AVID TOPS (1).mp4

What is AVID/TOPS? 

Our AVID program will provide you with a positive peer group and a dedicated teacher to support you on your academic journey throughout your time at La Follette. As an AVID scholar, you will reach your academic goals by gaining organization, reading, writing, collaboration, and questioning skills. We will push you to challenge yourself and enroll in rigorous courses, but we will provide support within AVID class to help you succeed in AP and Honors Work. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, AVID students work in tutorials to clarify confusion from their content classes using tutors trained by our TOPS Coordinators, who are staffed by the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County. 

Why join now? 

In AVID, we support you to reach your college and career goals and you will join an AVID family who will cheer you on. At all grade levels, we provide free trips to tour college campus and host guest speakers and experiential learning opportunities. Here is a look at how we use each grade level to ensure you are prepared for life after high school. 

AVID 12  on a field trip to the UW-Milwaukee campus.


In AVID 9, we start by building a strong AVID community. We get to know one another through community building and academic activities. We start creating academic and organizational habits that will help you succeed in high school and college. 


In AVID 10, we explore college and career paths and spend time making sure you are setting yourself up for success for those paths. We also continue to build our AVID community so that you can support one another as you challenge yourself in high school and take steps towards your future. 


In AVID 11, we talk in depth about the importance of junior year and ensure that you are succeeding in rigorous classes. We spend time preparing for the ACT during our AVID class and then prepping for college applications so that you are prepared for your senior year. 


In AVID 12, we get you ready for college! We support you on the entire college application process. In class, there is supported work time for college applications, scholarship applications, and coming up with a financial plan. Then of course we celebrate :)  

How to add AVID to your schedule? 

Unfortunately, it is not as easy as just putting it down on your course card. We have a limited number of spots, but the application process is open for incoming 9th graders and we do anticipate openings in AVID 10 and AVID 11 for next year. You do need to meet one or more criteria (first generation, low income, historically underrepresented on college campuses, or special circumstances) to be considered for an opening and then apply and be accepted to the AVID program

If you are a current 9th grader, 10th grader, or 11th grader, we encourage you to apply in the spring. The application is short and includes a brief paragraph explaining your interest in AVID. Please let us know if you are interested by filling out this interest form now so we can connect with you when we have a better understanding of openings. Feel free to chat with one of the AVID Coordinators (Ms. Hank Braga or Ms. Poquette) or talk to an AVID teacher (Ms. Goetz, Mr. Poquette, Ms. Silcock, Ms. Poquette, Mr. Meyer, Ms. Jarecki, Ms. Swanson, Ms. Schluter, or Ms. Schultz) about any of your questions or about whether AVID is the right fit for you.

If you are a current 8th grader, talk to your Middle School AVID Coordinator about your interest to apply. Applications are due by January 26th.

Join our AVID Family!