Past Meet Ups

February 2022 - Mapping Sustainable Projects

ACT Now asked for Tayvallich's help in mapping sustainable projects and organisations across Argyll. At this meet up everyone shared places and projects relevant to the shift towards a sustainable way of living. Through this exercise most people became aware of local projects which they were not previously aware of. With this success in mind we may repeat the mapping exercise again at a future meet up. The work in progress map can be viewed at this link.

At February's meet up we also started planning for an event in April which will invite the whole community to the hall in Tayvallich to share what actions residents are taking to make the community of Tayvallich more sustainable. More information on this event will be posted here soon.

January 2022 - Greening Your Pension

At January's meet-up we were joined by Izzy Howden from Make My Money Matter. Izzy explained the ways in which our pensions are invested and the huge impact this has on climate change. Izzy shared some useful resources which we can all use to help make our money match our values - you can find these on our resources page. Please feel free to share them with your friends!

December 2021 - Christmas Break

November 2021 - Ditching Disposables

Miriam Adcock from Zero Waste Scotland joined us in Tayvallich Villager Hall to look at how we can reduce waste by avoiding disposable and single use plastics.

October 2021 - One Year Celebration

This month marks 1 year since Tayvallich began to create a climate action plan together with Keep Scotland Beautiful. This month's meet-up celebrated what has been achieved, and also shared community members' reflections and tips for taking action in order to inspire more people in the community to do what they can.

September 2021 - Together For Our Planet fund

This month we discussed the 'Together For Our Planet' funding opportunity from the National Lottery Community fund. The fund has the potential to support one of the sustainability actions already underway or fund an action which hasn't yet got going. The fund was mentioned briefly at last month's meet-up and there were some suggestions made as to what we could use it for. This month was an opportunity to discuss these in more detail. Some more information from the National Lottery is at this link

August 2021 - Permaculture Farming

At this month's meetup Matt Swarbrick from Henbant Permaculture in Wales (virtually) visited the village to share what his family have learnt from 10 years of permaculture farming in North Wales. We heard from Matt about the principles of permaculture which can be used by anyone - whether you are growing a few vegetables in your garden, you are a commercial farmer or just looking to make sustainable changes and choices in your life.

July 2021 - Summer Break

June 2021 - Tayvallich Primary School - Eco Schools Flag

This month the pupils and teachers from Tayvallich Primary School put together a presentation describing the steps they are taking to reduce the school's environmental impact. This was in part in order to regain the Eco-Schools Green Flag award to the school. The Green Flag Award is an internationally recognised achievement for schools committed to Learning for Sustainability.

We heard how the pupils' Eco Committee first conducted an environmental review to find the gaps and opportunities in the school's approach and have then carried out several actions to increase biodiversity (for example by building a bug hotel), grow food and wildflowers and reduce litter in the village. Many thanks to Jacquelyn Condie for delivering this presentation and answering questions from the community.

May 2021 - Waste & Recycling

This month two guests joined us to help us explore the themes of waste and recycling. They each shared a short presentation, followed by discussion and questions.

  • Miriam Adcock works within Consumer Waste Prevention at Zero Waste Scotland. She shared with us some ideas around reducing the amount of waste we produce. Miriam also indicated some of the ways which Zero Waste Scotland can further support sustainability actions in Tayvallich. You can see Miriam's slides here: Reduce Your Waste

  • Peter Leckie is a Project Manager with Development and Infrastructure at Argyll and Bute Council. He shared with us what happens to our waste when it reaches Lingerton and beyond. You can see Peter's slides here: What Happens To Our Recycling

The discussion focussed on how we in Tayvallich can reduce the climate impact of our waste and recycling. A big takeaway was that a significant thing we can do as a community is to reduce the amount of stuff we are putting into the waste and recycling systems.

April 2021 - Action Updates

This meet-up was focused on sharing updates from ongoing actions.


Cycle repair maintenance workshop
Contact: Nils or Jamie Joyce

What has been happening on this action?

  • Jamie is offering to host a cycle repair workshop on a Sat/Sun at the end of May or in June. It will be focused around the bike stand or at the Hall carpark. Details to follow.

How can people get involved?

  • Get in touch with Jamie if you would like to take part or find out more:

What is next?

  • Jamie will be in touch with further details.


No actions updates


Natural habitats
Contact: Erik, Rowan & Sam

What has been happening on this action and what is next?

  • The group met 6 weeks ago - all agreed that they were on the same page regarding rewilding

  • Looking to assess and benchmark the habitats we do have now

    • David Shand contacting Lorne Natural History Group/Argyll Nature who surveyed his land a couple of years ago ("Bio Blitz")

  • Spoke to Ewan Patterson and the Tayvallich Estate. The estate are now preparing their own Climate Action Plan.

  • Investigating funding for rhododendron control.

    • Ian Dow has offered an information session regarding rhoddies and their control.

    • Andrew MacDonald - considering buying Ecoplugs (a safer application of phosphate) for their patch at Carsaig. Keen to discuss with David and Erik.

    • A rhododendron bashing day has been proposed for once lockdown restrictions are further eased.

Engaging with the Knapdale - Land Management Plan 2020-2029
Contact: Simon Milne

What has been happening on this action and what is next?

  • Simon has captured his thoughts on the FLS LMP in a document which he has shared on the Sustainable Tayvallich Facebook Group.

  • Sam has emailed FLS about the North Knapdale LMP regarding land north of the village which is earmarked to be felled. It also refers to rhoddie control.

How can people get involved?

  • Take a look at the document shared on the Facebook group, and get in touch with Simon if you would like to support.


Food Waste & Recycling
Contact: Jan, Kathie & Sue

What has been happening on this action?

  • Investigating the arrangements for Caravan Parks and Holiday Homes

  • Proposed Composting talks to be given by Blarbuie in June

  • Discussing Zoom support/training on food waste to be set up by Jamie Joyce from Act Now. Workshops are taking place in Blarbuie in June.

  • Collection point for used batteries is now in place at the hall!

  • Looking at engaging the Primary School pupils

What is next?

  • Sustainable Tayvallich's May Meet-up will focus on food waste and recycling,

with guest speakers from Zero Waste Scotland and Argyll & Bute Council.

Textile Repair
Contact: Louise

How can people get involved?

  • Louise is offering a textile repair service in the village. Get in touch with Louise if you have textiles in need of some mending!


Monthly Meet Ups
Contact: Keira & Nils

What has been happening on this action?

  • Have been putting together a monthly calendar for the coming year

What help or support do you need?

  • There are still several "slots" available, so let us know how you would like to use this space!

How can people get involved?

  • Join the meet ups on the last Tuesday of every month!

What is next?

  • Possible future events include;

    • Learning about what happens to our recycling, and how we could be better recyclers

    • Learning about permaculture

    • A pop-up textile repair workshop

Header image: Jenny Buckley