3Beech Learning Update

Central idea: Places can change as a result of human impact and organsiations.

Last week we were lucky enough to have a drama based workshop with 'fabulous projects' who worked with the children on identifying and uncovering the life of Phillip Clark after discovering a mystery hat box in a loft. This was linked to our inquiry and the children are currently using the items, characters and their own creativity from the workshop to write a story.

This week we have had a great week continuing with our second line of inquiry 'How a locality has changed.' The children finished producing their own Bayeux Tapestry and have shown off their sewing skills! We then went on a walk around the village focusing on  our local area, before drawing our own maps.

In maths we have been looking at capacity and volume.

The children are really enjoying our science topic of plants. They can all describe the function of the stem through our experiments and have set up a comparative test to focus on what a plant needs.