Our IT Systems

Two IT Platforms

We use 2 main platforms at Manchester Adult Education - Google Workspace and Microsoft 365.

Google logo

Google Workspace

This is what most of the service use for teaching and learning. The majority of our tutors and learners use Google Classroom. You will use your man-adulted email account to communicate with teaching colleagues and with learners.

Microsoft logo

Microsoft 365

Manchester City Council uses 365 and MAES uses this system for corporate and management purposes. Managers may contact you via Outlook, so you should check your manchester.gov  email regularly. 

Two IT Teams

As we have 2 platforms in place, there are 2 IT teams that manage them: the Manchester Adult Education (MAES) IT and the Manchester City Council (MCC) IT.


The MAES IT manages the following:

For support with MAES devices, network and Google accounts, contact the MAES IT Team at: maes.helpdesk@man-adulted.org.uk 

The Manchester City Council (MCC) IT 

The MCC IT manages the following:

For support with manchester.gov accounts and devices (Lenovo laptop and work phone), contact MCC IT via the KIA portal using your work laptop or call them at 0161 234 1234.

Two Wi-Fi Networks

In most of our centres, there are 2 Wi-Fi networks in place: the MAES staff Wi-Fi and the MAES public Wi-Fi.

MAES Staff Wi-Fi

Any work devices can be connected to the Staff Wi-Fi. Chromebooks will already be connected.

To connect, go to the Wi-Fi or Network menu on your work phone or laptop and add or search for: maes_staff

If this is the first time you are connecting your work device to the MAES staff Wi-Fi, you will need to contact maes.helpdesk@man-adulted.org.uk to get it connected to the network. For security reasons, we DO NOT give out the password to our MAES Staff Wi-Fi.

MAES Public Wi-Fi

To connect any personal devices to the wi-fi in our centres:

1  Go to the wi-fi or Network menu on your phone and add or search for maes_pulic. 

2  Connect to maes_public

3  You will be invited to agree to the terms and conditions

Once you have done this you will be connected to this
free wifi every time you visit a MAES centre (but you
will periodically need to agree to the Ts&Cs).

Students and guests are also able to connect freely to this network.