchased from a current 8th grader, email Ms. McConomy at keely.mcconomy@mdirss.org, or call Taylor to put you in touch with one of our 8th graders. We appreciate your support and of all the community businesses that donated to our raffle. Thank you!!!
February 23rd TIGER TALK
February 23, 2025
Hello and Happy Sunday,
We hope that everyone had a great February vacation. Whether you went somewhere a little warmer or had an awesome "stay-cation" in Maine, we hope you were all able to have fun and stay healthy. Speaking of healthy, we had quite a bit of students and staff out sick before the vacation with flu-like symptoms, respiratory illnesses, and a few cases of Covid. If your child is experiencing any symptoms such as excessive coughing/sneezing or a fever, please keep them home and/or contact our school nurses.
Here are a few updates of what has been going at CES in the past week:
Fifth grade had a great day out on the ice at Somes Pond for their Frozen Classroom day. Students learned how to icefish, make a shelter, and heard outdoor adventure stories around the campfire. The highlight of the day was when a large bald eagle swooped onto the ice and stole one of the fish that a student had caught. Wow!
Grade 1 has some special visitors from the ANP coming to visit them tomorrow.
Grade 4 went sledding before vacation at the Stone Barn. It was a little chilly but that didn't stop our sledders from having fun and getting outside.
Grade 4 also collaborated with Kindergarten on a song and musical piece. It turns out that Kindergarten was learning to sing the same song that the 4th grade band was learning to play! I have added the brief video below (hope it works...)
Valentine's Day was in full swing at CES last Friday. Many students sported the colors of love from red to pink to white and enjoyed valentines swaps and treats. We also had a secret staff "wear blue" to celebrate Mr. Fournier's birthday. Check out some of the fun pics!
Is your child a chess player? If so then March is the month for them!!! Here are two local opportunities for them to play:
On Saturday, March 8th, local Chess teacher Ezra Sassaman will lead an Intro to Chess Workshop for kids and adults who want to learn how to play the game and also for those who know the basics but want to learn some new tricks. For more information or to sign up for this free event visit Intro to Chess Workshop - LibCal - Northeast Harbor Library.
On Friday, March 14th, we will host the “No School Friday” Chess Tournament. The event is open to ages 4-104 and includes several different sections (or mini-tournaments) based on a player’s ability from novice to advanced. This tournament is also great for beginners because we will give out participation medals to all in the two novice sections plus other prizes for top finishers in each section. For more information see flyer below.
Thank You: A huge shout out to our custodians who have continued to dig us out of all this snow and ice!!!
School Building Update: The foundation is being poured. There will be more sub-contractors on site which means more traffic congestion near the end of the driveway.
PTSA Update:
Bingo Night & Mac&Cheese Cook Off: On Thursday March 6, 5:30-7:30pm, please join us at CES for "Bingo Night & Mac&cheese Cook Off." There will be bingo prizes, a Silent Auction to support our CES Cares Program, and Tiger Gear for sale. Silent auction items to include: Round trip for 2 people plus a vehicle on The Cat, tickets to Santa's Village, and local restaurant gift cards. Bring a pan or crock pot of Mac & Cheese to participate in the Cook Off. Salad & Dessert donations also appreciated! (See flier below for more info.)
CLYNK for Classrooms! Introducing our "CLYNK for Classrooms!" PTSA program! An easy way to support our school while recycling for our planet! Here's how it works:
Sign up on this CLYNK for Classrooms! order form to receive pre-tagged CLYNK bags. Pre-tagged CLYNK bags will be delivered to your student at school (via their homeroom teacher's school mailbox). Fill the CLYNK bags with returnable cans & bottles and return them to your closest CLYNK receptacle at Hannaford. The funds raised will be used for various CES PTSA events to support teachers, staff, students, and community! For more information & instructions for CLYNK recycling, visit www.clynk.com. Thank you for your support, and thank you to homeroom teachers for their help with this program! CLYNK for Classrooms! order form
ISO Sneakers & Mittens/Gloves!
ISO Sneakers! (little kids size 13-4) We are collecting donations of little kids size 13-4 sneakers (new, or clean & gently-used) for our nurses to provide to CES students. Donated sneakers can be placed in the bin labeled "Mitten & Glove Donation" by the main office. AND we are still accepting mittens/gloves (new, or clean & gently-used).
Next PTSA Meeting: March 4, 3:15-4:15pm (more info here)
Have a great rest of your vacation and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
Ropes and Mats afterschool 2/25-3/6 in the gym. Sign up here and space is limited.
Step-up night for incoming freshman on March 6th from 6:00-7:30 (for parents and students)
Rangeley overnight ski trip has been moved to mid-March. Sign up here and space is limited.
Vision of a Graduate presentation on 3/3 at 5:30 in the CES Library
Early Release Day on 3/7 @ 12:30pm
No School on 3/14 (District PD for teachers/staff)
Beautiful Day for the Frozen Classroom!!!
Fifth graders perfecting their wind turbines in Science w/ Mr. Cote.
Science Olympiad Team at the awards at Harvard!!!
Alternative PE classes when you can't use the gym. Thank you middle school helpers!!!

4th graders sledding at the Stone Barn.
It is that time again when we have they gym open after school for students to get more of their wiggles out, swing like Tarzan, and just have fun with friends. Space is limited and there is a suggested donation to help fund new gym mats. A huge thank you to Mr. Dionne and Ms. Jolley for making this possible!
Overnight Ski Trip to Rangeley
The outdoor club is hosting a downhill skiing trip for March 1-2. The trip is open to any 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from beginner to advanced skiers (you don't have to be currently or recently involved in the outdoor club - this trip is for all!). This will be an overnight trip, in collaboration with Rangeley Lakes Regional School - we will get to meet their outdoor club and will campout on their gym floor. We'll also get to do some sledding and/or snowshoeing with them.
The deadline to sign up is Monday, February 24th. We need a minimum of 12 participants to run the trip, and we are also looking for a few chaperones. Sign up here:
MDI middle school volleyball will start on Tuesday, 2/25/25 after the break. Practices will be at Tremont Consolidated School on 2/25, 2/26 and 2/27 3:30 - 5:00 pm. Please find the complete volleyball schedule below: Feel free to share with parents!
What: Girls Who Code (a cool coding club)
Where: Jesup Library
When: Wednesdays 3:15-4:30
To sign up and/or get more information, you can email gwcbarharbor@gmail.com
Come learn to code and change the world... Join a Girls Who Code Club!!!
The Girls Who Code Club encourage making an impact in your community in a positive way. In order to build the skills you need to make an impact, you will learn how to code from our fun online tutorials and activities that will help you build animations, games, apps, and other things that you dream up ! We have tutorials in Scratch, Python, Swift, HTML, CSS, and JavaScripts. Where you're a beginner or a computer master, you're invited to join the movement!!!
2/14 Dance at MDES has been cancelled.
We will collect any and all donations in a box outside of the Conners office.
February 9th TIGER TALK
Concert Cancellation Notice
It is with great regret that we must cancel both tonight and tomorrow night’s concerts. This decision was not made lightly, as we recognize the immense effort our students and their music teachers have put into preparing for these performances.
Unfortunately, we have seen high rates of illness this week, with up to 15% of our student population home sick today, along with many staff members. Many are experiencing symptoms such as stomach pain, coughing, congestion, and upper respiratory infections. Additionally, several students and staff members have been diagnosed with Influenza A and pneumonia.
With vacation approaching next week, our priority is the health and well-being of our students, staff, and community. Hosting a large indoor event under these circumstances poses too great a risk of widespread illness (200 students singing towards an audience of 400+).
We will be vigilant in keeping common areas of the school sanitized and reminding students to wash hands. If your student is showing any symptoms of illness, please keep them home. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Nurse Melissa.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
February 9, 2025
Hello and Happy Sunday,
Reports cards were mailed out last week. Please let Miss Taylor know if you don't receive them by the end of the week and/or if you need to update your mailing address.
The winter concerts have been rescheduled for:
Grades 1-4 on Tuesday, February 11th at 5:30 pm
Emerson music concert on Wednesday, February 12th at 5:30pm
The grades 1-4 concert will be a bit tight in the gym so we do implore you to keep your guest list a little on the smaller side and carpool if possible so that all families can comfortably enjoy the show. We will have police helping with traffic. Parking will be tight so we suggest dropping your child off at the Emerson doors before finding a spot. Overflow parking is available at Kids Korner and the hotel across the street. We appreciate you patience and flexibility!
Here are a few updates of what has been going at CES in the past week:
We had our 100th day of school last week and first graders (and a few second graders) really got into the spirit of the day! We had numerous students dressing like they were 100 years old!!!
Fifth graders headed to COA last month to learn about how to interview through a Human Interest Project. Students interviewed a whole host of volunteers and honed some pretty important skills. Thank you all of the parent and community volunteers that helped make this day happen.
Fifth graders are also heading to the Frozen Classroom on Somes Pond tomorrow. Can't wait to hear about this adventure!
Our basketball teams played their hearts out with both A boys and A girls going to the playoffs and the boys making it to the final . Great job to all of our tiger athletes, their coaches, and our amazing cheerleaders too!!!
The Science Olympiad team had a great showing at Harvard last weekend. They were able to test out their projects and gets some important pointers before the state competition next month.
We have a Badminton Clubs and Classes with 7th and 8th graders on Wednesdays. Word on the street is that it is getting a little competitive... Will have to check this out.
Speaking of Clubs and Classes, Ms. Hanna's Kindness 101 heading over the Birch Bay on Friday afternoon to play boardgames and make cookies with the residents. Love it!
Thank You: A huge shout to the community business sponsors that donated prizes to our 8th grade raffle. We appreciate you!!!
School Building Update: Foundation work is almost done is all zones. We should see some steel beams going up pretty soon!
Summer School: Though there is snow outside, it is time to think about Summer School. We have a vibrant summer school program that is offered at the Trenton Elementary School for 4 weeks over the summer. Please check this link: MDIRSS SUMMER SCHOOL 2025 for more information. Here are the dates/themes:
July 7-July 11 - Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales (older students will do adapted tales)
July 14-18 - Space
July 21-25 - Seasons
July 28-August 1 - Safari Animals
PTSA Update:
CLYNK for Classrooms! Introducing our "CLYNK for Classrooms!" PTSA program! An easy way to support our school while recycling for our planet! Here's how it works:
- Sign up on this CLYNK for Classrooms! order form to receive pre-tagged CLYNK bags.
- Pre-tagged CLYNK bags will be delivered to your student at school (via their homeroom teacher's school mailbox)
- Fill the CLYNK bags with returnable cans & bottles and return them to your closest CLYNK receptacle at Hannaford
- The funds raised will be used for various CES PTSA events to support teachers, staff, students, and community!
