5 Tips For Traveling With Kids

December 28, 2021

Travel can throw kids - and parents - for a loop. However, I have some strategies I've used for years and always recommend to my clients that help ensure smooth sailing.

  1. Let them help pack

Travel can make kids feel out of control. Letting kids help with the packing gives them a sense of control back. It opens the conversation to what sort of weather and experiences they can expect. Bonus: when they choose the outfits, they won't argue later!

  1. Show them a map before they go

Getting a sense of the literal lay of the land they will be visiting is hugely reassuring to children. Plus map-reading is a valuable travel skill you should instill early.

  1. Preview some of the experiences

You NEVER know how a kid will react to any experience, but giving them a preview may clue you into accommodations they might need. Show them videos of commercial flights, fireworks, theme park rides, new forms of transportation, natural phenomenon or anything else new they may experience on your trip.

  1. Bring shareable distractions

Isn't there always a lot of hurry up and wait when you're traveling? Whether it's a flight delay, waiting for a meal or standing in line, kids will get bored at some point. Bringing shareable distractions such as bubbles, stickers, playing cards, etc are great way to entertain kids and help them reach out to meet new playmates.

  1. Help them learn the language before, during & after

There are few gifts as great as teaching a kid to move easily through the world. Introducing the language of a destination will give them more freedom, sense of control and lays the groundwork for an incredible new skill.

Ready to travel better with your kids? Message me today for stress-free, family travel planning.