8 Myths About Travel Advisors

April 18, 2021

You can find ANYTHING on the internet these days. Unfortunately, ANYONE can put it there. Most people think they'll save themselves money and hassle if they try to DIY their own travel using the internet. When a simple search like "Where should I stay in Maui?" comes back with 7.7 million results how do you know which one will ACTUALLY look like it does in the pictures? We learned in 2020 that travel plans can go very wrong very quickly and you need a plan. You need a well-connected travel expert in your corner to guide you with accurate, inside information and cover your bases for you. So let's clear up any myths you may have heard about travel advisors and make you comfortable with using one for your next trip.

Myth #1 Travel Agent, Travel Advisor - Same thing. Travel agents are transactional. They book what you tell them. Travel advisors are knowledgeable experts who craft a travel experience tailored to you from start to finish.

Myth #2 Travel advisors are all the same. Each travel advisor has their own niche, experiences and perspective. You should look for an advisor who you mesh with personally and specializes in your destination and travel style.

Myth #3 Travel advisors are expensive. Some advisors will charge a nominal fee while others do not. Most of the time it's the price of a nice meal out. They earn commissions from the suppliers they work with, but often do not get paid for many facets of the planning process.

Myth #4 Travel advisors will try to sell you the most expensive option to make a bigger commission. The happy, repeat client is the foundation of an advisor's business. That only happens when the client is well advised and taken care of by their advisor. They will not risk that relationship for a one time slightly higher commission check.

Myth #5 If you use an advisor, you won't get to be part of the planning process. You get to be as involved or uninvolved as you like. Just like if you were using an interior designer: they could show you colors and you could say "I hate them, bring me more" or you could give them the colors. It's all up to you.

Myth #6 I can plan the same trip myself on the internet. Maybe, but you'll save yourself a minimum of 10-20 hours and a lot of headaches by using an advisor with experience and connections. There is a lot of bad, outdated information, hidden fees and outright scams on the internet.

Myth #7 I can find all the same prices and perks online myself. Again maybe, but often advisors have ways to save you money, early access to unpublished discounts and perks and most importantly, the internet doesn't give you a personal cell phone number when things go wrong.

Myth #8 No one uses travel advisors anymore. Ask anyone who has been burned by a DIY, internet planned trip and they'll tell you: Call the travel advisor and buy the trip insurance. Your money and time are valuable. An advisor gives you your time back and ensures you don't waste your money.

Have I set your mind at ease about working with a qualified advisor? Let's get started on planning your perfect getaway with ease!