Embarrassing Moments in the Classroom

In the Moment

By: Hope Brooks

"In the Moment"

It’s the first day of school. You walk into your new class and all of the sudden your legs, for some reason, keep crossing over each other and before you realize it you are on the floor, in front of everyone, as they laugh at your clumsiness. Embarrassing, right?

Moments like this happen every day at Mary Persons High School. Students and teachers have careless mishaps that leave them with the most awkward feeling.

It was the third period of the day and student, Brock Brown reported to his Agriculture class. His teacher told the class to water their plants, in which, Brock proceeded to water each plant with half a cup of water, thinking that would for sure be enough. Then the scary moment came, Mr. Waldrep decided to go around the classroom to each plant and squeeze them to make sure that they weren’t over-watered (most people did not over-water theirs). The time came for Brock’s plants to be tested and as soon as Mr. Waldrep began to squeeze Brock’s, a whole bunch of water ran out of them. Brock stated that this was really embarrassing because, “Mr. Waldrep did this in front of the whole class and everyone else realized that this plant did not need as much water as I decided to put in mine, it made everyone laugh to see what happened to my plants which of course embarrassed me.”

Everyone normally experiences a moment like Brock’s in which they feel so embarrassed because they don’t want to be put on the spot and seem not as wise as other students. But, the next story involves something that not everyone experiences.

It was ninth grade and Zach Butler was in the middle of taking a test. He had not felt bad all day but all of the sudden his stomach began to fill with air. Zach tried to tighten everything he could to hold back what was about to happen. Then, when he couldn’t squeeze much longer, all he could do was hope that the silence of the room would not be disturbed. Soon, the loudest noise entered the room and Zach just hoped that nobody would realize it was him. However, that of course, didn’t happen. “The whole class turned and looked at me as some people began to giggle while others proceeded to look at me in disgust. I was so embarrassed, I just wanted to leave class and not come back until everyone forgot that moment.” Zach said.

Not only are students included in having embarrassing moments at school, but also teachers. Mr. Speir has a similarly embarrassing story to Zach. He was teaching in class one day one of his students kept raising his hand while he was talking saying “Mr. Speir!” after three times of Mr. Speir turning him down, the student said out loud, “But Mr. Speir your fly is down.” At this point, Mr. Speir said he became really embarrassed and realized that he should have just let his student say what he was going to in the beginning.

Although school is a place where we try to make ourselves look a whole lot cooler than we are, we are still bound to make fools of ourselves at some point. Just know that next time you get really embarrassed about your mistakes, you aren’t alone. There is probably a teacher or student with their fly down.

Hope Brooks is a 12th grader at Mary Persons High School and Editor of the Yearbook.