Soil Biology

Sierra B. Kayla F. Gavin S.

What is Soil Biology?

Soil Biology is the study of microbial and faunal activity and ecology in the soil. In other words, it is essentially the study of all organisms that spend a significant part of their life in the ground.

Earthworms are one of the most recognizable soil organisms, and they are also one of the most helpful. This project analyzes the importance of earthworms, what they do, and how they may be able to help the SAP.


What are they?

  • Terrestrial invertebrate

  • One of the most important groups of animals on the planet

  • Total earthworm biomass of an area is often larger than the biomass of mammals in the same area

  • They are hermaphrodites, which means they have both female and male reproductive organs

  • They breathe through their skin

  • They can live up to 8 years

  • There are 6000 species of earthworms

Why are they important?

  • Improve Nutrient Availability~ worms feed on plant debris (dead roots, leaves, grasses, manure), other dead and decaying matter, and soil

  • Improve Drainage~ extensive channeling and burrowing of the worms loosens the soil, which aerates the soil and improves drainage

  • Improve Productivity~ earthworms stimulate plant growth predominantly through releasing nitrogen, that is locked away in residue and soil organic matter

  • Keep Soil Moist~ earthworms help create rich humus soil, which holds the moisture in the soil

  • Reduce Soil Compaction~ earthworms increase soil porosity, thus reducing the effects of compaction

What's the Issue?

Earthworms are essential in building soil health, so we want to educate people on the benefits of earthworms, where they are found, and how we can encourage earthworm populations in order to rejuvenate the health of the soil at the SAP.


Earthworms are found all over the world, but little is known about their biodiversity. Here is what we do know:

  • Precipitation and temperature have the largest influence on the number, abundance, and biomass of earthworms.

  • Belowground biodiversity typically increases from high to low altitudes.

  • Climate change could affect the essential functions that earthworms provide.


Despite the abundance of Earthworms, virtually none of the worms in North America are native.

  • Prominent species in the US include Lumbricus rubellus, Aporrectodea rosea, and Aporrectodea caliginosa, all of which are native to Europe.

  • These species, though technically invasive, are very beneficial when used in agriculture and garden planting.


The SAP needs the help of Earthworms! Despite the variety of crops they have growing, their soil biology needs to be improved.

  • Their soil composition is clay, clay, clay- this is not the best environment for earthworms to thrive.

  • The composition of the soil can be changed from clay to loam, by encouraging earthworm populations so they can add organic matter and aerate the soil.


Vermicomposting in Cold Weather

Important Points:

  • Study was done at MSU

  • Provides information about vermicomposting while emphasizing intensive low acreage organic food production in bed systems

  • Goal was to see if they could increase the collection of Kitchen Preparation Residue and Food Waste

  • Compared the benefits of vermicomposting versus hot composting: Results concluded that vermicomposting was more ideal

Relation to SAP Project:

  1. Part of this project was to look at how small, medium and large scale vermicompost is suitable for different types of locations. With the limited amount of space we would have at the SAP vermicompost is a great way to incorporate composting since it can be done in a small scale environment.

  2. Improve the soil on the SAP: In the study it was uncovered that the soil produced from vermicompost is high in micronutrients and microorganisms that both contribute to the health of the soil and plants.

  3. This source is a good example of a successful project at another school in Michigan.


Biernbaum, John A. Michigan State University, 2015, pp. 1–19, Vermicomposting and Vermiculture Systems for Cold Climates.

Vermicomposting using Campus Dining Waste

Important Points:

  • Study was done at Middlebury College in Vermont

  • Started a Vermicompost pile on their campus, using bags of kitchen scraps and dining hall waste to feed the worms

  • Built relationships with other schools in the area, and they are now starting their own vermicompost bins

  • Emphasized the use of growing food from organic soil, limiting the chemical intake of people from standard food

  • Overall, their program was a huge success

Relation to SAP project:

  1. Addressed how vermicompost can be used in several different ways like to grow crops and to sell for other people's compost bins

  2. Demonstrated how vermicomposting is good for on a budget, as the worms will reproduce themselves so there will be no need to keep buying the worms

  3. Another example of a successful program at a university

  4. Also demonstrated potential educational impacts like influencing surrounding schools


Aroneanu, Philip, et al. “Middlebury College Vermicomposting.” National Wildlife Federation, 2004.

