Quarantine Week 3

Writer: Marcelene Leveret

Quarantining - What Seems to be a Un-ending Series

Don’t be too surprised about this blog post; we all knew it was coming. So, Mary Persons, we’re on week three of quarantining out of … well, we don’t quite know yet. I know you guys are all probably bored out of your minds. I’ve taken the time to think about what I’ve done in quarantine and what I hope to do with this extra time. Hopefully, this blog will provide you guys a few different options to keep yourself somewhat sane.

As much of a nutrition and workout junkie as I am, my 1st piece of advice would be to do some at-home workouts or create some new meals. It is always a good time to keep our bodies feeling good by doing some cardio or strength exercises. Don’t have dumbells or resistance bands? No worries, believe me, you can still workout without those accessories. A quick google search will provide you with an endless amount of exercises. Have some extra time before your next zoom meeting? There are tons of quick yoga videos that you can follow along to bring peace or focus to your body so that you can make the best of your online meeting. You can also use your extra time to explore a nearby park or hiking trail with your furry friend or family member. Fresh air is corona-virus free, so going on a hike, a walk, or a run is always a good idea! In addition, I know that we are all still completing our school work, but if your parents are still going to work or are stressed out about this weird time in our lives, it would be thoughtful to cook dinner one night. There are all sorts of recipes that you can look-up to cook a meal with whatever random foods your family might have stocked up on. Plus, for those of us heading off on our own next year, knowing how to cook a few meals is always a helpful tool to take along.

After a ridiculously rainy few months, we’ve finally reached the season of spring. I know some of you probably dread spring-cleaning, while the other half of us enjoy it, but it’s an inevitably productive way to use quarantine time. Your closet and your room could probably use a good clean-out and deep cleaning. Sophomore Arizona Tyler has been using her extra time to clean out her room and re-organize her closet. She stated, “You can take your old clothes or clothes you’ve grown out of to Plato’s closest in Macon (if you’re trying to make a little money) or you can donate them to our local Circle of Care.” Also, if you’re feeling creative, you could use this time to re-arrange your room to accommodate the cozy study spot you’ve always wanted or the new dresser you got for Christmas. Personally, I would take advantage of this time to spring-clean your room, and if you’re feeling helpful, maybe clean another room in the house. It’s always a good thing to get on the good side of your parents since you are probably around them 24/7 right now!

If you’re wanting to use this extra time to do a little self-care and unwinding, I suggest taking the time to read a good book. As a child, I used to be a book junkie and read all the time. As I transitioned from middle school to high school, I lost the time and interest in reading books. However, this year for Lent, instead of giving up something, I decided to add something to my daily routine. No joke, I wanted to become wiser and more appreciative, so I decided to read a chapter a day. Side note- (Currently, I’m reading “How To Have Your Life Not Suck” by Bianca Olthoff. It’s about becoming today who you want to be tomorrow, and I 10/10 recommend this incredible book!) I’m really glad that I took the time to incorporate this back into my daily routine because I’ve really enjoyed the relieving advice these authors give. So, if you’re looking for a little relief or looking to unwind, maybe sitting down and reading a book you’re interested in might be for you.

With all the time you have, while you’re quarantined, I hope that maybe you’ll find one of these options somewhat entertaining. If we’re going to be blessed with extra time in our houses, we might as well use it to the best of our ability. I know this is a weird moment to be living in, but we’re all rowing the same boat and we’re gonna get through this together. Happy Quarantining!

Marcelene is a senior at Mary Persons High School