News & Events

February 2022

  • Sustainable Living Pop-Up - Sat 2nd April, 10:30am-12:30pm - Tayvallich Community Hall

Coffee, cake and ideas for sustainable living. Stalls in the hall will be selling local produce, offering textile repair, sharing ideas for swaps you can make and more. If you have an idea for a stall, get in touch with Keira -

  • Pop-up Seed Swaps - March - Across Mid-Argyll

"Come along with saved or surplus seeds. Swap them and try something new or make a donation if you don't have anything to swap. Donations will be split between the Heritage Seed Library and host venue. For more info, contact Sally Wilkin -"

    • Weds 2nd March - 2pm-4pm - Glassary, Kilmartin & Ford Parish Church Hall - Kilmartin

    • Sun 6th March - 11am-2pm - Argyll Beaver Centre - Barrandimh

    • Sun 13th March - 11am-2pm - Lucy's Kilmartin - Kilmartin

    • Sat 26th March - 11am-2pm - Blarbuie Woodland - Lochgilphead

  • Skills for Zero Waste Workshops - Remake Argyll - March - Ardfern

Craignish Village Hall are hosting a series of workshops to share skills that help to reduce waste. Email

    • Sat 5th March - Clothes repair, swap and repair

    • Tues 8th March - Product photography for your sustainable business

    • Sat 26th March - Home electronic repair

  • Climate Action Hubs - Regional consultation - Fri 18th March, 11:00am-12:30pm - online

The Scottish Government are conducting a consultation on the creation of regional Climate Action Hubs. They are looking to speak to local groups about how a regional Climate Action Hub might be set up and what it’s priorities would be. The events are for all community groups who are currently involved in climate action and for those who might be considering getting involved in the future. It's free to attend. If you would like to book a place or would like further information, please email:

  • Introduction to Permaculture Day - Sat 23rd April, 10am-5pm - £60 - Oban

Hope Kitchen & Green Shoots Community walled garden, Oban

Led by Ed Tyler, this introduction day gives basic grounding in permaculture and how it can be applied.

For enquiries and bookings, contact Sally Wilkin -

  • Land use & sustainability in Argyll - Master's student - Workshop in March or April - Oban

Sam Bavin is a Masters student at the Centre for Alternative Technology. For his Masters thesis he is exploring ways of empowering local people with the ability to contribute their knowledge, aspirations and experience towards discussions over future land use. He is looking for volunteers to join a workshop in Oban to help develop an approach. If you’re interested in getting involved, or have any questions, contact Sam:

  • Open Green Map

During February's Sustainable Tayvallich monthly meet-up we contributed ideas to ECOnnect Map Argyll. This map is being developed by ACT and hopes to become a useful resource for communities around Argyll. Take a look and add your own sites.

January 2022

  • Greening your pension - Resources from Make My Money Matter

Izzy Howden from Make My Money Matter joined Sustainable Tayvallich's monthly meet-up in January 2022. She shared with us the ways in which where our pension is invested has an impact on climate change, and shared some of the steps we can take to make a difference. For now, the organisation is focused on pensions, but they are starting to look at wider banking and finance. Take a look at the resources she has shared to help us make our money greener: Green banking & pensions

  • Making our community buildings more sustainable

Tayvallich Community Hall has received a grant that will fund the upgrading of all lightbulbs in the building to LED bulbs, which are much more efficient. Meanwhile, Achnamara Village Hall has received a grant for new windows and insulation, which will reduce energy use and make it much more cosy inside!

  • The Big Repair Project

The UCL Plastic Waste Innovation Hub would like your help to better understand the factors affecting household maintenance and repair (carried out yourself or using professional services) of home appliances and electronics across the UK. Your participation will help develop 'Right to Repair' policy and support the UK towards meeting important environmental targets.

The first part of the project is a short survey about your opinion and behaviour towards maintenance and repair of home appliances and electronics. You can find out more here:

November 2021

  • Sustainable Tayvallich - Taking Action - Top Tips

It is one year since Tayvallich began to create a climate action plan together with Keep Scotland Beautiful. Since then the Sustainable Tayvallich movement has been growing with people taking actions big and small. To mark the one year anniversary some Top Tips for taking action against the climate crisis were collected and collated from folks across the community. It includes ideas on how to start your action, how to keep up the momentum, what to do when you get stuck and more. You can find it in on the Resources page of this website, or by clicking this link: Taking Action Top Tips

  • Keep Scotland Beautiful - Community Climate Action Plans - Round 2

In 2020 Tayvallich and Kirriemuir in Angus took part in a pilot programme, run by Keep Scotland Beautiful, to create Community Climate Action Plans. It was this process that led to Sustainable Tayvallich. Now we are inspiring communities across Scotland as KSB are about to launch their second round of the programme. They will be supporting 7 communities to develop Community Climate Action Plans over the coming months. Aisling and Heather at KSB continue to offer their support to Tayvallich, so do get in touch with them.