For more information & instructions for CLYNK recycling, visit www.clynk.com. Thank you for your support, and thank you to homeroom teachers for their help with this program! CLYNK for Classrooms! order form
ISO Sneakers & Mittens/Gloves!
ISO Sneakers! (little kids size 13-4) We are collecting donations of little kids size 13-4 sneakers (new, or clean & gently-used) for our nurses to provide to CES students. Donated sneakers can be placed in the bin labeled "Mitten & Glove Donation" by the main office. AND we are still accepting mittens/gloves (new, or clean & gently-used).
Thank you, and please help spread the word! Also: shout-out to our wonderful nurses who are ALWAYS looking out for the needs of our students!!
Next PTSA Meeting: March 4, 3:15-4:15pm (more info here)
Cheer Clinic: The Emerson Cheerleaders will be hosting our 3rd annual Cheer Clinic fundraiser on Monday, February 10th, 3-5pm in the Emerson Gym. We invite students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade who may be interested in cheering in the future to join us and get a glimpse of what it is like to be an Emerson Cheerleader. Participating students will need sneakers, water bottle and comfy clothes they can jump around in. To RSVP, please text Coach Becca with your student's name and grade. 207-266-5140 Funds raised will go towards the cost of attending the NCA Cheer Camp at Husson College this summer.
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!! (Go Eagles)
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
February 10th Cheer Clinic from 3-5pm for grades 3-5th
February 11th @ 5:30 is gr. 1-4 winter concert
February 12th @ 5:30 is Emerson music concert
February 14th is a spirit day: Red, White, and I Love You (wear red, pink, white, purple, and the colors of cupid)
February vacation is February 17-21
February 2nd TIGER TALK
February 2, 2025
Hello and Happy Groundhog Day,
Reports cards will be mailed out either Monday or Tuesday of this week. Please let Miss Taylor know if you don't receive them by the end of the week and/or if you need to update your mailing address.
The winter concerts have been rescheduled for grades 1-4 on Tuesday, February 11th at 5:30 pm and the Emerson music concert on Wednesday, February 12th at 5:30pm in the Conners Emerson Gym. We will have information on our best places to park as the dates grow closer. The grades 1-4 concert will be a bit tight in the gym so we do implore you to keep your guest list a little on the smaller side so that all families can comfortably enjoy the show. We appreciate you patience and flexibility!
Student really enjoyed the snow this week. We did have a few days it was too cold to go outside for recess. Please remember to send your child to school with warm winter clothing so they can enjoy their time outside!
Good luck to Ms. Mackay's Science Olympiad Team. They are at Harvard University in Boston this weekend for a regional competition. This will help them get ready for states and hopefully nationals!!! Our young scientists have worked hard for months preparing for their individual and group competitions. There are also a lot of adults helping behind the scenes which is so appreciated!
Our Math Counts Team took third in their Math Counts Chapter competition last week (Poppy, Harrison, Shreya, Anthony, and Sarah). With this amazing finish, the team has qualified for the state competition in March at KVCC in Fairfield. Great job mathematicians and thank you to their amazing coach Joel Graber.
Here are a few updates of what has been going at CES in the past week:
Fourth graders developed teamwork and communication skills while playing Omnikin in PE classes.
Seventh graders have moved to Social Studies for semester 2. In the first two days, students practiced a mirroring activity to develop empathy and active listening skills which are essential for discussion circles. These circles are central to the curriculum, emphasizing civil discourse and respectful collaboration. By learning to understand diverse perspectives, students build the foundation for meaningful dialogue and civic engagement.
In Art class, 7th graders used the kiln to create thematic mugs.
Before switching to their new rotational special, 8th graders celebrated teh end of the Health rotation by learning how to make a tasty treat: fruit pizza.
Science Olympiad team is very busy working on their individual areas from chemistry to physics to biology. Lots of time and hard work go into the preparation for the state competition coming up in the next few months.
Grade 4 finished up their Biome unit and had parents come in to see what it was all about.
Fifth graders are heading to the Frozen Classroom on Somes Pond later this week. Can't wait to hear about this adventure!
3 of our CES cheerleaders are using their Clubs and Classes time to mentor 3rd and 4th graders interesting in learning more about this exciting sport!
We had two great playoff games against Sumner last week. Our tiger b-ball players and cheerleaders brought the house down! Hope to see you at the next game!
Thank You: A huge shout out to our volunteers and chaperones. We couldn't do all the amazing things we do for our students without you!!! Cameron, Miss Sonia, Miss Umphrey, Ms. Sirois, and Spencer all help with the basketball games. Mr. Newman takes pictures. We had a whole bunch of parents helping at the dance in addition to Ms. Hanna, Ms. Schmitt, Ms. McConomy, Dave Tomlinson, and Miss Sonia and Mr. Granholm for setting up the audio. Takes a village!
School Building Update: Foundation work is ongoing. Zones 1 and 2 are almost done (nearest Conners). Zones 3 and 4 (by Shady Oaks and Emerson) should be finished by mid-February. After the foundation work, steel beams start to be erected. They are also "probing" the driveway area and near Emerson. Exciting!
Summer School: Though there is snow outside, it is time to think about Summer School. We have a vibrant summer school program that is offered at the Trenton Elementary School for 4 weeks over the summer. Please check this link: MDIRSS SUMMER SCHOOL 2025 for more information. Here are the dates/themes:
July 7-July 11 - Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales (older students will do adapted tales)
July 14-18 - Space
July 21-25 - Seasons
July 28-August 1 - Safari Animals
PTSA Update: Next PTSA Meeting: Tuesday February 4, 3:15-4:15pm (more info here)
ISO Sneakers & Mittens/Gloves!
ISO Sneakers! (little kids size 13-4)
We are collecting donations of little kids size 13-4 sneakers (new, or clean & gently-used) for our nurses to provide to CES students. Donated sneakers can be placed in the bin labeled "Mitten & Glove Donation" by the main office.
AND we are still accepting mittens/gloves (new, or clean & gently-used). Thank you, and please help spread the word! Also: shout-out to our wonderful nurses who are ALWAYS looking out for the needs of our students!!
CES CARES update
The Conners Emerson PTSA would like to thank everyone who donated to our CES CARES program over the holiday season! Because of your generosity, the school nurses were able to distribute $4000 in grocery store gift cards to some of our wonderful CES families who could use a little helping hand over the winter months. We’d also like to thank everyone who helped spread the word about CES CARES. We are so grateful for the support of this fabulous community!
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
February 7th is and Early Release Day @ 12:30
February 7th Girls and Boys B B-ball teams to Swan's Island (Hey Fionn, which team will you be playing for???)
February 11th @ 5:30 is gr. 1-4 winter concert
February 12th @ 5:30 is Emerson music concert
February 14th is a spirit day: Red, White, and I Love You (wear red, pink, white, purple, and the colors of cupid)
February vacation is February 17-21
The Emerson Cheerleaders will be hosting our 3rd annual Cheer Clinic fundraiser on Monday, February 10th, 3-5pm in the Emerson Gym.
We invite students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade who may be interested in cheering in the future to join us and get a glimpse of what it is like to be an Emerson Cheerleader.
Participating students will need sneakers, water bottle and comfy clothes they can jump around in.
To RSVP, please text Coach Becca with your student's name and grade. 207-266-5140
Funds raised will go towards the cost of attending the NCA Cheer Camp at Husson College this summer.
January 20, 2025
Hello and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day ,
Reminder that there is no school on Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Teachers will be finishing up report cards and getting ready for semester 2. We will see you on Thursday!
Report cards will be mailed at the beginning of next week. We can't wait to share with you on all the progress your child is making!!!! Please update your address with Miss Taylor if you have recently moved. If you do not receive your child's report card by the week of February 3rd, please contact the office. Students with over 10 absences will be receiving an insert in their report card with the number/percentage of days absent and an absence letter if you have not already received one.
We had a blast on Friday with the Dress as a Student/Dress as a Staff member day. Please check out the pictures below; they are hysterical!
Here are a few updates of what has been going at CES in the past week:
Seventh and eighth graders are starting their speech unit. Students will be working hard on constructing a well-written speech after researching their topic then presenting it to their ELA classes. The top speeches will then go to the school competition and the top two from the school head to the district competition.
PE classes are knee-deep in floor hockey. I was watching a few epic matches with 6th graders the other day.
Our Science Olympiad team is very busy working on their individual areas from chemistry to physics to biology. Lots of time and hard work go into the preparation for the state competition coming up in the next few months.
Clubs and Classes options for 7th and 8th graders have changed. Students are participating in sessions such as wood burning, Spanish, Art Hub, cooking, and more. These sessions are designed to be an alternative to study halls and help build relationships between students and staff/students.
Fifth graders are heading to COA on Friday to work on their interviewing skills for an upcoming project.
Middle school girl basketball recognition night happened last week. It is so wonderful that our players are recognized for their hard work on the court and get excited about the possibility of playing in high school.
We love to celebrate what our tigers are doing outside of what we offer at school. Great job to Blixa who competed in the Plastic Fantastic Bouldering Competition at Volta Climbing Gym. Wow!
Thank You: A huge shout out to Miss Taylor and Miss Susanna who will be hand stuffing over 350 report cards next week! We appreciate you!!!
School Building Update: Foundation work is ongoing. Zones 1 and 2 are almost done (nearest Conners). Zones 3 and 4 (by Shady Oaks and Emerson) should be finished by mid-February. After the foundation work, steel beams start to be erected. They are also "probing" the driveway area and near Emerson. Exciting!
Summer School: Though there is snow outside, it is time to think about Summer School. We have a vibrant summer school program that is offered at the Trenton Elementary School for 4 weeks over the summer. Please check this link: MDIRSS SUMMER SCHOOL 2025 for more information. Here are the dates/themes:
July 7-July 11 - Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales (older students will do adapted tales)
July 14-18 - Space
July 21-25 - Seasons
July 28-August 1 - Safari Animals
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
January 21st and 22nd are teacher workshop days: No school
January 31st 6-8 dance at CES 7-9pm
February 7th is and Early Release Day @ 12:30
February 14th is a spirit day: Red, White, and I Love You (wear red, pink, white, purple, and the colors of cupid)
February vacation is February 17-21

We have a vibrant summer school program that is offered at the Trenton Elementary School for 4 weeks over the summer. Please check this link: MDIRSS SUMMER SCHOOL 2025 for more information. Here are the dates/themes:
July 7-July 11 - Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales (older students will do adapted tales)
July 14-18 - Space
July 21-25 - Seasons
July 28-August 1 - Safari Animals
January 12th TIGER TALK
January 12, 2025
Hello and Happy Sunday,
The winter concerts have been rescheduled for grades 1-4 on Tuesday, February 11th at 5:30 pm and the Emerson music concert on Wednesday, February 12th at 5:30pm in the Conners Emerson Gym. We were unable to find an alternative location, but we are confident our shows will be amazing. We will have information on our best places to park as the dates grow closer. The grades 1-4 concert will be a bit tight in the gym so we do implore you to keep your guest list a little on the smaller side so that all families can comfortably enjoy the show. We appreciate you patience and flexibility!
