Week in Review at Stowe High School

By: Gretchen Muller, Principal

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.” -Helen Keller

April 7, 2020

Yesterday we started our third week of continuing educational opportunities through remote teaching and learning. Teachers have been meeting with students daily through advisory and class periods, sending plans through Schoology, reviewing student work, providing feedback, and working to develop new ways for students to engage with their learning from home.

We are so appreciative of the thoughtful feedback that many of you shared through the family survey that was sent out last week. Thank you for all of your hard work and support guiding your student with learning from home. We understand that this is an unprecedented time that has brought about so many questions, new stressors, and challenges for all of us. Please continue to provide feedback, engage with your student about what is going well for them and what they need help with and please don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers and our school counselors with any questions or concerns. You are an important part of this new and unique approach to continuing the educational experiences for students.

Next week, we will be using our time for a spring break as previously scheduled before the school closure. We recognize that this is an uncomfortable decision for some. However, this is a time when students can take a step back from screens and engage in other activities inside and outside. We are developing a list of suggestions for students that we will share later this week to help them creatively approach their break. As a reminder, meal distribution will still occur next week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Stowe Elementary School. Also, as we start considering our plan over the break, please remember that all LSUU facilities and grounds are closed due to Governor Scott’s order. This includes athletic fields, tracks, basketball and tennis courts, nature trails, playgrounds, and any other outdoor areas on school grounds.

Lastly, we want you to be aware that we are required to continue to take attendance during this time of remote teaching and learning. We are logging student engagement on a daily basis during advisory and class time. Provided students engage in remote learning on a daily basis, all days will count and we will end the school year in June as planned. Therefore, it is super important that students connect with their teachers every day. This connection can and will look different depending on a student’s class schedule, however, advisory is a daily, required check-in time for all students. These attendance data will become part of students’ school records. If your student is sick or unable to engage in learning on a specific day, we completely understand, but please just let us know by reaching out to your student’s advisor or email Tarah Hubbard at tarah.hubbard@lsuu.org

Feel free to use the following resources put together by our fantastic school counseling office.


Additional Resources:

If you need any technology support please send an email to lsuutech@lsuu.org. Here is additional technology information for you to read.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Vermont Department of Health

Information regarding meals for students.

Student Celebration:

  • Congratulations to Nora Slaughter! She had her fiction piece, "Breathe," posted at the top of the Daily Reads section of the Young Writers Project site yesterday. She wrote the piece as a Contemporary Lit. assignment. https://youngwritersproject.org/

News and Announcements:

Wednesday, April 8- 11:30am-12:30pm- Youth Mental Health Workshop (Lamoille County Mental Health) https://www.healthylamoillevalley.org/online-workshop/

Thursday, April 9- 8:00pm-9:00pm Youth Mental Health Workshop (Lamoille County Mental Health) https://www.healthylamoillevalley.org/online-workshop/

Upcoming Events: All school events that were scheduled have been cancelled at this time. We will continue to update everyone on any changes.

Spring athletics remain postponed and the status will be updated soon.

For current information and guidance, please rely on the Vermont Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control resources:

We will continue to provide information and updates as new information becomes available. Please feel free to contact your school’s principal, health office or Jordan Myerson at 802-585-4087 or jordan.myerson@lsuu.org.