MAES Staff IT Support
New to MAES Staff IT Support: Twilight Tech Talk
Book a personalised 30-minute online session with the IT and Learning Tech team during "Twilight Tech Talk." This one-to-one session allows you to ask anything tech-related, whether it's mastering Google tools or navigating the learning tech tools we use at MAES or getting into grips with AI. Feel free to book as many sessions as you need – we're here to support you! OPEN TO ALL MAES TUTORS!
If you find yourself stuck on a tech problem, don't forget to check our website first - it has answers to your most common IT problems. If you can't find what you need, book yourself a session below.
If your learner is having an IT issue, you can direct them to the new MAES Learner IT website.
You could also send your learners to Digital Skill Ups taking place at various centres in Manchester.
It is also possible to refer some of your learners for free SIMs, cheap or free laptops, and other online support, as part of MCC's Let's Get Digital program.

The IT and Learning Technologies team is here to support you.
Keeping you safe
We keep sensitive information safe from cyberthreats and help you protect your data and devices.
Connecting you to technology
We offer you the tools and resources you need to connect to technology and succeed in your teaching role.
Showing you the latest in TLA
We update you with the latest technology in teaching, learning, and assessment and show you how to use them.
In the beginning of the academic year 2022-2023, we asked you to complete a Satisfaction Survey on the use of Google Workspace for Education and the services provided by the IT and Learning Technologies team along with ongoing issues you wanted us to address. We got fantastic results, although there is always room for improvement. We've also showcased here the results of our first Digital Learning Strategy 2019-2022.

Are you a new tutor at MAES?
The button below will take you to the Google Classroom - Induction for New Tutors which will discuss everything you need to know as a new MAES tutor. You will be asked to sign-in to Google - remember to use your manadulted account.