Career Readiness and Exploration

The College and Career Readiness Pillar sets a new College and Career Readiness (CCR) standard that prepares graduates for success in college and the workforce by ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to complete entry-level credit-bearing college courses and work in high-wage and high-demand industries. The Blueprint aims to have all students meet the CCR standard by the end of their 10th grade year, develops CCR-Support pathways to support students in meeting the standard, enables students to enter a Post-CCR pathway that builds on the student’s strengths, develops a Career and Technical Education (CTE) system that is aligned with industry’s needs, and ensures that prekindergarten through 12th grade curriculum, standards, and assessments are all aligned with the new CCR standard.      

Choosing a career can help you select the right education and skills you need to obtain to support that career. Making careful and well-thought-out decisions regarding your career can increase your chance of success. Choosing the right career can take time and research. 

Career actually has two definitions. The word career is often used to refer to a profession, occupation, trade or vocation. A career could define what you do for a living and range from those that require extensive training and education to those you can perform with only a high school diploma and a willingness to learn. A career could mean working as a doctor, lawyer, teacher, carpenter, veterinary assistant, electrician, cashier, teacher or hairstylist. 

Career has another definition as well, though. It also refers to the progress and actions you have taken throughout the working years of your life, especially as they relate to your occupation. It is comprised of the different jobs you have held, titles you have earned and work you have accomplished over a long period of time. When viewed in this context, a career includes everything related to your career development, including your choice or profession and advancement. Your single career could include a variety of different paths.

Discover if a service is right for you, whether you've finished high school or college or you're looking to find your path. Service Year Maryland is a new program recently signed into law by Maryland Governor Wes Moore.  A service year is an opportunity to develop real-world skills through hands-on service.  There are over 65,000 service year opportunities in a variety of issues all across the country.  Learn more Here 

Careers and Assessments Experience - Naviance by Powerschool

Career Exploration

The Holland Occupational Themes is a theory of personality that focuses on career and vocational choice.  It groups people on the basis of their suitability for six different categories or occupations.

uwannadu is a free service designed to help people choose the ideal career for them, and prepare for it. uwannadu helps you: 

Comprehensive tool for career exploration and job analysis; great resource and lots of info!

Answer a series of questions to determine what fields would be good for you to explore

Federal Internships, Fellows and Summer Jobs

Whether you’re just starting to explore career paths or already have yours planned out, Career Finder helps you take the next steps with the perfect combination of data and stories. 

Whether you’re just starting to explore career paths or already have yours planned out, this resource will help you explore your options.

Discover majors and in-demand careers and education based on your interests!

Your one-stop source for career exploration, training, and jobs. is your source for thousands of unbiased, real-world career profiles. We surveyed thousands of working professionals to ask them what their jobs are really like. 

College and career advice made simple.

Choosing a major based on your personality

Its detailed search engine provides easy access to narrow down important factors and offers features to filter the school type, in- and out-of-state tuition, degree type, location, and school option (e.g., online, classroom, public, private) for different majors. 

Guide to choosing College Majors


For those of you interested in exploring military options, your CCIC can help. Many of the same trades and programs you are studying here at B-CC are also available in the military. Come to the College/Career Center to start exploring.

MCPS website with information about the military

Explore & learn more about military careers

The ASVAB is a timed, multi-aptitude test, which is given at B-CC and other MCPS schools and Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) nationwide and is developed and maintained by the Defense Department (DoD).  

The ASVAB helps the DoD not just determine whether you are a good fit to join the service, but also which service branch you might be best for and even what military jobs you can hold after you finish basic training or boot camp. The better your ASVAB score, the broader your options

If you are interested in taking the ASVAB test, please email Mrs. Heald. 

How to Prepare for the ASVAB

Be well rested and dress comfortably for the test day. As with other tests, how hard you have studied and what you have learned throughout your school years will make the most difference in your results. Study the test questions in the practice booklet so you know the types of questions that will be asked on the test.

ASVAB Info & Practice