Grading System
The primary purpose of grading is the communication of academic progress. Every effort will be made to grade in a manner that will assist the student and his/her parents in understanding the progress in a course. The achievement grades will be recorded as a numerical average on all records and report cards. The grading system as required by House Bill 72 is as follows:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
F Below 70
Grade Level Advancement
To be promoted from one grade level to the next, a student must have:
earned a final grade of 70 or above in both language arts and mathematics;
an overall average of 70 or above as determined by averaging final grades for language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science;
not failed either social studies or science for two consecutive years; and
met the state attendance requirements for the school year
Additionally, eighth-graders must pass the Reading and Mathematics STAAR Assessment.
Students who fail to meet the advancement requirements above must successfully complete the LTISD Summer School Program. Information regarding Summer School can be found in the Counseling Office.