The end of the first semester is Friday, January 17th. Report cards will be issued the week of the 27th.
Here are a few updates of what has been going at CES in the past two weeks:
This week in second grade we learned about seed structure through building models of different kinds of seeds. Then we discussed how each seed structure helped it to disperse and the the different shapes made each seed move in its own unique way.
During choice time in Mrs. Mountford's room, students made block owls, learned about bird beaks at the discovery table, experimented with oil pastels, and made baby owls from natural materials.
Who can build the tallest tower that will holds tennis ball - using only plastic straws, masking tape, and ingenuity?? Just ask the second graders working with Ms. Mackay.
Buddy readers with grade 3 and Mrs. Dyer's room. Love it!
PE is building skills to play floor hockey. The younger grades do this by playing "pillow polo".
8th graders wrote poems about the Declaration of Independence. Check out a few of their submissions below.
Thank You: A huge shout out to our tiger athletes who are rocking it lately!!! We appreciate your dedication and sportsmanship. Great job. We also have many tigers that have started basketball or cheering for the first time this year which is absolutely amazing!!! Sports are so much more than winning a game.
School Building Update: Foundation work is ongoing. Zones 1 and 2 are almost done (nearest Conners). Zones 3 and 4 (by Shady Oaks and Emerson) should be finished by mid-February. After the foundation work, steel beams start to be erected. They are also "probing" the driveway area and near Emerson. Exciting!
Friday Family Fun Nights Return to Camp Beech Cliff: Beginning this Friday, January 10th from 5-7:30pm, Camp beech Cliff welcomes families to join us for Climbing with CBC Belayers, open gym time, board games, and food and snacks for sale (pizza, popcorn, snacks). Family Fun Nights will occur every Friday night through March 21st, with the exception of February 21st.
Cost is $5 per participant (participants include anyone utilizing the climbing wall, or CBC recreation equipment and materials).
All Children must be accompanied by an adult throughout
If possible, we request all participants fill out the online waiver in advance of their first time.
For More information visit //www.campbeechcliff.org/climbing-wall
Vacation Camp Registration is now open for 2025!
Kids on a break from school still need to be challenged and engaged. At the request of our local working parents, we offer camps during the February break and April break.
Activities: Camp days (9:00 am - 4:00 pm) may include arts & crafts, archery, snowshoeing, ice fishing, hikes, climbing & more. Exact activities vary based upon current weather and staff specialties but campers will be outside a good deal of the day. Rest assured campers will have a full day!
Winter Break Camp 2025, February 17-21
Spring Break Camp 2025, April 21-25
Cost: $55/day
For More Info and to register visit: https://www.campbeechcliff.org/school-vacation-camps
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
Spirit Day on 1/17 Dress as a teacher/staff member or Dress as a student
January 17th is the end of the first semester
January 20th is MLK Jr. Day: No school
January 21st and 22nd are teacher workshop days: No school
January 31st 6-8 dance at CES 7-9pm
February 7th is and Early Release Day @ 12:30
February vacation is February 17-21
January 1st TIGER TALK
January 1, 2025
Hello and Happy New Year,
We hope your family had a fun and relaxing holiday. Below are a few pictures of the exciting week we had heading into the vacation. Students finished up units, had class parties, a pajama day, a very ugly sweater day for the staff, and the ho-ho-holiday runway show for students. Shout outs to Otto, Vera, Ms. Cuthbertson, and Sophia for some pretty amazing holiday fashions!
We are working on rescheduling the winter concert and will get you that information soon. Thank you for your patience. With the construction, there really isn't any parking and we know that even without construction, parking was an issue. We are working on getting a new venue and know the concert will be amazing.
Our sports teams are doing great! Thank you to our wonderful coaches; they are really amazing. And our tiger athletes are going great as well. Please come check out one of their home games and help our awesome cheerleaders get the crowd going. Super fun.
Thank You: A huge shout out to 2024. It was a great year full of learning, friends, and fun. We can't wait to see what 2025 brings!!! And a thank you to the PTSA and all that donated to the CES Cares fund. Holidays are expensive, whether we are talking food or gifts. We sincerely hope that the donations made helped CES families have a festive holiday season.
School Building Update: Concrete and foundation work are on the schedule. We hope the drilling and blasting are completed, but we may have a few more before this phase is over. Ms. Sweeney's fourth grade decorated hard hat and high-vis vest sugar cookies and delivered them to the construction workers before leaving on break. According to the workers, they were both adorable and delicious...
NEXT PTSA MEETING : Next PTSA meeting: Tuesday January 7, 3:15-4:15pm (more info here)
MITTEN & GLOVE DRIVE!: As the temperatures drop, we are still in need of mittens & gloves (new, or clean & gently-used) for our nurses to provide to CES students. A collection box is located by the main office (Conners building) for easy drop-off. Thank you, and please help spread the word!
Have a great rest of your holiday vacation and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
Spirit Day on 1/17 Dress as a teacher/staff member or Dress as a student
January 20th is MLK Jr. Day: No school
January 21st and 22nd are teacher workshop days: No school
February 7th is and Early Release Day @ 12:30
February vacation is February 17-21
Subject: Winter Concert Postponed – New Date in January
Dear Families,
I regret to inform you that we must postpone our upcoming winter concert. Our wonderful music teacher, Sonia, has tested positive for COVID-19, and unfortunately, we cannot proceed with the show without her. We are currently working to reschedule the event for a date in January and will share more details with you as soon as we confirm a new venue.
We apologize for the short notice and appreciate your understanding and flexibility regarding the new date and location.
Additionally, there has been an increase in illnesses recently, including both COVID-19 and a stomach bug. If your child is experiencing any symptoms, we kindly ask that you keep them home to help prevent the spread of illness. Rest assured, we will continue to be vigilant with handwashing and will be increasing sanitation of common areas throughout the school.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you at the rescheduled concert in January.
Dr. Webster
December 15th TIGER TALK
December 15, 2024
Hello and Happy Sunday,
Our winter concert for grades 1-4 and the Emerson students in band, orchestra, and chorus will be performing on Thursday in the MDIHS auditorium. The Conners performance will start at 5:30 so please have students arrive between 5:15-5:25. The Emerson performance will start at 6:15 so please have students arrive in the MDIHS cafeteria (with instruments ready) at 6:00. There are 400 seats in the auditorium so we ask that if you have a younger student and would like to leave after the Conners performance, that is fine (pick up in the cafeteria). If you are only there to see an Emerson musician, please wait until after the Conners concert to find a seat. We want to make sure there is room for everyone to see their amazing musicians and singers.
Ms. Curtis' class has had so much fun with their Kindergarten reading buddies. They are also starting to learn to knit! How fun!
PE classes pulled out the scooter boards. Always a crowd favorite.
6th graders are finishing their research projects on Ancient Egypt. They are creating real tours of Egypt with a fake company name, hotels, transportation, price, etc.
Ms. Dougherty's Kindergarten are learning yoga and making "cars" in STEAM class with Ms. Parkinson.
The snow earlier this week was great fun at recess. The students were determined to make snowmen, though many looked like gravelmen...
And congrats to Finn and Sam competing in the 19th Aurora Winter Solstice Chess Tournament in Trenton; Sam placed 6th in his bracket, Finn 4th in his.
Thank You: A huge shout out to our custodian Kurt who is retiring at the end of this month. He has been at CES since the mid 90's and we appreciate all that he has done to keep our school safe and clean. We had a great retirement party for him at Pizzeria 131 last week. So much fun! And a big thank you to all those baking cookies today for tomorrow's Cookie Extravaganza!!!
School Building Update: Blasting and drilling are winding down. The rebar and concrete foundation in phase 1 has been set. And rumor has it that one of the grade 4 classrooms witnessed an epic "elf-like" snowball fight between the construction workers when we had a first snowfall. Our construction project is definitely an adventure!
COOKIE DAY: Cookie Day is TOMORROW (Mon. Dec. 16)! Thank you to everyone who signed up to bring in treats for our teachers & staff! Cookies should be brought to school on tomorrow morning (Monday December 16) by 8:25am - PTSA volunteers will be outside during morning drop-off to collect cookies curbside, or parents/guardians and students may drop off cookies in the school library (Emerson building) or at the school office (Conners building). (It's not too late to still sign up!)
NEXT PTSA MEETING : Next PTSA meeting: Tuesday January 7, 3:15-4:15pm (more info here)
CES CARES PROGRAM: We have some families in our Conners Emerson School community who struggle during the winter months. In 2018 the PTSA introduced CES CARES, a program that distributes gift cards to help support CES families in need at this time of year. The holidays are a perfect time to spread goodwill, so if you are able, please consider making a donation to lend a helping hand to members of our CES family. 100% OF YOUR DONATION will go towards purchasing gift cards to be distributed to families who could use some extra support around the holidays. Please send donations to the school in an envelope marked “CES CARES” with a student, drop off at the main office, or mail donations to:
Conners Emerson School
Attn: PTSA
11 Eagle Lake Road
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
Checks can be made out to “CES PTSA” with “CES CARES” in the memo.
Thank you for supporting our school community!
MITTEN & GLOVE DRIVE!: As the temperatures drop, we are still in need of mittens & gloves (new, or clean & gently-used) for our nurses to provide to CES students. A collection box is located by the main office (Conners building) for easy drop-off. Thank you, and please help spread the word!
If you have any community events that you would like to share, feel free to send our way. We will post them on the Community Events page on our website. There are lots of holiday happenings so please check it out!
Have a great rest of your holiday weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
Winter Concert Dec 19th for grades 1-4 and Emerson Music Groups @ MDIHS
Spirit Day: HO-HO-HO Holiday Runway Show (fave holiday outfits) on Thursday, December 19th
Spirit Day: Pajama Day on Friday, December 20th
KIDS NIGHT OUT on Friday, December 20th 3:00-5:00pm
Winter Break is December 21st - January 1st
December 8th TIGER TALK
December 8, 2024
Hello and Happy Sunday,
Two weeks until vacation, what? The late Thanksgiving is throwing us all off. We hope you had a great weekend and were able to partake in a few holiday events around the area.
It is getting cold so all K-4 students will need to bring a warm coat, snowpants, winter boots, hats, and gloves/mittens every day. Middle school students will not be allowed on snow areas and will need to stay on paved surfaces if they aren't wearing winter boots. (Crocs are not the best choice of winter footwear for recess.) If you are having difficulties outfitting your child with the appropriate gear, please contact our nurses. All students are outside for morning recess, midday recess, and walking between the buildings to they need to dress in layers and bring appropriate winter clothes.
