Digital Storytelling

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By: elsa f.


Hornless Transcript

One day a long time ago, there was a beautiful village, named Jinx Villa. There was a beautiful mare unicorn, with a long beautiful mane, colorful tail, and best of all, her amazing horn! It seemed to sparkle in the sun light! The glitter all over her coat and the shimmer in her eyes was known all over Jinx, as the locals called it. Aptila was her name. It meant beautiful in Vittilan, the language spoken by unicorns before now.

Aptila married Omata. Omata was the most handsome unicorn in the village! All the mares wanted to be with him, but Omata only had eyes for Aptila! He had the best kept mane out of all the guys in his village, it was also a bright blue. Bright blue ment he was loyal, kind, understanding, and outgoing , all the qualities a good husband would have! His horn was just as beautiful as Aptila’s was. He also glimmered, like Aptila .

Together the couple were unstoppable! They loved each other very much. Although, they were the best looking couple in town, they were also the most modest. Many people got jealous though, people told them mean things. The couple did not have pity on themselves, nor others, they wanted them to be the best they could be! They had a soft spot for kids though, they tried to be strict but, it never worked!

The couple had a gorgeous child! They named him, Maciro! Marciro was nothing like his parents. He was stuberen, grouchy,selfish, and rude, all the worst qualities a unicorn could have, he had a dark blue mane! You would never have guessed his parents were Aptila and Omata. He said he didn’t even believe in other magical beings!

One day when Maciro,when Maciro was older, he was on his daily walk through the woods. He knew the legend of Songoria,He wasn’t scared though, he was “Maciro the Brave” as he called himself. He walked a little to far, he was distracted by his original song.

“Anything you can do, I can do better. You think you’re cute, well I know I’m adorable. Yeah, yeah, hello washout! “ Maciro sang with glee.

Little did he know, inside her cottage, Songonria planned her attack. She schemed up the perfect plan. She brewed up her potion. She readyed her wand. She headed to the kitchen.

Maciro saw a cottage.

“I wonder what sad person would live here, they’re a loser ,” laughed Maciro. That was the one thing thing that made Songornia forget her second thoughts, or even doing a nicer spell.

“Little unicorn, maw ha ha, he in big trouble,” gigled Songornia. She slowly pushed open the door. Maciro jumped at the sight of her.HE started to scream.

He screamed at the top of his lungs, “Ahhh, Songonria, she’s got me.” They were to deep in the forest for anyone to hear.

“Oh, no, no, no, Me Ms. ,” there was a long pause before Songornia finished, “Me Ms.Sigrina, I a widow, my husband die from goul, sad,” her story was crystal clear, and believable

“ Me from Mexico, my English no good,” this part was true. She was so good at foolery (the art of fooling others) even the smartest people would fall into her trap.

“Oh, me made fresh baked cookies, want some” asked Songornia? Little did he know what were in the cookies, nasty, old ,expired ,stinky ,shriveled up, rains. But, not only the nasty raisins, and an evil potion! One that will take all of his magic away!

“Yeah, why are they not out here, go, “ ordered Maciro. He watched as the old lady struggled to walk. It was an act Songornia would do, an old, ineligible, struggling, lady. Marciro grew impatient, Songoria knew.

“Oh, come in, please, sit on my sofa, relax minute,” Songoria invited

“A minute, a, and it took you long enough,” Maciro corrected. “I need 4 cookies, now”. Songornia staggered to get down a saucer a put 3 cookies on it. She took it to Marciro,who kicked it.

“I said 4, not 3, but 4. And where is my milk? Service and hospitality is horrible, 0 out of 10 stars”. The elder, or fake elder, went to her kitchen, opened the fridge, got out the milk, threw a cookie at Maciro’s head, and walked perfectly fine over to the young unicorn and poured the milk all over him!

“Ahh , you ugly, old hag, how could you do such a thing, and to me Maciro, I have done nothing wrong, nothing,” Maciro screamed so loud the floor shook. Before Songornia could answer Maciro was asleep. Songornia took a jar and found the unicorns horn, she taped it 4 times, the jar filled with a jelly like substance, that was sparkly! Finally, Songoria withdrew her wand.

“Wilzuka, bamm, take away his unicorn horn,” yelled Songornia. The spell transformed unicorn into the first horse, ever!

A few seconds later, Maciro woke up.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, what am I,” screamed Maciro. Songoria quickly looked around. She saw a hose,out of her kitchen window,a roast,she’d laid out form diner and an image of the sea. She mixed all the things together then finally answered,“ A horse, you horse.” Then Maciro ran out the front door and into the woods. He was never heard from, seen, or remembered ever again!

Until one day a mare unicorn made the same mistake, and she was also never heard, seen, or remembered again. Unicorn like creatures that looked like Maciro, and the mare started showing up places! Are guess is the two mated, had children, and then generations continued! As for Songornia, she was killed 3 years later in the salem witch trial! And are guess is that unicorns hide in the woods and never come out because of witches like Songornia!


Homeless Digital Storytelling Reflection

I used the website Adobe Spark to do my digital storytelling. I also used Google Docs to write my script. The reason I chose to write Hornless was because, I have always loved unicorns and enjoy writing stories that explain why things are the way they are. I also have always loved fiction.

It was also fun to write about a character that sort of was mean. And writing about magic is also great fun. I enjoyed writing about my own village. I loved the parents. I felt like this had enough humor to be funny, and it had my heart racing.I thought it was a great story all kids can enjoy!