Team Chat

People Chatting Icon

Just ask.
We'll help!

For work related conversations.

Chit Chat

Water Cooler
For Non Work Related Fun and Shenanigans.

Whether in a 1:1 chat or a dedicated group workspace, Google Chat makes it easy to collaborate with your team in an organized way. Share and discuss files in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides all in one place. Add Chat to your Gmail inbox and get all the features of Chat directly in Gmail.

What you need:

10 minutes

Google Workspace account—Don't have one? Start your free 14-day trial today.

Get Chat: Web (, Android, or iOS

Use multiple communication channels—all in Gmail

Animated Web version of integrated email

Whether you’re on your computer or your mobile device, the integrated Gmail experience has email, direct messages with one or more people, rooms, and video or audio meetings—all your online communication streams—in one familiar place: Gmail. It’s now easier to move from one communication stream to another without changing your context.

When to use Chat

Informal & Fast

  • Send quick text messages to one or more people.

  • Group size—Usually very small. 5 people or fewer.

  • Fast-moving, text-based conversation.

  • Longevity—Short. Conversations are quick and to the point.

  • Interactivity—Low. Typically minimal discussion.

  • Moderation—None.

  • Privacy—Only open to people you add when you start the chat.

Learn Best Practice

Use Chat in Gmail for one-on-one or informal group conversations. Learn how to use Chat in Gmail.