Best Worm Species for Vermicomposting

Important Points:

  • This study compared the performance of three earthworm species in vermicomposting: Perionyx excavatus, Eudrilus eugeniae, and Eisenia fetida.

  • This study was conducted in an effort to find practical and sustainable organic alternatives to chemical fertilizers, which were damaging to the health of both human consumers and the environment.

  • Results conclude that Vermicomposting, through the use of earthworms, shows evidence of being far superior in supplying nutrients than other forms of composting.

Relation to SAP project:

  1. The species used in the vermicomposting process has a large impact on the quality and effectiveness of the organic material produced.

  2. Pre-composting vegetable scraps and waste for worm feed may show better results in vermicomposted organic material.

  3. While E. eugeniae may be best suited for improving the soil for growth of SAP agricultural products, they may not be as obtainable as E. fetida. The rapid growth of P. excavatus would allow for more worms to be sold or distributed. The best option for the SAP may be to maintain separate populations of E. fetida and P. excavatus.


Rajendran, Modsarajah, et al. (2014). "Performance of different species of earthworms on vermicomposting." International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Science. 2.

Earthworms and Nitrogen

Important Points:

  • This source analyzes how earthworms contribute nitrogen to the soil.

  • They also determined that Denitrifying bacteria that are involved in the emission of nitrous oxide from the earthworms have been isolated from the gut of earthworms.

  • The study concluded that earthworms contribute nitrogen to the soil when incubated in it.

Relation to SAP

  1. Nitrogen is a large component of soil fertility; without nitrogen, plants have a difficult time growing and producing fruit.

  2. Drawing earthworms to the soil at the SAP, will also increase the nitrogen content of the soil, this will in turn benefit the crops planted there.


Ozawa, T, et al. (2005), Increase in the Nitrogen Content of Soil by the Introduction of Earthworms into Soil. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition, 51: 917-920



Our plan includes 3 main goals:

  1. Increase Earthworm populations at the SAP

  2. Help change the soil composition by adding different types of organic matter

  3. Educate more people on what Earthworms are and what they do

Implementation Plan

This implementation plan will not be an instant transformation. Building healthy soil is not an easy process, but it is very necessary. Here we have broken down our plan into 4 parts.

Part 1: Conduct soil composition and organic matter tests throughout the SAP and evaluate areas that need the most help

Part 2: Start adding organic matter to those trouble spots

Part 3: Start a vermicomposting program

Part 4: Evaluate success

Part 1

  • This can be done by conducting soil jar tests in different spots throughout the SAP

~specifically the green houses and agriculture fields

~have ENS 392 students conduct these tests so they are able to get hands on experience

  • This test gives a better idea of what the compostion of the soil is

  • The test for organic matter should be the Loss-by-Ignition Method

~this determines the amount of organic matter in a soil sample by comparing the difference in weight after ignition

  • Be sure to record the data collected so it can be used as a comparison in the future.

  • Once data is collected, pick a specific number of areas to focus on.

Part 2

  • There are several ways to add organic matter to clay soil, some examples include:

~Bark, sawdust, leaves, compost, and peat moss

  • The SAP already uses compost, but we suggest gathering the fallen leaves around campus and adding that to the soil

~these leaves are already gathered by GVSU and composted. Yumi Jakobcic believes there would be no problem in obtaining some for the SAP.

  • Important Note: Organic matter must be mixed into the soil in order to alter the composition.

~do this by lightly tilling the top 6 inches of the soil, because this is where most plant roots reside

Part 3

  • Vermicomposting is a relatively easy process if done correctly. If successful, the worms can provide substantial organic matter and draw other worms to the environment

  • They can also provide economic benefits by selling the worms as bait or compost worms

  • The goal is to use the worm farm to create more organic matter that can be added to the SAP soil, and as an added benefit, they would be on site

  • This also could be a huge educational opportunity, because students can get hands on experience with the earth's ecosystem engineers.

Part 4

  • This step is crucial to understanding whether our project had the impact we intended.

  • If it was successful this project could be implemented to other parts of the SAP and possibly used as an example for other universities.

  • This evaluation will include the evaluation of several components including:

~the change in soil health

~the change in crop yield

~the change in educational engagement (this can include if there was a change in student visitation/volunteering at the SAP)

Where the compost should be implemented first:

According to Yumi Jakobcic who is currently in charge of managing the SAP, the area that needs the most help at the SAP is the Northern most fields (in red). This is because they are the most recently acquired portion of the SAP (2015).