Students were treated to one of the most popular PE units: STAR WARS. The gym is blacked out. Black lights are plugged in. Glow-in-the-dark balls and pins are set-up. And then the movie's music begins... It is so much fun.
First graders enjoyed a showing of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever at the Acadia Rep Theater on Friday.
Thank You: A huge shout out to Ms. Dority and Ms. Sweeney's classrooms as well as the resource/reading rooms for their patience during the drilling and blasting. We know that this has been disruptive and appreciate your flexibility and patience.
School Building Update: The final phase of blasting and drilling is finally here! Foundation is being laid. Steel work will start with the new year.
COOKIE EXTRAVAGANZA SIGN-UP (Mon. Dec. 16): The Annual Cookie Extravaganza, when teachers & staff are treated to an array of delicious goodies in the staff rooms, will be on MONDAY DECEMBER 16!
We are looking for volunteers to provide 2 dozen cookies each. For more info and to sign up: COOKIE SIGN-UP
Thank you for treating our wonderful teachers & staff during this festive time of year!
TIGER GEAR: Order your Tiger Gear now to get it in time for holiday gifts! Tees, stickers, winter hats, & hoodie sweatshirts can be viewed and purchased here: Tiger Gear Order Form
CES CARES PROGRAM: We have some families in our Conners Emerson School community who struggle during the winter months. In 2018 the PTSA introduced CES CARES, a program that distributes gift cards to help support CES families in need at this time of year. The holidays are a perfect time to spread goodwill, so if you are able, please consider making a donation to lend a helping hand to members of our CES family. 100% OF YOUR DONATION will go towards purchasing gift cards to be distributed to families who could use some extra support around the holidays. Please send donations to the school in an envelope marked “CES CARES” with a student, drop off at the main office, or mail donations to:
Conners Emerson School
Attn: PTSA
11 Eagle Lake Road
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
Checks can be made out to “CES PTSA” with “CES CARES” in the memo. (Thank you for supporting our school community!)
MITTEN & GLOVE DRIVE: As the temperatures drop, we are still in need of mittens & gloves (new, or clean & gently-used) for our nurses to provide to CES students. A collection box is located by the main office (Conners building) for easy drop-off.
If you have any community events that you would like to share, feel free to send our way. We will post them on the Community Events page on our website. There are lots of holiday happenings so please check it out!
Have a great rest of your holiday weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
Early Release Day @ 12:30 on Friday, December 13th
Trenton Dance 6-8th grade on Friday, December 13th 7-9pm
Winter Concert Dec 19th for grades 1-4 and Emerson Music Groups @ MDIHS (more details to come)
Spirit Day: HO-HO-HO Holiday Runway Show (fave holiday outfits) on Thursday, December 19th
Spirit Day: Pajama Day on Friday, December 20th
Winter Break is December 21st - January 1st
December 1st TIGER TALK
December 1, 2024
Hello and Happy Sunday,
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving break with your friends and families. I know I enjoyed lots of good food, laughs, and created new holiday memories.
Last week was only a 2-day week, but it was sure fun. On Monday, the staff had an "underground" spirit day. This means they dressed as Shadows (all in black) to see if the kids would catch on. Rumor has it that third grade spotted it right away. We then had a fun pajama day on Tuesday.
Thank You: A huge thank you to our kitchen crew for their entertaining December Cafe Menu. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, you should!!!
School Building Update: We are back to drilling and blasting this week, but are coming to the end of this phase. If you haven't had a chance to drive through the campus, I invite you to do so. It feels like it looks different every day.
NEXT PTSA MEETING: Tuesday December 3, 3:15-4:15pm (more info here)
COOKIE EXTRAVAGANZA SIGN-UP (Mon. Dec. 16): The Annual Cookie Extravaganza, when teachers & staff are treated to an array of delicious goodies in the staff rooms, will be on MONDAY DECEMBER 16!
We are looking for volunteers to provide 2 dozen cookies each. For more info and to sign up: COOKIE SIGN-UP
Thank you for treating our wonderful teachers & staff during this festive time of year!
TIGER GEAR: Order your Tiger Gear now to get it in time for holiday gifts! Tees, stickers, winter hats, & hoodie sweatshirts can be viewed and purchased here: Tiger Gear Order Form
CES CARES PROGRAM: We have some families in our Conners Emerson School community who struggle during the winter months. In 2018 the PTSA introduced CES CARES, a program that distributes gift cards to help support CES families in need at this time of year. The holidays are a perfect time to spread goodwill, so if you are able, please consider making a donation to lend a helping hand to members of our CES family. 100% OF YOUR DONATION will go towards purchasing gift cards to be distributed to families who could use some extra support around the holidays. Please send donations to the school in an envelope marked “CES CARES” with a student, drop off at the main office, or mail donations to:
Conners Emerson School
Attn: PTSA
11 Eagle Lake Road
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
Checks can be made out to “CES PTSA” with “CES CARES” in the memo.
Thank you for supporting our school community!
TIGERAFFLE: The TIGERaffle has wrapped up after an exciting month of daily prize winners. We'd like to once again thank all the students (& their families) who sold raffle tickets, everyone who bought raffle tickets, the teachers & staff for their support, the PTSA Raffle Committee, and of course all of the businesses and individuals who donated such fantastic raffle prizes! We all came together to make a wonderful team and raised over $28,318! We can't wait to see all of the educational experiences & opportunities that will result from this year's TIGERaffle!
If you have any community events that you would like to share, feel free to send our way. We will post them on the Community Events page on our website. There are lots of holiday happenings so please check it out! In addition, CES will be hosting a Family Festival in the spring to showcase all of our diverse history and heritages. Please check out the flier below.
Have a great rest of your holiday weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
MDES Dance 6-8th grade on Friday, December 6th 7-9pm
Early Release Day @ 12:30 on Friday, December 13th
CES Dance 6-8th grade on Friday, December 13th 7-9pm
Winter Concert Dec 19th for grades 1-4 and Emerson Music Groups @ MDIHS (more details to come)
Spirit Day: HO-HO-HO Holiday Runway Show (fave holiday outfits) on Thursday, December 19th
Spirit Day: Pajama Day on Friday, December 20th
Winter Break is December 21st - January 1st
November 24th TIGER TALK
November 17th TIGER TALK
November 17, 2024
Hello and Happy Sunday,
We will be collecting food for the CES Thanksgiving Baskets Nov 18-22nd. Please see the list above of grade level suggestions and have your child bring your donation to their classroom/homeroom. On November 22nd we will break up into small groups to decorate turkey boxes. I can't wait to see creations they will create this year! If your family needs assistance with food this holiday: Thanksgiving Basket Order Form
Students will be decorating Turkey Boxes in K-8 groups on Friday. This is one of our favorite school-wide event and is gives our students a chance to give back to their community. The decorated boxes are filled with food and distributed days before Thanksgiving to people experiencing food insecurity in our area.
Here are a few highlights from our week:
Local stuffed animals were invited to spend a night at the Jesup library. Many Conners-Emerson students' stuffies were there. Events included storytime with our own Maine Black Bear, Marcel. He read a book in French, Disco et Moi , which was a big hit. Later they had snacks and then snuggled under the blankets for lights out. And, guess what? They have construction there, too!
Our sun room friends are enjoying swim lessons at the YMCA.
Our show choir performed at the Southwest Harbor Library last week. This group meets twice a week and is working hard on their performance of Labyrinth for the spring. We can't wait to see it!
Gaga ball is the latest craze at CES. We currently have four courts set up. It is a great way to get exercise and loads of fun.
Winter sport try outs were a huge sucess. We have so many students signed up to play and cheer! I can't wait for the season to start.
PE classes had fun with their fitness unit.
Thank You: A huge thank you to the Mount Desert Bakery for donating pies to the 8th grade sale last week.
School Building Update: Wright Ryan is almost finished drilling and blasting this week. It is a very weird feeling when the blast goes off. No matter how much notice we have, it still makes up jump a little! The sewer and water lines are being laid with foundational work coming next.
The results of the TIGERaffle Incentive prizes are in! We are so appreciative of EVERYONE who helped make the TIGERaffle such a big success this year, but we want to give a special shout-out to the following:
11 HOMEROOMS sold over $1000 in TIGERaffle tickets (those students will receive a special treat from the PTSA, and their teachers will be entered into a special raffle to win a 1-night stay at the Bar Harbor Inn and dinner for 2 at the Reading Room): Mrs. Mountford’s Kindergarten class, Mrs. Dougherty’s Kindergarten class, Mrs. Young’s 1st grade class, Mrs. Craighead’s 1st grade class, Ms. Bender’s 3rd grade class, Ms. Q’s 5th grade class, Mr. Cote’s 5th grade class, Mrs. Nicholson’s 6th grade class, Mr. Newman’s 6th grade class, Ms. Gilman's 6th grade class, and Ms. Schmitt’s 8th grade class
The top-selling GRADE is 1st grade! (they will receive an extra recess award!) and the top-selling HOMEROOM is Mrs. Young's 1st graders (they will receive a pizza party during school!)
And these are the 5 top-selling STUDENTS, who each received a $25 Visa gift card, courtesy of First National Bank in Bar Harbor and the PTSA: Harrison, $800 (1st grade), Tiana $930 (6th grade), Alexander $1,020 (Kindergarten), Marshall $1,130 (5th grade), and Jaxson $1,210 (8th grade)!!! Wow, SO AMAZING! Thank you to all of these incredible students, and thank you to their families & teachers for supporting them in their efforts!
Daily TIGERaffle drawings are happening throughout the month of November on the Conners Emerson PTSA Facebook page.
Need Tiger Gear, maybe for holiday gifts? You can order tees, sweatshirts, stickers, & winter hats HERE
MITTEN & GLOVE DRIVE: ISO mittens & gloves (new, or clean & gently-used) for our nurses to provide to CES students. A collection box is located by the main office (Conners building) for easy drop-off.
MDI Music Boosters:
The MDI Music Boosters are selling fresh Florida fruit (and more!) to benefit their scholarship program, which supports middle and high school music students who wish to take private lessons or attend music camp. Sales end on Friday, November 22, so please reach out to a music student or the boosters at treasurer@mdimusicboosters.org to place an order. Items will be delivered between December 16-18. Please check out the attached flyer below to see the awesome variety of choices, and thank you in advance for considering supporting the Music Boosters!
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
Bring in Thanksgiving Basket Donations Nov 18-22nd
Early Release on November 22nd at 12:30pm
Spirit Day on November 26th: Pajama Day!!!
