Training Sessions

Gemini and Mizou

AI for Feedback

Watch the recorded online training

Brisk AI Teaching

Giving Feedback to Learners

Watch the recorded online training


for Differentiation

Diffit for Differentiation

Dive into Diffit Video Tutorial

YouTube Interactive Questions

in Google Classroom

Youtube Interactive Questions

Video Tutorials on how to create and set YouTube Interactive Questions

You and AI in the Classroom (Part 2)

Part 2: AI-Powered Presentations and Quizzes

Do you spend hours every week creating presentations and quizzes for your students?

If so, then you need to check out some AI-powered tools. AI can help you create presentations and quizzes in a fraction of the time, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your teaching.

In this training session, you will learn how to use AI-powered tools to create presentations and quizzes quickly and easily. You will learn how to:

Complete the reflective task.

You and AI in the Classroom (Part 1)

Part 1: Introducing AI and Chat GPT

Discover the future of education with our training session on Introducing AI and ChatGPT in the Classroom! Learn how AI is transforming teaching practices and explore practical ways to incorporate ChatGPT into your classroom. 

Complete the reflective task.