  • Tayvallich makes Music for COP26

Residents came together in Sarah and Charlie's barn at Duntaynish to perform and record a our version of "Enough is Enough" - a song written for people around the world to send a musical message to the delagates at COP26. Click here to watch and listen to Tayvallich's version of Enough is Enough. To see contributions from around the world check out #MusicforCOP26 or visit

  • School pupils lead Strike for Climate in Lochgilphead

To call their concern for their futures to the attention of delegates at COP26, Lochgilphead Joint Campus pupils led a march from the school to the council buildings at Kilmory on Friday 5th Novemeber. Around 100 people of all ages joined the protest to make their voices heard. You can see more photos and footage at Time for Change Argyll & Bute's Instagram.

  • Carsaig hand-dived scallops served at COP26
    Delegates at COP26 have been lucky enough to sample some fresh hand-dived scallops from across Scotland this week - including from Carsaig. Hand-diving is a low-impact method for harvesting these delicious shellfish. If you'd like to enjoy some yourself, speak to Dougie Chirnside.

  • "‘I’m not impressed’: Glasgow (and Tayvallich) unmoved by Boris Johnson’s COP26 return" - The Guardian
    Tayvallich resident Sue Hillman was recently vox-popped by the Guardian at COP26, and she was able to give her analysis of the action and inaction from our political leaders on the climate crisis.
    You can read the article here.

  • Seashore Safari, from Carsaig Green

Last month Heart of Argyll Wildlife Organisation hosted a Seashore Safari at Carsaig, giving participants the opportunity to explore and learn about the incredible plants and animals that live on our shore. You can see some of the amazing finds on the Argyll Hope Spot Facebook page. From scorpion fish to flying crabs - you might be surprised by the variety of life so close to home!

  • "Living Proof" - climate-focused film at the Screen Machine - Lochgilphead, Tues 23rd Nov, 8:30pm

The Screen Machine is coming to Lochgilphead next week. They are showing "Living Proof" - a film that explores Scotland's complex relationship to the global climate crisis through film and music. "In this new feature-length documentary from Scotland’s Moving Image Archive, curated footage evocatively shows how our environment has been shaped by the demand for energy, industry and growth, soundtracked by Scottish musicians past and present."

Tickets for Living Proof available at this link.

People of all ages joined the protest in Lochgilphead this week to demand climate justice and a fair future now.

September & October 2021

  • Sustainable Tayvallich's Seashore Safari, from Carsaig Green - Sat 9th Oct, 1pm

The experts at Argyll Beaver Centre are hosting one of their Seashore Safafs just for Sustainable Tayvallich. Come along to discover the creatures that live between the sea and the land. "From hermit crabs to snakelock anemones, we never quite know what we'll find in the fantastically diverse Carsaig Bay." Children £4, Adults £1 if accompanied by a child, or otherwise £4. Click here to read more about their Seashore Safaris.

  • "Enough is enough" - COP26 musical mission - Duntaynish - Thurs 28th, 4pm & Sat 30th Oct

Sarah Phizacklea is asking Tayvallich residents to join her in adding our voices to Let It Grow - a musical call to action ahead of COP26 in Glasgow this Novemeber. Sarah says "Some friends of mine have written a stunning song and put together a very slick video as a collective musical response to COP 26. They have called out for others to add their voices however they feel fit. I would love us to put something together. I can work out a simple version depending on who’s keen and who’s available. You don’t need any previous experience singing or playing an instrument, but let me know if you do! Then we can film us and upload it to social media." You can listen to the song here: . There will be a rehersal at 4pm on Thursday 28th and then it will be filmed on Saturday 30th, all in Sarah's barn at Duntaynish. So if you like the song and are available please let Sarah know.

  • During September a second group of artists from the Society of Wildlife Artists travelled from across the UK to Argyll to under-take a week-long residency during which they snorkelled, sketched and explored the natural riches of this part of Scotland. The residency was supported by the Argyll Coast and Islands Hope Spot. Argyll Hope Spot is a community-led initiative. Its designation is a celebration and recognition of the world-class natural riches of this part of Scotland’s coast. To find out more and see the sketches that were made underwater (really!) follow the Hope Spot on Instagram and Facebook.

