Week in Review at Stowe High School

By: Gretchen Muller, Principal

“Adopt the pace of Nature. Her secret is patience.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

March 17, 2020

This week’s message certainly comes with a sense of uncertainty, seriousness, and many questions and wonderings regarding the rapidly evolving COVID-19-Coronavirus situation. As you know Governor Phil Scott ordered that all Vermont schools prepare for closures starting tomorrow Wednesday, March 18th. As we come to accept this news and work to prepare for a 2-week school closure, we want all of our families and students to know that we are working around the clock to ensure we maintain a sense of community and connections while also providing learning expectations that are clear, accessible, and doable for all students.

Teachers are working diligently to prepare various learning opportunities for students that focus on key learning targets to keep students on track with their progress in all of their classes. Our main mode of communication for all classes will continue to be Schoology. Our goal is that we are ready to go with remote teaching and learning starting Monday, March 23rd. We will also be sending out a schedule that students should follow each day. During this week, it is imperative that students continue to check in with teachers and Schoology as assignments were due this week and additional learning did take place yesterday and today. If you need any technology support please send an email to lsuutech@lsuu.org. Here is additional technology information for you to read.

If you have any questions please contact the school and for health related questions please contact Jordan Myerson. We also encourage everyone to read all the News and Announcements that are sent out and linked to our website. Here is information regarding meals for students.

Thank you for your patience with this serious situation that is pushing all of us to manage uncharted waters. Stay safe, stay positive, stay healthy!

Additional Resources:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Vermont Department of Health

News and Announcements:

School Counseling News: Check our their updated winter newsletter by clicking here!

Upcoming Events: All school events that were scheduled between March 16 and April 3 have either been postponed or cancelled. We will continue to update everyone on additional cancellations.

Spring Sports has been postponed until April 6th.

For current information and guidance, please rely on the Vermont Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control resources:

We will continue to provide information and updates as new information becomes available. Please feel free to contact your school’s principal, health office or Jordan Myerson at 802-585-4087 or jordan.myerson@lsuu.org.