This is a pretty large area to implement this project on so if GVSU wanted to start on a smaller scale, the herb garden and the greenhouses (in green) could use the help, as well.

Timeline and Budget

Vermicompost Budget

*NOTE~ this price is based on Googled prices- it is stated that large scale worm farms can expect a start up cost of up to $1,000. However, being a part of an institution provides benefits and limits costs.

*It is also important to know that depending on the size of the compost bin created, it affects the price.

Educational Component

The main part of this project is the Worm Farm (or Vermicompost). The SAP currently has nothing like this. They have numerous opportunities for hands-on experience with bees and agriculture, so it makes sense to eventually include hands-on experience with an organism as amazing as the Earthworm.

The idea for the educational component of this project is either various signs or QR codes containing information about earthworms, what they do and the benefits they provide. In order to keep it interesting, Ernie the Earthworm will be the featured narrator for each sign or website, similar to what he is doing on our website now.

QR codes are an easy way to give people access to information right on their phones, and it is cheaper than creating a weather resistant sign.

Lastly, ENS 392 already does a lot of work on the SAP, and soil biology is an important component of that class. If GVSU had a Worm Farm at the SAP it would allow these students to get hands on experience with the most recognizable organism in the soil.

Staff Suggestions

Yumi Jakobcic~ Director, Office of Sustainability Practices

We were fortunate enough to get in touch with Yumi Jakobcic, and she was so helpful in answering our questions. These are the topics she was able to shed some light on for us:

  • She gave us the information for the place at the SAP that needs the most help.

  • She loved the idea of using leaves around campus as organic material to add to the SAP, and she believes it will be easy to obtain them as well.

  • She also shared some valuable information about a possible partnership with Wormies. She said that they have just begun exploring the idea of partnerships at the SAP. They also just finished the first process for bringing on a community partner (a long process which involves the SAP Advisory Council, GVSU facilities teams, legal team, etc). They believe that they learned enough about that process- they may be ready to circle back to a conversation with Wormies.

  • She believes this partnership can be very much possible and would love to know if this would be of interest to students as well.

Yumi is a key player in the possible implementation of this project and it was very interesting to learn about the possibility of this project becoming a reality.

More Information on Vermicomposting

Important Components of Vermicomposting

  • People to manage and monitor the process

  • Worms

  • Feed

  • Container/Habitat: keeps the worms in one place, and allows a routine for feeding

  • Moisture regulation

  • Ventilation

  • Method for deciding when and how to harvest

Possible Location of Worm Farm

In the above picture this is where the vermicompost habitat should be located. This location was chosen because it is under some large trees that can provide shade for the habitat during the summer, and the leaves that will fall from the tree also provide food for the worms. This space is also not currently being used for any agricultural or pollinator purposes.

In addition, because this location is near the road, students will not have to go far to see the worm farm. From our experience many students are not aware of the extent of the SAP, so locating this new addition right where students arrive can help peak their interest.

Alternative Locations include:

  • Inside the greenhouses

  • Behind the house

  • In between the agriculture fields in the back of the SAP

Type of Vermicompost Habitat

Vermicomposting can be done many different ways. You can use bags, bins, troughs, plastic crates, etc. However, many of the smaller scale habitats are better suited for individual small projects. We want to create something that can eventually benefit the entire SAP, therefore we need to create a larger vermicompost habitat.

Potential Habitat:

  • Wooden beds that are 5 ft by 3 ft and roughly 3 ft tall.

    • The wood should be recycled wood- there are some universities that have used the wood from old dorm beds

  • The bottom of the box should be actual ground, this will help with necessary drainage

  • There will be 2 foot wooden posts extending out of the box on each corner and in the middle, then those should be connected by a 3 foot board. This is necessary so shade clothes can be draped in the summer, and frost clothes can be draped in the Spring/Fall

  • The bed will have a plastic liner in order to minimize leaching and worm migration

*The above pictures are what MSU constructed for their organic farm. Through our research, this is the design that would most benefit the SAP, with some slight modifications addressed above.

Feeding the Worms

Components of Worm Bedding include: shredded brown cardboard, shredded paper, shredded newspaper, aged compost, aged horse or cow manure, and straw and hay.

When feeding worms always add equal portions green and brown.

