Don't Blink

By: Brianna Morgan

Don’t Blink

Throughout our lives, we have experienced many new beginnings from our first day of

school, our first dance and our first kiss. Things change so quickly that sometimes we don’t even

realize it until it’s gone. As Theodor Seuss Geisel once said, “Sometimes you will never know

the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” It is so important for high school students to

realize how little time they truly have with their friends. These are some of the best and easiest

days of our lives. We need to cherish the moments we have with each other and not focus on the


Twenty-five years from now when you’re telling your teenage son or daughter about your

years in high school, you won’t remember the score you got on a test, the mean comment that

someone said to you, or the name of the teacher that you got a bad grade in their class. What you

will remember is the sleepover you had with your best friends, the spring break beach trips you

took, the intense Friday night football games, the late night ice cream runs, the nights you stayed

up too late, and the nights you stayed at home to finish binge-watching all of the episodes of

your favorite shows. You’ll remember the very long calls you had with your best friend giving

advice, the shopping trips with your mom to find the perfect dress for the dance, and the

summers spent with your best friends at camp. “These four years have taught me that there is no

reason to stress and worry over the little things we encounter. You should just make the most of

these years because they are the funniest, craziest, most remembered years of our lives,” stated

by Senior Grace Stoerkel.

The point is, don’t obsess over the small stuff. Throughout these four years, you will

learn so much. You will learn what your first heartbreak feels like, you will learn how hard it

hurts when you fail a test, and also learn the value of true friendships. Most importantly, you will

learn that nothing matters more than the relationships you form. Therefore don't stress over your

test or relationships that fade. Things change over time and so do the people. Go out and have

fun with your friends! You won’t be able to get some of these memories back. Most importantly,

live your high school years to the fullest. Live your life now the way you want to remember in

twenty-five years and don’t blink during these short, fun, memorable years. Remember, always

give good advice, check on your friends often, and always get involved.

Brianna Morgan is a 12th grade student at Mary Persons High School