Magical Travels

There are few trips as magical as one to a Disney or Universal resort and theme park. I love specializing in these destinations as they are forever encapsulated in a traveler's memories and I relish being a small part of that! I help my clients do Disney and Universal differently than most guests. There are a million ways to experience these parks that will range from disastrous, to mediocre to magical. None of my clients will ever receive the same touring plan from me. I take the time to consult each client and determine their precise travel style, trip expectations and each guests' special needs. I will design a trip that includes the perfectly matched resort, stress-free touring plan and dining recommendations suited to the guests' dietary requirements and preferences. Your trip will be curated specifically to you with advanced reservations at the most sought after restaurants, pre-booked passes ensuring you are not standing in long lines and will include special experiences that other park guests rarely even know about!

Disney and Universal can be convoluted and complicated to the point that you truly need an expert by your side to navigate the booking process. By utilizing my knowledge and expertise, your prince or princess can be dining at the castle, meeting their favorite characters one right after the other and have a prime viewing spot for the best fireworks show on earth. Your witch or wizard will not miss a thing between Diagon Alley and Hogwarts because I have done the work behind the scenes. And I never forget the adults during a Disney or Universal vacation! No one wants to be pounding the pavement all day, running back and forth from one experience to another without a chance to savor your experience or relax. I provide an exciting itinerary that will be the perfect medley of adventure and relaxation. You can simply enjoy your vacation knowing that I have taken care of every detail well in advance for you. All you have to do is show up and put on your Mickey Ears or grab your wand!