Thanksgiving Break- No School November 27-29th
Winter Concert Dec 19th for grades 1-4 and Emerson Music Groups @ MDIHS (more details to come)
Show Choir getting ready for their performance at SWH Library.
Waiting to watch the blast from the art room.
November 11, 2024
Hello and Happy Monday,
We will be collecting food for the CES Thanksgiving Baskets Nov 18-22nd. Please see the list above of grade level suggestions and have your child bring your donation to their classroom/homeroom. On November 22nd we will break up into small groups to decorate turkey boxes. I can't wait to see creations they will create this year! If your family needs assistance with food this holiday: Thanksgiving Basket Order Form
CES entered their first team into the Bar Harbor Bed Races this!!! The competition was tight, but we walked away with the "most spirit" award. I have a feeling this team will be looking for a rematch next year.
Here are a few highlights from our week:
Ms. Sonia was busy this week! She brought the chorus to the high school for the MDI Sings night. Amazing. And what a fun opportunity for our students to meet new musical friends from throughout the district.
Ms. Sonia also organized this year's Talent Show. All of the acts were incredible, including our MC's. I love how brave our students are to perform in front of peers and the community. Such a great night!
Ms. Hanna and Ms. Parkinson attended a national science conference in New Orleans last week. I heard the conference was incredible and they are bringing back lots of ideas... A huge thank you to the Maine Math and Science Alliance for sponsoring a portion of this trip through grant monies.
Students in grades 4-8 went to the Criterion on Thursday to watch the grand opening of Donn Fendler's famous book, now a movie "Lost on a Mountain in Maine". A huge thank you to the PTSA for sponsoring this awesome event (and for providing popcorn too!).
Ms. Dougherty had a special guest reader last week... Cameron Swan!
First grade headed down to the Jesup to visit the library and look at the model of their new addition.
Mrs. Dyer's class talked about the importance of healthy foods with Nurse Michelle. They participated in an apple taste test with 3 different kinds of apples.
7th graders exploded pumpkins with elastic bands. They hypothesized, created graphs, and analyzed the data.
Thank You: A huge thank you to all of you who supported our 8th graders by purchasing pies at the Pajama Day Sale!!!
School Building Update: We had a small "ground breaking" ceremony at the school on Thursday. Representatives from each grade helped with a symbolic shoveling of the dirt (using gold shovels and hard hats). Great job to Mina, Wilde, Gretta, Vishesh, Jack, Asylia, Harrison, Ellen, Forrest, and our very own construction ambassador Royce. We also had a special guest.... Ms. Neilly!!!! She was our previous principal who was instrumental in getting this building project off the ground.
Wright Ryan is finishing up the drilling and blasting phase this week. There are one or two blast per day, which we give plenty of notice, but they still come as quite a surprise. New electrical poles have gone in and were connected today. We should expect a little more blasting before foundation work begins.
We will be drawing a raffle winner every day of November - check the Conners Emerson PTSA page each day to see who the next lucky winner will be! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO OUR CES & BAR HARBOR COMMUNITY!
Need Tiger Gear, maybe for holiday gifts? You can order tees, sweatshirts, stickers, & winter hats HERE
MITTEN & GLOVE DRIVE: ISO mittens & gloves (new, or clean & gently-used) for our nurses to provide to CES students. A collection box is located by the main office (Conners building) for easy drop-off.
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
Bring in Thanksgiving Basket Donations Nov 18-22nd
Early Release on November 22nd at 12:30pm
Spirit Day on November 26th: Pajama Day!!!
Thanksgiving Break- No School November 27-29th

Hello and Happy Sunday,
We had a blast during our October spirit week. There were some crazy hats happening on Monday. I think Miss Susanna's inflatable bat hat might have been the spookiest. Mad for Plaid was tons of fun and so many Spooky at Midnight and School Spirit outfits. So fun! I think the wackiest day was Rock-Paper-Scissors. Students were cheering on their favorites, staff challenging other staff until we had the last 3 standing: Peter, Ms. Bishop, and Miss Cassie... and the winner was... Peter!!!
The annual CES Community Halloween parade was tons of fun. Our band sounded amazing and the costumes were so creative; check out all the pics below. And what a gorgeous day!!! Hands down, the best part was Mr. Dionne break dancing in his scarecrow costume for the Kindergarteners. Serious moves Mr. Dionne...
The CES Talent Show will be on Thursday, November 7th at 5pm. Hope to see you there!
Safety, safety!!! Please do not use the bus lane to drop off your child in the morning. We have two families that have special accommodations to do so, but we ask that all others drop their children near the library by going through the middle lanes. We have staff to help walk them to where they need to go. It is important that the bus lane stay clear in the mornings and is only used for buses and special accommodations. Thank you.
Winter Sports Sign-up Link
Here are a few highlights from our week:
Ms. Dority's class participated in a virtual field trip through the national parks. Eed of Ecology was presented by rangers from parks in Washington, Maine, and Virginia. Students "traveled" to these states to learn a little about the history and ecology of those areas.
Kathy Norwood came in for a visit and did crafts will a few of our primary classrooms. So fun!
The mock election was an amazing success. Our 8th graders took their jobs very seriously and helped our students to vote on candidates and/or the state flag. They will be conducting exit polls on Tuesday so get out the vote and we hope to see you there!
Grade 5 helped with the Ledgelawn clean-up on Friday afternoon. I heard there may have been as many as 1400 visitors Thursday night, wow!
Third Grade had a fun-filled Halloween where they made Haunted House Arrays, Multiplication Candy Corns, and did “X-Rays” of our hands to learn about skeletons! They also had Buddy Readers to wrap up the week which is always a hit.
Ms. Sweeney's 4th grade artists have been learning about land art, inspired by Andy Goldsworthy who made a work of art at COA last year. They tried to make the nature trail more exciting with some nature mandalas, colored some mandalas, and used the slices of tree trunk to create tree ring "mandalas" as well.
The high school BEAM club came down to visit with our group of our middle school students. Thank you so much, we appreciate you!
We also had the high school band come and perform a "run-out" for our music students to enjoy. It was great to see some former tigers in their ranks!
Thank You: A huge thank you to Mr. Ethan Edmondson for filling in for Dan while he is out and making it possible to have our marching band in the parade. A handful of tiger families helped clean up Acadia over the weekend by doing so work on trails and roads, thank you!!!
School Building Update: Wright Ryan has finished with adding fill to the staging area where the Connors Castle used to be. That area will house supplies and equipment. Finishing touches on the water and sewer connections this week. Drilling and blasting will start this week. Hopefully they don't find too much ledge and this phase of construction will be quick. As soon as drilling and blasting are complete, the foundation work will start.
We will be having a "ground breaking" ceremony on Friday, golden shovels and all! Due to limited parking on our site, this ceremony will only be for students and staff, but I promise to post some pictures!
We are so excited to announce that this year’s TIGERaffle has raised over $28,000!!! The funds raised are going to provide so many wonderful educational experiences & opportunities for our students! The PTSA would like to give a huge thank-you to all of the students who sold raffle tickets, and their families, teachers, & staff who supported their efforts and made it all happen! Also, thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets, and of course an ENORMOUS thank-you to the over 80(!!) businesses that donated prizes to the TIGERaffle this year - we obviously could not have done this without them!
We will be drawing a raffle winner every day of November - check the Conners Emerson PTSA page each day to see who the next lucky winner will be! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO OUR CES & BAR HARBOR COMMUNITY!
Our next meeting is coming up this Tuesday November 5, 3:15-4:15pm in the CES library (more info here)
Need Tiger Gear, maybe for holiday gifts? You can order tees, sweatshirts, stickers, & winter hats HERE
MITTEN & GLOVE DRIVE: ISO mittens & gloves (new, or clean & gently-used) for our nurses to provide to CES students. A collection box is located by the main office (Conners building) for easy drop-off.
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
MDI Sings at MDHIS (leave school @ 12:30/performance @ 5:00pm)
Lost on a Mountain in Maine Movie on November 7th (thank you PTSA)
Talent Show on November 7th at 5pm
Early Release on November 8th at 12:30pm
8th Grade Pie/Bake Sale in front of the Swan's building on Saturday, November 9th
Early Release on November 22nd at 12:30pm
Spirit Day on November 26th: Pajama Day!!!
Thanksgiving Break- No School November 27-29th
October 27th TIGER TALK
We Hello and Happy Sunday,
What a great turnout during Parent-Teacher Conferences last week! If you weren't able to attend or connect with a teacher, please send them an email. We are always so happy to share all the exciting learning and progress your child is making.
The annual CES Community Halloween parade will be held this Thursday at approximately 1:20ish. Our route is the Village Green to Main Street to Cottage Street and then back up to the school. Students in grades 1-8 should bring their costumes to school (do not come in costume) and have a costume that they are able to easily change into as well as walk in through town. (Comfortable footwear is important!!!) Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Fun Spirit Week Oct 28-Nov 1. Monday is Crazy Hat Day, Tuesday is Mad for Plaid, Wednesday is Rock-Paper-Scissors for teachers, Thursday is Spooky at Midnight, and Friday is School Spirit Day!!!
Band sectionals and classes will be held as usual this week. Please remember to bring your instruments.
The CES Talent Show will be on Thursday, November 7th at 5pm. Hope to see you there!
Winter Sports Sign-up Link
All students 6-8th grade interested in playing Basketball or cheering this winter must have completed Rank One prior to the 1st practice. Please contact Mr. Dionne with any questions. Tryouts for Basketball will likely take place both November 13th & 14th. Cheering will likely start on November 13th. Stay tuned for more details.
Here are a few highlights from our week:
Mrs. Doughtery's Kindergarten class have a new pet fish name Swimmy!
The 8th grade is holding a Mock Election on Tuesday, October 29th. Grades 4-8 will vote on for candidates in the larger races which grades K-3 will vote on the new state flag.
Mrs. Dyer's class took a Community Walk through town during the National Take Me Outside Day. They saw the fire dept., library, and the Village Green.
Fourth grade families were treated to Poetry Slams on Friday. They were amazing! This week, fifth graders will be participating in a Spooky Story Slam. We love all of this creative writing going on!!!
Grade 5 also headed to the Sand Bar last week to check on water quality. Students test for pH, temperature, DO2, and salinity.
The Golf team wrapped up their super fun season with a trip to the Golf of Maine minigolf course. They enjoyed ice cream sandwiches and received their awards. Great job golfers! A huge thank you to Coach Granholm and Ms. Ryan/Dirk Erlandson (unofficial helpers)
Our cross-country runners rocked the Airline Meet. This is a huge event with students from many, many different schools. Great job to all of our tiger runners for an amazing season (and Mr. Newman for the amazing photographs). A huge thank you to Coach Newman and Coach Murphy!
