Campus RainWorks Challenge


The EPA is holding its 9th annual Campus Rainworks challenge which is a green infrastructure design competition for American university students who are asked to design innovative solutions to help stormwater runoff. Our group chose to enter this challenge for Grand Valley State University.

Stormwater runoff can negatively impact both ecosystems and infrastructure. When stormwater is not managed properly flooding can occur; moreover, excess nutrients can find their way into bodies of water and create low-oxygen dead zones. Green infrastructure can be implemented to manage this water using natural processes. There are various kinds of green infrastructure, however, our group chose to focus on the concept of a rain garden.

This prototype details our plan to implement a rain garden on GVSU's campus. A rain garden is designed to lie below the level of its surroundings as to absorb the rain water that runs off of surrounding buildings and/or roads. Our project is unique in the sense that we want to incorporate pollinator friendly plants in order to provide nutrition for local pollinators. The following information details how we plan to reduce stormwater runoff on GVSU's campus, while providing a space for pollinators to thrive.


Grand Valley State University Campus


  • More exposure for educational purposes because of foot traffic from students

  • Easier access for teachers to observe as a lesson

  • A large impermeable surface is located nearby; this implementation will decrease runoff in this area

  • GVSU has a grounds keeping crew who could help maintain the rain garden


  • There are a lot of restrictions and guidelines to follow when implementing something like this on campus

  • Pollinator friendly plants have pollen which may affect students with allergies

  • The grounds keeping crew would want low-maintenance plants which restricts what types of plants we can select

Sustainable Agriculture Project (SAP)


  • The SAP would allow more freedom for us to decide what species of plants to include, size, and to implement a study area.

  • Could bring more students to the SAP because of the study garden

  • Easier access for pollinators to reach specific plants because of close location to the Grand Valley hives.

  • If student clubs are reached, they can help maintain the garden


  • Low exposure, the majority of students at the SAP will be environmental so less opportunity to educate more students

  • If student clubs have a change of power/different priorities the garden could be forgotten about


Once we decided on a topic, our first task was to research green infrastructure and choose the most suitable option to implement at Grand Valley's campus. We had previous knowledge of Steve Snell's project with LGROW to plant trees on Grand Valley's campus to help alleviate stormwater runoff, and we wanted to expand on his project. We chose to make a prototype for a rain garden as well as choose specific plants that are friendly to native pollinators. The following is a list detailing the process of designing our rain garden prototype.

  • We researched native species to the area and found pollinator-friendly plants that also thrived in wet environments

  • We ran both locations through the EPA's National Stormwater Calculator to understand the benefits each site would receive from the implementation of a raingarden

  • We found a basic diagram of a rain garden to base our model off of which is included below:

  • We selected our plants based on their ability to handle wet to moist conditions and periodic flooding. We gathered other specifics as well, such as preferred sunlight exposure, plant dimensions, and attractiveness towards pollinators.

  • Lastly, we created this page to get feedback on our prototype in order to improve upon prior to submission for the Rainworks Challenge

EPA's Stormwater Calculator

The EPA’s National Stormwater Calculator (SWC) is an application that allows you to estimate the annual amount of rainwater and the frequency of runoff from a specific site. This software allows you to implement different types of green infrastructure as low impact controls.

Our group used the web based version of the SWC to calculate the predicted run off of our main site located on GV’s campus. We also used the SWC to predict the runoff at a location near the Sustainable Agriculture Project at GVSU.

EPA Stormwater Calculator results: GV Main Campus

This table shows the summary of results from the first location (GV's main campus).

The average runoff decreased in the "Current Scenario" which is where the raingarden LID Control was implemented for 1% of land. The implementation of a raingarden will also increase the percentage of wet days retained and allow for larger rainfalls with no runoff.

The Rainfall Retention Frequency graph shows the retention time rate at which rainfall will be absorbed depending on the amount of rainfall during that particular day.

This graph shows that implementing 1% to a rain garden in the SAP would slightly increase retention.

EPA Stormwater Calculator Results: SAP

This table shows the summary results from the Stormwater Calculator

Implementing a rain garden design on 1% of the land at the SAP will also decrease the average annual runoff and the days per year with runoff. The calculator also indicated that the percent of wet days retained will slightly increase.

The current scenario shows higher retention rates than the baseline scenario. The calculator shows that even implementing a 1% portion of the land will increase the retention.


This is the proposed design for the rain garden and pollinator habitat for the SAP. The plants in this image are only representing the size, location, and density of the proposed plant species.


Our group's main goal is to reduce the amount of stormwater on Grand Valley’s campus before it is discharged into the Grand River via runoff. Through the implementation of green infrastructure, specifically a rain garden, we hope to mitigate the effects of excess stormwater while simultaneously providing food for pollinators. Our prototype would provide a sanctuary for local pollinators, such as the hives at the SAP, and would help slow the declining pollinator population. We want users to be able to enjoy nature that provides environmental benefits to them, and provide an attraction for pollinators. Planting with pollinators in mind brings life to the space by drastically increasing species diversity and ensures natural sustainability for all life forms.

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