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re:Work is organized around ways you can make an impact in your workplace. Each subject contains tools and insights for addressing specific challenges.


    • Set goals to align efforts, communicate objectives, and measure process.


    • Make better hiring decisions through job descriptions, structured interviewing, hiring committees, and more.


    • Learn to build the skills for innovation and make it a part of your workplace.


    • Empower your employees to grow and develop by making learning part of everyone’s job.


    • Identify what makes a great manager and offer feedback and development opportunities.


    • Make informed, objective people decisions using science and data.


    • Examine team effectiveness and how to foster psychological safety.


    • Reduce the influence of unconscious bias by educating, measuring, and holding everyone accountable.

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New re:Work guides on innovation

Innovation can happen anywhere in an organization. Get tips on how to encourage more innovative behavior and grow your people's ability to solve problems in new and creative ways.

There is no single way innovation happens, even within Google. It doesn’t happen just because of playful, colorful offices — but it doesn’t happen without some intentional design and investment either. Today, we’re introducing two new re:Work guides which examine some of the tools, mindsets, and approaches that have helped different teams at Google take an idea from conception to production.

Foster an innovative workplace: Making innovation part of your organization isn’t about starting up a research & development lab or focusing your efforts on one set of people. In Google’s experience, innovation happens when you make it a valued part of the way people think, work, and interact every day. It’s about creating the right environment, hiring the right people, and then getting out of their way. While there isn’t a formula for innovation, these ideas are all crucial to fostering innovation at Google:

  • Shared vision - Make sure everyone knows where the organization is heading.

  • Autonomy - Allow employees to define their own work as much as possible.

  • Intrinsic motivation - Hire naturally curious people who like to learn.

  • Risk-taking - Enable employees to feel psychologically safe to take risks and try new ideas.

  • Connection & collaboration - Make it easy for employees to find partners and work together.

Practice innovation with design thinking: Google uses design thinking as one method to teach teams and individuals to think creatively, an important step in the process of innovation. This guide includes tools to help organizations run their own design thinking sessions, giving people a chance to practice innovative behaviors.