  • Greens: vegetables, fruit, bread, pasta, coffee grounds and filters, teabags, dead plant matter

  • Browns: paper, junk mail, cardboard, dry leaves

Greens are high in nitrogen and protein, and Browns are high in carbon or carbohydrates

To determine what is green or brown, wait a few days, and if it smells its green

When to feed the worms:

Be careful not to overfeed worms. If too much food is added the worms will not be able to finish it before it rots and it will smell.

The easiest way to determine when to feed the worms is by checking to see if they have finished their food.

Outdoor composting worms will most likely need to be fed every 2 to 3 weeks, but they can go longer than that because they will eat their bedding as well.

Harvesting the Worms and Compost

Harvesting Compost

The Side-Side Method is the best method for our type of habitat

  1. Wait until all the bedding and feed has been processed into vermicompost.

  2. Pull it all to one side, leaving one side open.

  3. Fill the open side with fresh worm bedding and begin feeding the worms only on that side.

  4. Wait a minimum of 2 weeks for the worms to migrate, then harvest the finished worm compost from the other side.

Harvesting Worms

The easiest way to harvest worms on the scale of our project is by hand. However, we do not want to have to dig around the bed in order to find them because it can stress the worms out. Instead adding more bedding to the top will draw the worms to the top and make it easier to gather them.

Important: Wait at least 4-5 months before harvesting the worms, but no more than 6. Worms can double in population every 60 days, so when 5 months rolls around there will be plenty of worms to harvest.

Be careful to not harvest too many of your worms. A safe bet is harvesting the original amount you started with, then going up from there if necessary.

Possible Worm Species to Use

E. eugeniae (aka African Nightcrawler)

~ Pro: Most efficient species at composting, quicky reproduces

~Con: Not native to Midwest, not tolerant to cold weather

E. fetida (aka Red Wigglers)

~Pro: Most commonly used and the most easy to obtain, also cheaper, more resilient in harsh climates

~Con: If mishandled, can produce a very foul smell, not as efficient as E. eugeniae

Possible Partnership Opportunity

  • Wormies in Jenison, Michigan is a minority-owned vermicomposting business.

  • They currently serve the city of Grand Rapids, however, the land they were currently operating on was recently sold.

  • Their mission is rooted on the principles of sustainable and organic agriculture. They have experienced how essential it is for human health and the health of our planet to create microbial and nutrient rich soils to bring life back to balance.

  • There has been talk of partnering with the SAP and bringing their practices to GVSU.

~If this partnership became a reality, GVSU would save a substantial amount of time and money, while still reaping the same benefits. This would also help GVSU learn more about vermicomposting and decide if they ever want to start their own program.

Here is the link to their website for more information:

Triple Bottom Line Analysis



  • New way to educate students about an essential organism that exists right under our feet

  • Great way to give hands on experience to students like the Bee Club and ENS 311

  • Great way for students to connect with others who share similar interests

  • Great way for other community members to get involved

  • Other farms could start networking together


  • Social distancing precautions will have to be implemented due to COVID-19 at this time

  • Increased worm populations have a significant effect on geology students and carbon dating

  • Getting students and community members involved might be difficult due to the lack of knowledge and awareness of vermicomposting

  • Getting students on board with just throwing away certain food scraps in a bin will be a team effort



  • Affordable

  • Profitable

  • Would save money on buying soil and fertilizer

  • Worms wouldn't need to be fed like other animal agriculture techniques for soil improvement

  • Worm compost can sell for $0.25 to $1 per pound ($250 to $1000 per cubic yard) compared to $15 to $45 per cubic yard for municipal or manure based compost (10 to 20x).


  • Getting the funds to start the project

  • Not as profitable in the beginning stages

  • Getting funds and support to transfer the food scraps to the SAP

  • Getting people to buy the leftover soil and earthworms that the SAP does not use



  • Reduce waste

  • Better Air Circulation

  • Fully Organic Soil

  • Eco Friendly

  • Improvement of Soil Quality

  • Enhances the Structure of Soil

  • May Reduce Plant Disease

  • Helps Regulate Soil Ph

  • Improve Soil Aeration

  • Increased discussion of the changing nature of agricultural practices and how vermicomposting systems can help with sustainable food production.


  • May attract Fruit Flies

  • Needs Space

  • Physical Work Required

  • May Attract Rats, Snakes, and Bugs

  • Needs Monitoring

  • Worms and Bedding Need to be Added

  • Leachate can possibly spread plant pathogens

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