Hawaii Travelers: Been dreaming of going to AMAZING luau as soon as you touch down? Here are some quick tips for you!
First off not all of the luaus are even fully operational at the moment. Most them haven’t updated their websites to reflect all of the changes. You'll want to call and confirm...then call and reconfirm - seriously, this is changing on a DAILY basis and you cannot rely on their websites or social media to keep you undated. But let's be real, do your REALLY want to make all those call (don't forget to account for time difference) and sit on hold? No, you don't. You should let your free travel advisor do that for you (hi, that's me).
Secondly, there are TONS of luaus and some of them are horrible, cringe-worthy, inaccurate representations of Hawaiian culture - put simply: stereotypes of coconut bras and fast hips that the generic tourist expects to see at a luau. But YOU are not the generic tourist. THEN there are the really authentic, gorgeous luaus that craft fully representational, accurate Hawaiian experience. THAT is the luau you are looking to see!
Thirdly, the prices vary wildly so don't look at one or two and think that a luau is out of your budget. Work with your travel advisor (hi again) and find the right luau for you.
I can find the best luau for your itinerary that is true to the Hawaiian culture and will give you an authentic and inspiring experience. If someone ever says that a luau is a “one and done” experience, then trust me, hey’ve been to the wrong luau. Don't let that be you. Contact me and I can be your luau match-maker!