  • Local action group Time For Change, recently hosted an online Argyll & Bute Climate Summit ahead of Glasgow's international climate summit COP26. Atendees heard from local stakeholders (including industry and practioneers) across three key areas of emissions: Energy, Food and Transport, who shared their own plans for emissions reduction, and visions for the future of climate action in Argyll and Bute. We also heard from local politicians on these issues. Click on this link to see the recording of the full Summit.

  • Local volunteers in Argyll & Bute have made a short film called Hopes for the Future. It asks "What sort of future do we want?" A range of people in the west of Scotland tell us their hopes and how they can be achieved. You can watch it by clicking on this link (5 mins).

  • On the 2nd of October a group of Tayvallich residents took part in an Autumn Guided Foraging Walk & Workshop with West Highland Herbal. Participants learned about a variety of hedgerow edibles, and what to do with them including infused vinegars, jellies and fruit leathers. They also shared a fantastic lunch including many foraged foods prepared by Clare from West Highland Herbal and local resident Lottie Goodlet. This was the second workshop that Clare has led in Tayvallich this year, and she would love to return for another one in the spring. Watch this space!

  • For those interested in Sustainable Transport in Tayvallich - CoMoUk is a great resource. They have links to a lot of community car share schemes which may be interesting to look into.

August 2021

  • Did you know that Loch Sween and the Sound of Jura are part of the Argyll Coast and Islands Hope Spot? Argyll Hope Spot is a community-led initiative. Its designation is a celebration and recognition of the world-class natural riches of this part of Scotland’s coast. This month four artists from the Society of Wildlife Artists travelled to Tayvallich for a week-long residency during which they snorkelled and made work celebrating the Hope Spot. A second group will do the same in September. Follow the Hope Spot on Instagram and Facebook to hear more.

  • During the spring term pupils of Tayvallich Primary School shared their vision for the future of the places they live through writings and drawings. It's really interesting to hear what they think. You can read their stories on our Resources page here: Tayvallich Primary School - Visions of the Future

  • A local Permaculture Design Course will be starting this September. It will take place over six weekends spread over the coming autumn, winter and early spring. Approximate cost will be £120 per weekend which includes all materials. Each weekend will be a combination of theory and practical sessions and it's possible that a number of these will be held in Tayvallich Village Hall. If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch with Lottie Goodlet.

  • A couple of funds have opened recently which might be of interest to those taking action to adapt to or mitigate climate change in Tayvallich. From Corra Foundation's Enabling Neighbourhoods and Communities Fund (up to £3000), to Visit Scotland's Tourism Infrastructure Fund, to the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewables Energy Scheme, to The National Lottery's Together for Our Planet Fund (up to £10,000), there are lots of opportunities out there. Visit our Finding Funding page to see these and others.

  • Edible mushroom foraging day, from Barnluasgan - Sun 15th Aug, 2-4pm
    James Livingston from Seafield Farm, Achnamara has offered to host an edible mushroom foraging day on Sunday 15th August, from 2pm - 4pm. There have been a couple of cancellations so get in touch with Lottie if you would like to join. This event is free of charge.

  • Argyll & Bute Climate Summit - Mon 20th Sep, 7.30-9.30pm
    Organised by local action group
    Time For Change, this online event is being held ahead of Glasgow's international climate summit COP26. "At the Argyll & Bute Climate Summit, we will hear from local stakeholders in three main areas of emissions: Energy, Food and Transport, as they tell us their own plans for emissions reduction, and visions for the future of climate action in Argyll and Bute. We will also be holding facilitated discussions around these three themes, and have the chance to hear from local politicians on these issues." Click here to find out more and register for free.

  • Autumn Guided Foraging Walk & Workshop with West Highland Herbal - Sat 2nd Oct
    There is some availability for this and the cost is £35 per person. Please get in touch with Lottie if you are interested.

  • Sustainable Tayvallich's Seashore Safari, from Carsaig Green - Sat 9th Oct, 1pm

The experts at Argyll Beaver Centre are hosting one of their Seashore Safafs just for Sustainable Tayvallich. Come along to discover the creatures that live between the sea and the land. "From hermit crabs to snakelock anemones, we never quite know what we'll find in the fantastically diverse Carsaig Bay." Children £4, Adults £1 if accompanied by a child, or otherwise £4. Click here to read more about their Seashore Safaris.

July 2021

  • Adding to the battery recycling station at the Hall, you can now bring your used pill blister packs here to be recycled. The container has been leaking however and Sue is looking for something more suitable. Please let her know if you have the solution!