Our soccer team ended their season with a tough loss in the playoff, but wow, what a great run they had. A huge thank you to Coach Bender and Coach Hastings!
Ms. Guillemette's class hosted the second grade apple sauce tasting and read aloud. Her class peeled and made the apple sauce for the entire second grade. So fun!
Ms. Maurais asked the tree cutters for a large tree cookie so that her primary classes could do tree rubbings and paint the rings of the trees.
Thank You: A huge thank you to Mrs. Mountford's husband for searching through the surrounding woods to find all of the recess balls that have gone over the fence lately. Over 10+ were found!!! And a huge thank you to two groups of 8th grade students that volunteered to help put together new recess equipment. Once group put together a new basketball hoop (not an easy thing to do) and another group put together a toy house for the Kindergarten playground. Thank you!!!! And lastly, thank you to our teachers for a long, late-night filled week last week with Parent-Teacher Conferences. We appreciate you!
School Building Update: The temporary entrance off the Eagle Lake Road is now being used by the larger trucks. This should cut down significantly on the construction traffic coming in through our main entrance. The sewer and water pipes are being laid this week. Drilling and blasting will start during the first week of November. If you haven't seen our campus lately, it changes almost daily! Exciting stuff!!!
We will also be having having "free recess" times for students to have a longer recess time at the YMCA playground and fields. These will be random so please let us know ahead of time if you are dismissing your child early for an appointment.
TIGERaffle entry forms & collected money were due this past week - please remind your student(s) to check their backpacks & cubbies to make sure that their TIGERaffle envelopes (labeled with their name & homeroom) make their way to the front office ASAP. Thank you so much for your help & support!
Starting on Friday (November 1st), TIGERaffle winners will be announced daily on the Conners Emerson PTSA Facebook page! We're excited to see who the 30 lucky winners will be!
Next PTSA meeting: Tuesday November 5, 3:15-4:15pm (more info here)
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
CES Community Halloween Parade on October 31st around 1:20ish
Fall Festival 8th grade fundraiser on November 1st 5-7:30pm
Talent Show on November 7th at 5pm
Early Release on November 8th at 12:30pm
Early Release on November 22nd at 12:30pm
Spirit Day on November 26th: Pajama Day!!!
Thanksgiving Break- No School November 27-29th
Halloween is right around the corner and I am sure that your child is thinking about their costume already. Weather permitting, grades 1-8 will participate in the CES Halloween Parade through town with Kindergarten cheering us on.
The parade route starts at the Village Green at approximately 1:25pm and goes down Main Street, left onto Cottage Street, we will wave to our Kindergarten friends at the Town Office, and then head back up to the school. We asked that you cheer us on from the sidewalks, but please refrain from giving our students any candy or walking with us. (It is school event so we treat the parade as we do all walking field trips.)
There have been a few questions about Kindergarten participation. The parade route would be challenging for some of our youngest tigers, especially trying to navigate it in a costume. We have found that our Kindergarteners love watching the parade with their friends, seeing all of the costumes, hearing the band, and getting an idea of what the parade will look like for them next year. We appreciate all of the community activities available to our students to show off their costumes, be with friends, and of course get lots of candy!
If you are planning on dismissing your child after the parade is finished, please let both Miss Taylor and your child's teacher know BEFORE 12:30pm. Dismissal on the parade day is very, very busy...
October 20th TIGER TALK
Hello and Happy Sunday,
Parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner (week of Oct 21-25). Be on the lookout for information from your child's teacher to sign up for a spot. Parking will be a challenge so we ask that you leave as soon as your conference is over so that other's can use your spot. You are also welcome to park in the upper parking lot, the Kids Corner lot, or the side streets across from the ramp.
Specials teachers, interventionists, and Special Education teachers are all happy to set up PTC times with you as well!!!
The CES Talent Show will be on Thursday, November 7th at 5pm. Hope to see you there!
Winter Sports Sign-up Link
All students 6-8th grade interested in playing Basketball or cheering this winter must have completed Rank One prior to the 1st practice. Please contact Mr. Dionne with any questions. Tryouts for Basketball will likely take place both November 13th & 14th. Cheering will likely start on November 13th. Stay tuned for more details.
Here are a few highlights from our week:
Students practiced LockDown protocols in the classrooms and we had a school-wide practice on Friday. Everyone did a great job. We also practiced our fire drills with our new construction locations.
Students in K-2 met with the Bar Harbor Fire Department to learn about fire safety, the importance of having a family escape plan, and what fire fighters look like in all of their gear.
Students in grades 3-4 learned all about sidewalk safety with Officer Elias. Students then walked down to the YMCA practicing how to best cross the street, the importance of staying on the sidewalk, and how to make eye contact with drivers before using the crosswalk.
Kindergarten had a great time walking the Jesup Trail. The weather was a little chilly, but the leaves were beautiful!
Ms. Keene's class read The Apple Doll by Elisa Kleven and then carved their own.
Thank You: A huge thank you to all of the CES students that sold TigeRAffle tickets at the Belt Sander Races at the YMCA last week. And thank you to the Bar Harbor Fire Department and Officer Elias for helping out during our Safety Day on Friday.
School Building Update: The tree cutting should wrap up early in the week. The next step is to put in a temporary road behind the school off the Eagle Lake Road to reduce construction traffic on campus. Students are getting used to the new morning and recess locations. Grades 3 and 4 had an "extra" recess at the YMCA on Friday. We will be surprising students with "extra" recesses in the next few weeks so that they can use the fields and the courts. Ms. Dority's class was creative in using the teachers' room for some silent reading when the tree chipper was a little too loud. We know that construction will cause some disruptions and changes to our routines, but it will all be worth it in the end!
TIGERaffle entry forms and collected money are due back at school this week on Wednesday October 23. Please make sure to label the envelope with your student's name, grade, and homeroom teacher. Thank you for your support!
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
Parent-Teacher Conference Week is October 21-25
Picture Retake Day is Thursday, October 24th
Dance in Trenton grades 6-8 at 7-9pm
CES Community Halloween Parade on October 31st (weather permitting) around 1ish
Talent Show on November 7th at 5pm
Early Release on November 8th at 12:30pm
Early Release on November 22nd at 12:30pm
Spirit Day on Novmeber 26th: Pajama Day!!!
Thanksgiving Break- No School November 27-29th
Halloween is right around the corner and I am sure that your child is thinking about their costume already. Weather permitting, grades 1-8 will participate in the CES Halloween Parade through town with Kindergarten cheering us on. If you have any costume questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Here are some guidelines for costumes worn in the parade:
Spooky, not scary (no blood/gore)
No fake weapons (ex: Katana swords, bows/arrow, etc...)
Sensitivity to others' cultures (avoid stereotypical costumes)
No masks (hard to see on the long walk)
No inflatable costumes
Avoid costumes with heavy components or need to be constructed at school
Teachers will be practicing LockDown drills with their classes this week. On Friday, the entire school will conduct a LockDown drill. This low-stress practice is designed to let students know where they need to go during a LockDown and give them the opportunity to ask questions. The LockDown drill will be followed by a Fire Drill with the communication to students that sometimes it is safer to be inside the school and other times it is safer to be outside of the school.
October 14th TIGER TALK
Hello and Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day,
Parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner (week of Oct 21-25). Be on the lookout for information from your child's teacher to sign up for a spot.
The CES Talent Show is coming up soon. We are working on a date that doesn't impact other activities and will have it for you to mark your calendars soon!
Here are a few highlights from our week:
Eighth grade students are knee-deep in solutionary work where they identify problems and brainstorm problem-solving.
Seventh grade participated in the Floating Classroom on Somes Pond. They went out in canoes to conduct water quality tests.
4th grade ventured to Sand Beach on Friday for a park program called Sedimentary Sleuths. Students found the answers to questions such as: "What is the sand made of at Sand Beach?" "Why are our mountains rounded?" and "Why is the beach so rocky in the winter months?" They also had a lot of fun after the program during lunch and recess!
Second Graders have been studying the changes in fall and how the cooler weather impacts people, plants and animals. We learned a lot about these changes from the book, “How Do You Know It’s Fall?” By Lisa Herrington. Then they had to write an informative paragraph with a topic sentence and evidence to support their ideas. They created an art piece to go along with their writing.
Mrs. Young's first grade class had a guest artist come on Thursday. They used paint and Q-tips to create a Fall themed Smart Tiger Family Tree!
Last week First Grade went on a field trip to Ship's Harbor. The Rangers led them down the walking trail to the pebble beach, stopping along the way for different activities. First Graders learned how to use tally marks for counting. They classified objects in nature by dividing them into two groups, known as a Dichotomous Key. A few examples of Dichotomous Key in nature were rocks smaller than 1 inch v.s. rocks larger than 1 inch, trees with burls v.s. trees without burls and trees with leaves (deciduous trees) v.s. trees without leaves (coniferous trees). First Grade would like to say thank you to Acadia National Park and our Rangers for another wonderful program and experience.
Mrs. Y's Smart Tigers made character puppets at the conclusion of their Wit and Wisdom unit where they studied the text Wild About Books by Judy Sierra. On the back of their puppet, students created a book title their character would like to read and used details from the story to explain why they would like to read it.
Second graders have also been studying Monarch Butterflies and we were able to watch the butterfly lifecycle by having Painted Lady caterpillars. We studied and drew them as they metamorphosed into butterflies. We had a celebration to release them this week.
Thank You: A huge thank you to Mother Nature for the beautiful double rainbow that occurred during the golf match last week. Wow.
School Building Update: Construction has begun! The safety fencing is up and work started today. This week might be a little loud with the tree cutting and chipping happening over the next few days. We have moved and adjusted our morning and mid-day recess locations. This has sparked some creativity in what games are offered and a few open gym times. Gaga ball is the big hit right now along with Spike ball. We know that losing the field and Conners Castle is not ideal, but we are so fortunate that we are able to stay in our buildings during this process.
TIGERaffle sales are going really well so far - thank you all for your support! TIGERaffle entry forms and collected money are due back at school on Wednesday October 23.
Tiger Gear (tees, stickers, hats, sweatshirts) can be viewed and purchased here: Tiger Gear order form 2024
Next PTSA meeting: Tuesday November 5, 3:15-4:15pm (more info here)
Questions/comments for the PTSA? You can contact us at ces.ptsapresident@gmail.com or via the Conners Emerson PTSA Facebook page.
Halloween is right around the corner and I am sure that your child is thinking about their costume already. Weather permitting, grades 1-8 will participate in the CES Halloween Parade through town with Kindergarten cheering us on. If you have any costume questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Here are some guidelines for costumes worn in the parade:
Spooky, not scary (no blood/gore)
No fake weapons (ex: Katana swords, bows/arrow, etc...)
