Boys Versus Girls -Morning Routines of Teens

By: Jermesha Hicks

Boys versus Girls - Morning Routines of Teens

“Why does it take you so long to get ready?” This may be a question that you have been asked. Particularly, boys asked this question of girls. When attending high school, some of the challenges of teens is determining what to wear and making sure that they look the best for their peers. Most of all, the teens at Mary Persons High School want to make sure that they are on time to school and ready to learn. Two students, Karmyn Moran and Adrian Hughley give us some insight on their morning routine.

Everybody gets ready differently, some wake up early, some wake up late. In Karmyn’s case, she first wakes up and prays for 5 minutes to start her day. Then she checks her phone to see who may have texted her. Next, she makes her bed up. After making her bed up, she picks out her clothes, and she’ll continue on to the bathroom and do what she needs to do. She then puts on her face cleanser and lets it sit for 2 to 3 minutes and washes it off. She brushes her teeth, untwists her hair from the braids, and wets her hair. After she wets her hair, she does her edges for a good minute and wraps it up with her scarf. Karmyn precedes on by going back in her room to put her clothes and shoes on. By 7:15 am, she unplugs her phone and heads out the door to Mary Persons High School.

While Karmyn starts her day off like that, Adrian Hughley starts his day off by waking up, checking his phone to see if his girlfriend texted back. Then he brushes his teeth and takes a shower. After, he takes off his durag, a head covering that makes hair waves lay down, and brushes his waves for a good 3 to 4 minutes. He then puts on his clothes and shoes, grabs his book bag, and waits until 6:45 am to catch the bus.

From Karmyn’s and Adrian’s morning routines, you can see that girls may have more time-consuming morning routines. Boys may take less time to do their morning routine. The next time you ask someone, what takes them so long, consider all the things girls have to do in the morning. No matter how long it takes the average student to get ready in the morning, everyone tries to get the school on time. According to the data from last year, we had 1001 tardies in 2018. Currently, we have 973 tardies. This shows that the students have improved their time management. Regardless of the length of time it takes, the students at Mary Person high school have done a great job of getting up early enough so that they can make it to school on time.

Jermesha Hicks is a 10th grade student and Mary Persons High School