  • To encourage wildlife into the playground, Tayvallich Primary School have constructed an ‘Insect Inn’ from materials donated by the community. The school also has a bee bath, and a bird bath too and have been busy growing vegetables, herbs and a range of flowers to attract insects and other wildlife as well. They also raised £110 through the sale of their Ojos de Dios which they have donated to the Rainforest Trust UK to help them protect 268 acres of Bolivian Rainforest.

  • Are you interested in foraging in Knapdale? You might be interested in joining the Knapdale Foragers facebook group. Its a good place to swap tips, ask questions and find out what is in season in our local area.

  • ACT have several upcoming workshops which are designed to enable Mid Argyll residents to live more sustainably. These include Carbon Literacy Training. "Once Carbon Literate, we have an instinctive understanding of the carbon impacts of our activities, are able to make informed choices, and, driven by the urgency, act positively to address climate change." It starts on 19th July and runs over 4 sessions. Please get in touch with Jamie if you are interested and to find out more;

  • Autumn Guided Foraging Workshop - Sat 2nd Oct
    After the recent success of a foraging day at Carsaig, Clare will return to run another one in the autumn.

  • Argyll Beaver Centre - events throughout the year
    Check out the events that are happening at the Argyll Beaver Centre throughout the summer. Suitable for adults and children with walks focused on beavers, bats, moths and more!

  • Kirriemuir are a small town who have also been working together to become more sustainable. Sustainable Kirriemuir recently made this great video to share what they have been up to - Future Kirrie: Kirrie Gets Growing

June 2021

  • Jan Aksnes has become the latest Tayvallich resident to switch away from an oil-fired heating system and install an air source heat pump. If you are thinking of making the change she's happy for you to get in touch and find out what's involved. A group of residents also put together this handy fact sheet: Renewable Energy Fact Sharing

  • The Tayvallich Flower Show plant sale took place on 30th May and was a huge success - raising over £400. Well done and thanks to everyone involved in organising, growing and buying!

  • Scottish Wildlife Trust are challenging everyone to do one wild thing every day in June. Sign-up online or take a look at the list we have created here.

  • Guided Foraging Walk & Workshop with West Highland Herbal - Sat 12th June
    This event was a great success. Many thanks to Lottie Goodlet for organising it. Another forage is being organised for later in the year. In the meantime take a look at our guide, Clare Holohan's, website.

  • Bicycle Maintenance Workshop - Sat 26th June
    The Act Now Project will be running a free workshop at Tayvallich Village Hall. To find out more or to book a space contact Project Officer, Jamie / 07943 020241

  • Visit to Permaculture Garden, Slockavullin - Sun 27th June
    Sally Wilkin is kindly offering to show Tayvallich residents around her garden, where she is practicing permaculture. Please contact Lottie Goodlet if you would like to join.

  • Edible mushroom foraging day, from Barnluasgan - Sun 15th August
    James Livingston from Seafield Farm, Achnamara has offered to host an edible mushroom foraging day on Sunday 15th August. Update: This has been very popular and all spaces are now filled.

May 2021

  • The Finding Funding page has been updated with some new links

  • Mary-lou Aitchison is selling t-shirts and tote bags to fund sustainable projects in the village. More information here

  • The Scottish Community Climate Action Network aims to inspire, promote and support community-led climate action across the whole of Scotland. Individuals can become a member of their network.

  • Tayvallich Flower Show will be hosting a plant sale on the front green on Sunday 30th May from 1pm - 4pm.

  • Tayvallich Primary School are working hard to regain their Green Flag Eco-Award this year, and they need your support. Please get in touch with the school ( / 01546-870220) if you are able to donate any of the following for their various projects:

    • Leftover balls of wool (for making crafts to sell to raise money for charity)

    • Compost or topsoil (for their growing projects)

    • Large planters or troughs which are in good condition

    • A container that is suitable for a bird bath, mini-pond or water feature

    • Materials suitable for creating bug hotels.

April 2021

  • Some Tayvallich residents have put together fact sheets with information on their experience of upgrading their home heating to environmentally friendly heat pumps. You can read the fact sheets here

  • A self-help bicycle workshop station is now operational at the Tayvallich Shop. More info and photos of the station in action here

  • Kathie Baer has provided some containers for household battery recycling at the Hall. Put your used batteries inside and they will be taken to recycling. More info here

  • Growing your own food this year? Join the Tayvallich Flower Show Facebook page to swap tips, seedlings and more with your fellow local growers

  • This year's Beach Clean will take place on Sunday 25th April. More info here

  • Lottie Goodlet has arranged for a Guided Foraging Walk & Workshop which will take place on 12th June. More info here. This event is already fully booked and a waiting list is in operation. As it has been so popular, there might be future similar events coming up. Please reach out to Lottie if you are interested, or reply to this email and we can put you in touch.