Sensitivity to others' cultures (avoid stereotypical costumes)
No masks (hard to see on the long walk)
No inflatable costumes
Avoid costumes with heavy components or need to be constructed at school
Have a great rest of your holiday weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
October 18th-Early Release Day @ 12:30pm
Parent-Teacher Conference Week is October 21-25
CES Community Halloween Parade on October 31st (weather permitting) around 1ish
October 6th TIGER TALK
Hello and Happy Sunday,
The fifth grade Swan's Island field trip has been cancelled for Monday due to weather. Stay tuned to see if it is rescheduled for Tuesday (which might be rainy too!)
Parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner (week of Oct 21-25). Be on the lookout for information from your child's teacher to sign up for a spot.
Due to construction starting soon, our parking lot will be more congested. Please do not arrive on campus before 7:55 am (unless your child has a morning activity such as Robotics or Jazz Band) so that staff can enter the campus and find parking. In order to ensure that we able to safely supervise students, we ask that students remain in vehicles or at the top of the ramp until 8:00 am.
Students in grades 3-8 will start their Maine Through Year Assessments (MTYA) over the next few weeks. These tests are given twice a year and results are sent to parents at the end of the year to show learning growth throughout the school year. We recommend lots of good sleep and a hearty breakfast!
Here are a few highlights from our week:
Our Kindergarteners had a blast hanging out at the Bar Harbor Farm. I hear the rutabagas were enormous!
First grade had a great day for a nature walk out to Ship's Harbor last week.
Fifth grade is learning about water quality and were able to put their skills to work both at the Sand Bar and at Lakewood. We are so fortunate to live in an area where students can experience science where it is really happening!
Ms. Tripp's class is learning about body systems and their final project was to trace themselves and add the systems.
Grades 3 and 4 had a great time at Reel Pizza watching The Wild Robot and had lunch on the Village Green. This book has long been a favorite for our young readers so to see it come to life on the silver screen was really special.
Is your child in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade and interested in robotics? The CES robotics club is getting started soon! Space is limited, so email susanna.ausema@mdirss.org to sign up or find out more. Meetings will take place on Wednesday mornings 7:15-8:00 am.
Thank You: A huge thank you to Reel Pizza for allowing a special screening of The Wild Robot. And thank you to parents for sending some great golf pictures from their match last week!
School Building Update: Construction is slated to begin this week, exciting! There will be new morning spaces for each grade level and recess time will look a little different. The bus lane will be closed to all traffic 11-1 every day so if you need to drop off a student, you will need to find a parking space and walk down to the office.
Music Boosters:
The MDI Music Boosters are continuing their scholarship program for students in grades 5 and up to take music lessons. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, October 8th; details and the application can be found here. Want to help support this exciting program? The Boosters are hosting a pre-Marathon pasta dinner at MDIHS on October 19th. Sign up to volunteer at our SignUpGenius page. Also keep an eye out in a few weeks for order forms to come home with your student for our Citrus Sale! Questions? We’d love to hear from you at boosterboard@mdimusicboosters.org
The TIGERaffle is up & running! Dig deep into that backpack if your student hasn't brought home TIGERaffle entry forms and instructions yet!
Students have until October 23 to sell entries. If you need more TIGERaffle entry forms, you can pick them up at the front office or you are welcome to make copies (you can find the entry form calendar on the PTSA Facebook page).
Remember that parents/guardians can accept cash/Venmo/Zelle/etc. and then send in one check for all their student's sales. We also don't want students walking around with lots of cash so they can see Miss Susana to "make a deposit".
Thank you so much for your support - we couldn't do this without all of you! The funds raised by this raffle support the Teacher&Staff Grant program, which provides so many enriching experiences for our students!
Tiger Gear For Sale!
We have Tiger Gear t-shirts, hoodie sweatshirts, knit hats, and stickers for sale online. All the details, including photos of Tiger Gear, can be found here on the Tiger Gear Order Form. Go Tigers!
It is great seeing so many students showing their school spirit by wearing their Tiger Gear! I'll be on the lookout this week for students sporting their pride! Also, if your have children outgrown their Tiger Gear, you are welcome to send it in to the nurses' office for us to rehome!
Halloween is right around the corner and I am sure that your child is thinking about their costume already. Weather permitting, grades 1-8 will participate in the CES Halloween Parade through town with Kindergarten cheering us on. If you have any costume questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Here are some guidelines for costumes worn in the parade:
Spooky, not scary (no blood/gore)
No fake weapons (ex: Katana swords, bows/arrow, etc...)
Sensitivity to others' cultures (avoid stereotypical costumes)
No masks (hard to see on the long walk)
No inflatable costumes
Avoid costumes with heavy components or need to be constructed at school
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
No School on October 14th: Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 18th-Early Release Day @ 12:30pm
Parent-Teacher Conference Week is October 21-25
September 29th TIGER TALK
Hello and Happy Sunday,
Wow, another great weather weekend! I hope everyone got outside and did some fun fall activities.
Here are a few highlights from our week:
Seventh grade was busy this week. They headed to Acadia National Park to participate in the "Fire and Ice" program. They also headed off to Volta to work on team building and resilience while having lots of fun.
Healthy Bodies had fun this week with learning about body parts and how they work together in Kindergarten and the body systems in third grade. We might have some future surgeons on our hands.
Ms. Guillemette's room is learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. I can't wait to watch this unit unfold!
Grades 3 and 4 will be attending a movie premiere at Reel Pizza to see Wild Robot on October 3rd. Our students have been reading this book in class and are so excited to see it on the big screen. (Thank you Reel Pizza!!!)
Student Flu Clinic: Our student Flu Shot Clinic will be held this Friday, October 4th. If you would like your student to receive their flu shot at school, please fill out the form above (sorry upside down) and return to the school by Wednesday, October 2nd. Please feel free to contact Nurse Melissa or Nurse Michelle if you have any questions.
Thank You: A huge thank you to all of the sponsors of the PTSA CES Raffle. I am always in awe of the level of support we receive from the community and local businesses. Please take a few minutes to look over the amazing prizes and consider buying local with any upcoming purchases.
School Building Update: Construction is slated to begin on October 7th which is right around the corner pending receipt of our DEP permits! You will notice safety fencing going up around the school. We are working with both the construction company and the fire department to make sure that students are safe while on campus and alternative evacuation plans are in place.
PTSA: October 1st - PTSA monthly meeting @ 3:15pm in school library. THE TIGERAFFLE HAS ARRIVED!! We have an INCREDIBLE prize calendar this year, thanks to all of our wonderful sponsors!
Envelopes containing raffle instructions and entry forms are being sent home with every student, so check those backpacks!
Raffle entries can be purchased through CES students now through Wednesday October 23!
TIGERaffle tip: entries are cash/check only, however you can accept Venmo/Zelle/etc. and then write one check for all the entries your student sold.
The PTSA would like to give an ENORMOUS thank-you to our fantastic local businesses and community members for donating over $7000 worth of fabulous raffle prizes! Obviously we could not do this without them, and their generosity will provide so many enriching experiences & supplies for our CES students! (last year's TIGERaffle funded an inflatable planetarium, skateboarding P.E. unit, art supplies, books, gaga ball pit, field trips, an author visit, and so much more!). THANK YOU!
Halloween is right around the corner and I am sure that your child is thinking about their costume already. Weather permitting, grades 1-8 will participate in the CES Halloween Parade through town with Kindergarten cheering us on. If you have any costume questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Here are some guidelines for costumes worn in the parade:
Spooky, not scary (no blood/gore)
No fake weapons (ex: Katana swords, bows/arrow, etc...)
Sensitivity to others' cultures (avoid stereotypical costumes)
No masks (hard to see on the long walk)
No inflatable costumes
Avoid costumes with heavy components or need to be constructed at school
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
October 4th- Student Flu Clinic
October 4th- Early Release Day @ 12:30pm
October 18th-Early Release Day @ 12:30pm
Parent-Teacher Conference Week is October 21-25
Hello and Happy Sunday,
The weather is feeling more like fall, leaves are changing, and we are getting back into the swing of being in school. Please make sure to dress your children in layers and sneakers. Recess and PE are much more fun (and safer) in sneakers.
Here are a few highlights from our week:
Third graders participated in the virtual program "What Do Rangers Do?" where they learned all about the jobs that National Park Rangers do. Then on Friday, they traveled to Thompson Island to participate in Junior Ranger Day. At the end of the field trip, students made an oath to help protect the parks and officially became Junior Rangers.
Ms Dority's class (who will be called The Oreos going forward) completed experiments around the questions "Why do some volcanoes explode and others ooze?" and "Do mountains last forever?". They also began map work, completing a map of the Counties of Maine.
Healthy Bodies: In Mrs. Dougherty kindergarten class this week, we talked about how important it is to wash our hands. We did a GloGerm hand wash activity to teach proper handwashing techniques and to show how easily germs can spread. In Mrs.Tripp third grade class we discussed the Digestive System and did an experiment to learn how the stomach breaks down food. We also started learning about the Circulatory System and students got to listen to their heartbeat with stethoscopes.
Our sports teams kicked off their season with a Cross-Country Meet in Lamoine and two soccers games. Great job tigers!!! (Parents, feel free to send me any pictures you might snap!)
Thank You: A huge thank you to the Machais Savings Bank for their generous donation of $250 and bags (and bags) of school supplies. We appreciate the continued support from our community banks!!!
School Building Update: Construction is slated to begin mid-October. As soon as we are given the go-ahead by the DEP, Wright Ryan will start putting up the protective fencing and staging the site. This is so exciting!
A reminder that students are not allowed on campus until 8:00 am. Please make sure your child remains in your car or waits at the top of the ramp until 8:00 am so we can ensure supervision.
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
September 27th- Early Release Day @ 12:30pm
September 15th TIGER TALK
Hello and Happy Sunday,
Wow, what a great week! Our tigers were busy, busy between learning experiences, practicing routines, and collaborating with peers.
Here are a few highlights from our second week:
Dot Day was lots of fun on Friday. MC's class did a super fun end of the week Dot Day art project.
Grade 7 helped with Soil on the Summit. Some of our students volunteered to bring a bag of soil up a designated mountain to help with erosion. I love that your students are learning to be stewards of the land!
Grade 5 headed to the Sand Bar to work on their water testing unit. Thank you Officer Elias for helping with this trip.
We had two more buddy reader groups on Friday. The positive impact that having olders read with youngers is amazing.
Nurse Michelle is teaching Healthy Bodies to some of our K-4 classes. This week they learned about the amount of sugar in common drinks and how to make better choices.
Ms. Sweeney's room wrote letters to local heroes after learning about the role of first responders played on Sept. 11th. One letter stated "Thank you for protecting our school and town. You make sure we all stay safe. I know I am safe because of you. You are kind and friendly. You are a hero!".
