
A space for documents and resources relating to sustainability actions in Tayvallich.

Make My Money Matter is a people-powered campaign fighting for a world where we all know where our pension and banking money goes, and where we can demand it’s invested to build a better future.

Certificate of Recognition

Awarded to Tayvallich for developing a climate action plan for the community and being pioneers of the Keep Scotland Beautiful Community Climate Action Plan programme.

Taking Action - Top Tips

Top tips for taking action against the climate crisis. These tips are collated from submissions from folks taking action in Tayvallich. You can see, download and print the tips here.

Finding Funding

Some of the actions may require additional funding. This page collects together possible funds and funders that have been identified by the community.

'Reduce Your Waste' Slides

Zero Waste Scotland put together some tips to help us in Tayvallich reduce our waste. You can see these here

What Happens To Our Recycling

Argyll & Bute Council explained what happens to Tayvallich's recycling in our May meetup. You can see their slides here

Tayvallich Primary School - Visions for the Future

The pupils of Tayvallich Primary School were asked to share their visions for Tayvallich in 2030. You can see and read them here

Scottish Wildlife Trusts' 30 days wild challenge

We've compiled a list to help you do something wild everyday in June. You can see it here

Renewable Energy Fact-Sharing

Fact sheets about getting heat pumps installed which were put together by Tayvallich residents can be found here

Environmentally Focussed Films

A great resource of many films focussing on different aspects of climate change and its impacts can be found here

T-Shirts and Tote Bags

Information about t-shirts and tote bags can be found here

Tayvallich Bike Workshop Station

A self-help bike workshop station is now operational at the Tayvallich shop. More info here

Asset Register

As part of the sessions with KSB a register of assets was created - this can be viewed here

Asset Map

An asset map was created as part of the sessions with KSB


Links to local organisations can be found here

Local Statistics

Local stats can be found here


Sustainable Tayvallich graphic for use on any documents produced can be found here

Launch Night Slides

Slides used on the launch night can be found here

Imagining the Future

What are your hopes for Tayvallich in the future? What message would you like to send from the Tayvallich of today to our community in 2030?

Residents were asked to draw or write a message to Tayvallich in 2030. Go here to see the postcards.

Place Standard & Resilience Survey

Go here for results from Tayvallich's Place Standard & Resilience Survey.

Header image: Mo Maclaurin