Week in Review at Stowe High School

By: Gretchen Muller, Principal

“Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Invite one to stay.” -Maya Angelou

March 31, 2020

We are now officially in our second full week of distant teaching and learning. The shift has been challenging for all of us. However, I am impressed by the level of creativity, support, strength, and compassion that I’m seeing from all of the faculty and staff as well as from families and the community. As hard as it is to move beyond the feelings of disappointment, uneasiness, and anxiety, I know we can do it.

During this remote/online schooling time, I am sending out weekly video messages to students to stay connected with them. I am also meeting weekly with departments to check in how everyone is doing, what supports they need, as well as listening to what is going well and what are some challenges that they are experiencing as well as challenges for students. We also meet weekly as an entire faculty to further plan and discuss how to best approach our temporary new norm. Students have been fantastic with providing authentic and thoughtful feedback along with offering great suggestions. Teachers are listening, reflecting, and shifting their approach. As we all know and are experiencing, this work takes time and a lot of patience and willingness to move beyond our comfort zones.

As we receive more guidelines from the Agency of Education and identify what is working best for our teachers and students, we will continue to communicate out to families. As expected there continues to be many unknowns. Thank you for your patience, supporting your students at home, and being flexible. Please stay safe, healthy, and positive.

Lastly, feel free to use the following resources put together by our fantastic school counseling office.


Additional Resources:

If you need any technology support please send an email to lsuutech@lsuu.org. Here is additional technology information for you to read.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Vermont Department of Health

Information regarding meals for students.

News and Announcements:

Upcoming Events: All school events that were scheduled have been cancelled at this time. We will continue to update everyone on any changes.

Spring athletics remain postponed and the status will be updated soon.

For current information and guidance, please rely on the Vermont Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control resources:

We will continue to provide information and updates as new information becomes available. Please feel free to contact your school’s principal, health office or Jordan Myerson at 802-585-4087 or jordan.myerson@lsuu.org.