We had a visit from the MDIHS Varsity Soccer Team to answer questions about sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork with our sixth graders. Great questions which led to great answers. They concluded with a fun game of soccer out on the field. Thank you to Coach Mason and his players for being mentors to our future MDIHS athletes.
Mr. Newman's Social Studies class are learning about culture through a mysterious group of beings known as the "Danbos" Check out these cute creatures below.
Congrats to Samuel and Tyna for coming in first place in the YMCA Relay Race in their age and division!
The Science Olympiad Team will meet Monday and/or Friday, 3-4:30, GT Classroom with Ms. Mackay.
Thank You: A huge thank you to all of you for making our Conners Emerson Open House such a success. There was great turn out with absolutely gorgeous weather. We couldn't have asked for a better night! We hope you enjoyed seeing your children's learning spaces. Ms. Dority's class made paper versions of themselves and parents had to figure out who was who (check out pictures below...)
School Building Update: I anticipate that we will get a thumbs up on construction within the next two weeks. In meeting with our construction company, Wright Ryan, we have put students safety as our number one priority. It is the basis for all decisions being made.
PTSA: We had a great time at the Open House on Thursday! Thank you to our volunteers for selling Tiger Gear and getting the new Gaga Ball Pit up & running! (Check out the fun photos of Gaga Ball in action!) The Gaga Ball Pit was purchased with funds raised from last year's TIGERaffle. It's not too late to donate items/gift certificates for this year's TIGERaffle prizes, so if you are affiliated with a business that would like to contribute, please contact the PTSA by Wednesday September 18th via email (ces.ptsapresident@gmail.com) or message us on the Conners Emerson PTSA Facebook page. Thank you!
Did you buy Tiger Gear t-shirts, sweatshirts, or knit hats at the Open House? TIGER TIP - write students' names on their new Tiger Gear ASAP - there will be a lot of them floating around the school hallways! If you missed out on purchasing Tiger Gear at the Open House, don't worry! We will be offering online sales later on this month.
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
September 16th- Bar Harbor School Committee Mtg @ 4:30 (different date than usual)
September 19th- School Picture Day!!!
September 27th- Early Release Day @ 12:30pm
September 8th TIGER TALK
Hello and Happy Sunday,
We have two weeks behind us all ready and our moving along at full steam. This will be our first full week so don't be surprised if we have some tired students (and staff) by Friday!
We’re thrilled to introduce two more new faces (woohoo). Jazmine Orturo and Cassie Garland have joined our school community as ed techs!
Thursday, Septemeber 12th is our Conners Emerson Open House from 4:30-6:00. We are so excited to show you our learning spaces and share with you our classrooms. The 8th graders will be hosting a bake sale as a fundraiser for their white water rafting trip so don't forget to bring a few dollars! (I don't think we take Venmo yet...)
Here are a few highlights from our second week:
Ms. Pottle's second grade headed to the the Charlotte Rhodes Butterfly Garden on Friday. They learning all about metamorphosis and the life cycle of a butterfly. They were even able to set free two monarch butterflies!
During the Clubs and Classes end of the day for 7th and 8th grade, students are placed either in music groups, study halls or in sessions designed to help them explore new activities, build community, and/or socialize with classmates and staff. Building connections for our students is a priority of our school and helps everyone to feel like they are an important part of a larger community. One way we do this is through "Buddy Readers". 7th and 8th graders volunteer to read with students in K-4 on Friday afternoons. It is the best!
We also had a Dority-to-Dougherty Buddy Read this week too!
Ms. Sonia is starting another exciting year of Show Choir!!! Practices will be help Tuesdays and Fridays 3-4:30.
Fifth grade has been working on Social-Emotional Learning during their Homeroom Plus in the morning. This week they learned about the famous marshmallow experiment and the implications of self-control and delayed gratification. Using the avenue of flash debates, they also explored the impacts that social media can have on young people.
If your child is interested in playing an instrument this year, please contact Mr. Granholm for information on how to purchase or rent an instrument (dgranholm@mdirss.org). Any student in grades 3-8 (orchestra) or grades 4-8 (band) can join!
Thank You: A huge thank you to our custodial staff who worked hard this summer getting the building to "first-day ready". I also want to give a shout out to our amazing Kitchen crew: Tina, Toby, Logan, and Kathy. They do an amzing job with a smile every day. Did you know that Conners Emerson serves more lunches than the high school? Crazy!!! (It is because Tina's food is so delish.)
School Building Update: We are STILL waiting on approval of our DEP permit which could happen any day. As soon as our permit is approved, Wright Ryan (construction company) can begin construction. I anticipate there will be a few changes to arrival/dismissal routines and recess locations once we have a better idea of where the company will be staging their equipment, what areas of the property will be fenced off, and groundwork begins.
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
September 12th- Conners Emerson Open House 4:30-6:00pm (and bake sale)
September 13th- International Dot Day and Spirit Day (wear your dots and polka dots)
September 16th- Bar Harbor School Committee Mtg @ 4:30 (different date than usual)
September 27th- Early Release Day @ 12:30pm
Dority-to-Dougherty Buddy Readers!
Juggle Hula Balance in PE
8th grade soccer in PE
PE Choice Time
School Spirit Day!!! Go Tigers!!!
And even more school spirit!!!
The PTSA is gearing up for our annual TIGERaffle fundraiser, which last year funded the Inflatable Planetarium, a Gaga Ball pit, the Skateboarding unit for P.E. classes, field trips, classroom supplies, and SO much more through our Teacher/Staff Grant program!
We are currently seeking out local business donations for TIGERaffle prizes, so if you are affiliated with a business that would like to contribute, please contact the PTSA by Wednesday September 18th via email (ces.ptsapresident@gmail.com) or message us on the Conners Emerson PTSA Facebook page. Thank you!
We will be selling Tiger Gear at the Open House on Thursday - stickers, hats, tees, and sweatshirts! Check our Facebook later this week for photos and prices. CASH or CHECK only please.
We will also have the new Gaga Ball Pit set up for students to try out!
The link to the PTSA Student Directory was emailed on Wed. Sept. 4 by the school, so check your email and SAVE THE DIRECTORY LINK for future reference (hard copies of the Student Directory will not be distributed).
It is a live link so it will continually update as more students are signed up.
If you’d like to include your student(s) in the PTSA Student Directory (it’s quick & easy!), sign up here: SIGN-UP link to be included in the PTSA Student Directory
Signing up is completely optional, and you may include as much or as little contact information as you like.
We hope that this service helps families connect and fosters many new friendships!
To learn more about joining the PTSA and to sign up, click HERE
PTSA is a great way to meet other CES families and you can be involved as much or as little as your schedule allows!

September 2nd TIGER TALK
Hello and Happy Labor Day,
Welcome back to school, everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are ready for an exciting year ahead. It’s wonderful to see how much everyone has grown over the summer and to hear all about your amazing adventures. We are so fortunate to be part of this vibrant school community.
A big thank you to the PTSA for the warm welcome on our Teachers’ Day—it was a fantastic start to the year! We also saw a lot of school spirit on Friday, with students and staff showing off our colors and tiger stripes. It’s clear that we have a lot of enthusiasm and pride in our school.
We’re thrilled to introduce some new faces to our team this year. Please join me in welcoming Kiana Woodworth, our new guidance counselor, and several new educational technicians: Nancy Sweeney, Michaela Ouellette, Jonathan Yang, Heather Cooper, and Alyssa Young. We’re excited to have them on board and can’t wait to see the positive impact they’ll make.
Here are a few highlights from our first week:
A group of varsity soccer players from the girls and boys team came to CES to talk to our fifth graders about the importance of sportsmanship. We love when our former tigers come for a visit. Thank you Mia, Maeve, Luna, Chase, Carter, Max, and Martin!
Ms. Dority's class worked together to complete community building challenges and to create a classroom vision. They got to know each other through storytelling, sharing items from home, creative problem solving, and game playing. They also had a chance to "taste" some books they might want to read this year.
Eighth grade Social Studies spent the week building community and larning to produce, improve, and prioritize questions as they get ready to jump into Solutionary Projects.
Mrs. Tripp's third grade class worked in teams to help save "Fred". Students had to work together to try and put on Fred's life preserver on using only the paperclips provided. They could not touch Fred, the life preserver, or the boat with their hands. All the groups had a blast as they saved Fred.
Ms. Sweeney's class did the cup stacking challenge as one of their community-building activities. Students worked in teams of 3 to stack cups in different configurations touching them only with rubber bands. This required a lot of communication, patience, and kindness.
MC's class worked on problem-solving challenges this week as well. They did a great job sharing ideas, trying different strategies , and laughing with their friends.
If your child is interested in playing an instrument this year, please contact Mr. Granholm for information on how to purchase or rent an instrument (dgranholm@mdirss.org). Any student in grades 3-8 (orchestra) or grades 4-8 (band) can join!
Thank You: Thank you to Carrie Jones for two fantastic stories about our school. The first story focused on the amazing welcome the staff received by our PTSA last week and the importance of community. The second story highlighted the generous donation of $100,000 for our new school libarary build by a local community member, Steven Coston. I also want to thank Eben Richardson for a "save the day" plumbing call the night before school began.
School Building Update: We are waiting on approval of our DEP permit which could happen any day. As soon as our permit is approved, Wright Ryan (construction company) can begin construction. I anticipate there will be a few changes to arrival/dismissal routines and recess locations once we have a better idea of where the company will be staging their equipment, what areas of the property will be fenced off, and groundwork begins.
Have a great rest of your weekend and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
Dr. Webster
Upcoming Events:
September 3rd- Fall Sports Season Begins
September 12th- Conners Emerson Open House 4:30-6:00pm
September 13th- International Dot Day and Spirit Day (wear your dots and polka dots)
September 27th- Early Release Day @ 12:30pm
Students will be able to use their cell phones/smart watches at school between 8:00-8:10 and again at 2:55 and while riding the bus. Grade 5-8 teachers will collect all cell phones and smart watches during homeroom and will able to retrieve them at the end of the day. If your K-4 child is bringing a cell phone/smart watch to school, please email the classroom teacher to let them it is at school and they will hold during the school day.
If you need to contact your child during the school day, please contact Miss Taylor at 288-3631. If your child needs to contact you during the school day, they can use the office or classroom phones.
Cell phones and smart watches provide unneeded distractions, access to social media, and use is not permitted during school hours. We appreciate your support in helping our children learn and practice/manage healthy habits with cell phone and smart watches.
First Day of School is Tuesday, August 27th
Here is the link to the 24-25 MDIRSS school calendar.
Keep checking this site for updates on bus routes, arrival/dismissal information, breakfast/lunch menus and so much more!!!