Preparing for Your Learner's Permit

By: Autumn Grier

Preparing for Your Learner's Permit

Sophomore year of high school is a very monumental year with many firsts. There is the first high school game, homecoming, dances, athletic wear, and you can get your learners licenses. The learners license is the first step to learning how to drive, it is an exciting time for everyone involved. However, it takes some time and work to get it. It helps you learn about the ins and outs of driving most people don’t think about. Buckle up, there’s a lot you should know.

The first thing to do when trying to get your learner’s permit is to study. The test is different for everyone, some say it’s harder and some say it’s easy. The test is modeled after the study guide that is available at a DMV in your area. It gives all information needed about driving, traffic laws, signs, and traffic violations. It gives information about the road before you drive on it so you’re prepared. There are also online test that are similar to the actual test to show material covered, and to give explanations on correct answers. All of the materials available are free and there to help you.

The second thing needed to get your learners is the proper paperwork. A week or two before you take the test, sign up to get your attendance record from school. Get this ahead of time so there is no stress or worry if it doesn’t come in time. You will also need a birth certificate, social security card, and proof of residency. If there is anything missing, they will turn you away and you will have to come on a different day. Make sure beforehand everything is in one place and with you.

The last thing you need is confidence. It is a relatively important day and it leads to your drivers license. Staying calm and not worrying too bad will help. Being in a good head-space will help you stay focused on the questions and give you time to read them thoroughly. Naturally, we think about the bad that can happen when nervous, but find your happy place and stay there. In the long run, it will work out.

Studying, having paperwork, and staying calm are needed to do well on your learners test. It is a right of passage for all high school students, it makes us excited. After you get your learners, you start Joshua’s Law for you real licenses. It is a long process, but it’s all worth it.

Autumn is a 12th grade student at Mary Persons High School