Oak        Learning Update

Central idea: Families can support the local community.

Line of inquiry three: An inquiry into how families are involved in the community.

After thinking carefully about the importance of our own families we started to look at another family that supports communities, the Royal family.

Through class discussion, we talked about how our families could help one another. 

Sophia said: Me and Mummy do a litter pick to keep Marden clean. 

Oscar said: My Mummy is a teacher and she teaches the little kids to be clever.

Annie said: My Mummy sells houses so everyone has a shelter. 

Hudson said: My Daddy is an electrician and he makes sure everyone has light. Mummy takes photos and she makes memories. 

We researched how the Royal family has had a positive impact on families nationwide through their charity work and the children in Team Oak are keen to learn now. 

Next week, we are walking to the local Church to meet Reverend Nicky. Here, she will explain how the church helps the community too.